Honestly, I should probably do that too, but ap language and composition homework is HORRIBLY boring. It's not difficult, it's just tedious. Very very tedious and time consuming, and I don't learn anything.
Welp, I have nothing to lose!... Except time that could've been used to sleep or do homework, but I end up going on here instead of being productive and smart.
How to be successful in school:
Don't act like me.
I never planned on getting both or/as so I probably will just buy one version and FE:A. The question is when my parents will be able to bring me out.
I have a dentist appointment on Friday.
Now that's strategy!)
I can't wait to play army of shadows with my cousin again. At the time I still had fea, me and my cousin were training up Cynthia and Walhart, so they were both the general (? I think that's the class with pavise) class, and whenever they landed a crit they would do a dolphin dive into the opponent, and it was HILARIOUS since first off it's WALHART diving gracefully, and he was in Kellam's giant armor.
*intense flashbacks of risen with the extremely high crit rates, lethality, and counter/pavise/aegis*
Well... At least it's not lunatic+.
I saw my cousin play it and it was brutal. How do you even fight lethality and vantage+?!
Wait. Earlier I made a reference to Kel.. Um...? Who was I talking about again? Probably some new DLC character they plan on releasing. That's weird.
Ah, well I have already played few and I really liked it. I lost it before I beat the last stage. (Ironically I
Spent all my time grinding up my units and passing down the skills I needed and never actually got to fight Grima. I originally got invested by playing on my cousins dsi. He still has that very first file if I remember correctly.
As for Oras, I actually did get the demo via demo code but I only played it twice.
I got to the clothes
Then I cried
Because I have drawn and colored those robes so many times
My poor black colored pencils
Idk, coloring large areas the same flat color isn't fun, especially since I'm not capable of high level folds, so it's all flat coloring. It should be done.
Too preoccupied with a swaggy ink art MLG PRO Robin picture at the moment.
Stars in it, of course.
Whew. Now that was a doozy of a reply. I ought to be resting now, so I'll be back in the morning. Until then, change fate and spread Robinism while I'm gone.
nowing me I'll still be on here for 30 or so more minutes
I wonder what will happen once I check back. Please no more sanicapocalypse.