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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
So... I just picked up :4myfriends:.

Where have you been all my life.

I have no idea how come he just feels so flowing! I seem to already space my moves very well and while his priority and power helps, I just somehow seem to know the guy enough to amend his weaknesses via sparing his laggy moves to more situational times and mostly concentrate on racking damage via spacing and aerials- his mean range feels really good to harass my opponents. Makes him soo satisfying to play as.

I've net a lot wins with this dude so far for some reason in FG as well now and the funnest part is I find better ways to kill my opponents than what most Ikes I've seen in that mode. (Eruption near upper blast zones is mean. Also Aether.)


Apr 9, 2014
So... I just picked up :4myfriends:.

Where have you been all my life.

I have no idea how come he just feels so flowing! I seem to already space my moves very well and while his priority and power helps, I just somehow seem to know the guy enough to amend his weaknesses via sparing his laggy moves to more situational times and mostly concentrate on racking damage via spacing and aerials- his mean range feels really good to harass my opponents. Makes him soo satisfying to play as.

I've net a lot wins with this dude so far for some reason in FG as well now and the funnest part is I find better ways to kill my opponents than what most Ikes I've seen in that mode. (Eruption near upper blast zones is mean. Also Aether.)
He's surprisingly good in FG.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
By the way, for anyone who mains Robin, who are your secondaries and why?
As a kinda dirty semi-casual I dabble into a LOT of characters but in for glory, I focus on only a few aside from Robin:
:4samus:: Samus has a couple of decent matchups where (my) Robin falls flat (mainly Little Mac). I also like to play her a lot more this time around.
:4myfriends:: Basicly a leftover from Brawl, I still play a decent enough Ike if I want to.

:4charizard:: I love me some 'zard. Frankly, I like to play as Charizard so much that I don't know why I don't do it more often.
:4link:: I looove the changes to Link this time around.
:4megaman:: My Mega Man isn't particularly good, but I really like Mega Man, so I force myself to train with him from time to time. Starting to get better.
:4ganondorf:: When I want to punch something in the face really hard, I'll use my Ganondorf to have some fun in For Glory. But only veeery rarely. I considered not putting him on the list at all, but eh. I still use him from time to time.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
He's surprisingly good in FG.
Seems so. But even in For Fun I seem to wreck as him, unless he's just mean in FFAs. I'm quite intrigued if I to pick him as my main. I guess because I already know Ragnell's range and Ike's moves enough to feel like a threat (the others I find that is Robin and to some extent Pac-Man).


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I guess I'll talk about my character choices.

:4ness: : Strategic Brawler fits Ness really well. His short range and powerful attacks are balanced to reward careful rushdown gameplay.. with a tad of zoning.

:4robinm: : Zoning and more strategy (see a trend here?), like any good tactician, my Robin excels at attacking what my opponent cannot defend, and defending what my opponent cannot attack (Thank you, Sun Zu).

:4dedede: : My main from Brawl, feels different.. I'm still trying to get used to the new Dedede + Mechanics.

:4marth: : Trying Marth out for his aggressive zoning. Tentative Main

:4luigi: : Another Brawl main, I love the air combat with this guy. Tentative Main.

:4megaman: : Super Zoning Robot... MEGA MAN!!! I have so much fun with the mid range combat.

:4rob: : Surprise, surprise... a aggressive zoner again. Still testing out R.O.B.

:4pit: and :4tlink: are still being testing for my maining potential. I suppose that you could describe me as a zoner based on my character choices.
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Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2014
Aside from Robin, I'm rolling...

Jigglypuff: I've always really liked Jigglypuff. It's just such a silly and anachronistic character and I feel like that effect only enhances the more and more Smash lumbers into the future. Helps that they're a very satisfying character to play in general. Rest remains the most satisfying move to land in the series, and I'm glad that it's much closer to its' Melee glory now than it ever was in Brawl. Of course, the most important thing is that they've got a Nurse Joy hat; the accessory I never knew I wanted.

Ness: I'll admit that the first and primary reason I picked up Ness is that I was looking for a solid Little Mac counter-pick that I could wrap my brain around relatively quickly, but I was surprised at how fun he is to use. He's got great options, incredibly satisfying normals, strong aerial options, and a robust grab-game (and speaking as someone who's not really used to making grabs a major part of their game plan, it's actually quite fun). I am absolutely awful at his recovery, though. I have nothing but respect for the people who get so much mileage out of it. I'm not sure where my future is with the guy, but he's just fun to use.

Palutena: I don't really use her as much as I would like to lately, but I still enjoy her, if only just to rep Palutena in general. I started Smash 4 really determined to make her a major part of my game, but a lot of time and soul-searching ended with a bit of reassessment on where I wanted her on my rotation. I enjoy playing as her for the most part, but I also can't find much success with her. Doesn't much help that her default set-up isn't much to my taste at all. I still feel really obligated to put the time into her that she deserves at some point in the future, but as it stands, it's not really that rewarding to use her on my part.

Lucina: My OG desperation pick against Little Mac, and because Lucina is cool. Not much else to say.

I can't rightly call most of these my 'secondaries', though. My time and success varies between them, but they are the characters I just enjoy using the most. I'm still pretty interested in playing around more with Shulk and ZSS, but that's more distant a priority as far as these things go.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
So... I just picked up :4myfriends:.

Where have you been all my life.

I have no idea how come he just feels so flowing! I seem to already space my moves very well and while his priority and power helps, I just somehow seem to know the guy enough to amend his weaknesses via sparing his laggy moves to more situational times and mostly concentrate on racking damage via spacing and aerials- his mean range feels really good to harass my opponents. Makes him soo satisfying to play as.

I've net a lot wins with this dude so far for some reason in FG as well now and the funnest part is I find better ways to kill my opponents than what most Ikes I've seen in that mode. (Eruption near upper blast zones is mean. Also Aether.)
Now fight for your dear tactician friends.



There's a red door and I want it painted pink
Aug 30, 2014
Behind you
So... I just picked up :4myfriends:.

Where have you been all my life.

I have no idea how come he just feels so flowing! I seem to already space my moves very well and while his priority and power helps, I just somehow seem to know the guy enough to amend his weaknesses via sparing his laggy moves to more situational times and mostly concentrate on racking damage via spacing and aerials- his mean range feels really good to harass my opponents. Makes him soo satisfying to play as.

I've net a lot wins with this dude so far for some reason in FG as well now and the funnest part is I find better ways to kill my opponents than what most Ikes I've seen in that mode. (Eruption near upper blast zones is mean. Also Aether.)
Being pretty much my favorite character in the entire series (tied with Hector) I was super hyped when Ike returned. He's slow, but his slowness is pretty manageable. I've been doing alright with him.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
I'm in this weird niche where I don't consider Robin to be myself but still consider Morgan to be my 'daughter'.
I hope Robin isn't stingy.
I kind of get what you mean. While I named Robin 1 after myself, I don't really see her as me. Morgan makes me feel motherly though, even the female one on my male run.
We are both losers then. I have no patience or willpower to play a game in anything other than Normal or even Easy/Casual/Whatever at times.

The Souls and Monster Hunter series are enough for me, as far as hard games are concerned.
Same here.:laugh: I get too attached to everyone to do Classic and risk killing even a unit I never use, and Normal took me long enough to figure out (mainly for the Paralogues).
the amount of hate when Ridley was finally disconfirmed was disgusting, I seriously can't believe such a relatively reasonable character to want to be added receives so much fuss in a world where people want to see all of Mario's pointless party/sports buddies.
I'll try my best to main Robin once I can get my hands around the WiiU version, I usually stick enough with someone I want to main to use him somewhat decently in the end, if I could do it with Sonic in Brawl and Aigis in P4A, I'm sure I can do it with my favorite tactician here. I kinda wish there was a stage based on Grima's back rather than either of the new stages we got in 3DS or WiiU, but ah well, it was an unlikely event
I'm not saying that it wasn't disgusting (I agree), but I feel like some of it was backlash towards the vocal minority of fans who attacked every other character for not being Ridley. Most of his fans I've talked to are cool people, but one or two I've seen try to do things like diminish the feelings of people who had mains cut because they aren't as important as their own wishes.
Well I guess I'm a loser as well cause that's how I first played Fire Emblem: Awakening. There's absolutely no shame in playing on Normal, Casual in my opinion. ^_^
That's good to know. I didn't know if it was one of those things people got funny about, mainly Casual mode since it's a newer thing and might be seen as making FE too mainstream. Honestly, since Classic is still there, I feel like everyone wins.
I always play on Classic mode in Fire Emblem Awakening.

The game already makes you do simple, mundane strategies like pairing up units and watching them destroy everyone in sight as part of the objectives (which make up 99% of all chapters in this game), so why should I try out Casual mode?

Consider me part of the old-school master race. :4marth:
I could probably beat it at least on Normal on Casual, MAYBE Hard if I play my cards right. I just get too attached to everyone. True, though, once you get the pairings and certain abilities you obliterate everything in sight, hence why I'm excited to hopefully get more of the DLC Xenologues. Even if they are easy, fighting Risen and Bonus Box teams gets dull fast, and I don't Streetpass that many people.
Was just at GameStop preordering the Sm4sh U stuff when this woman came in and grabbed Awakening off the shelves.

When asked if this is all she intended to get, she said she just got around to watching her friend use Robin in Smash 3DS, and watching the Robin Smash trailer, and immediately wanted to get Awakenkmg and try it out.

The hype is still real.
This is basically me too, except my Gamestop didn't have the physical game, so I had to go with eShop.:sadeyes: I've Streetpassed a lot of newer runs, too, so I wonder...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Aww...what happened to the magic of buying a disc/cartridge from a store selling games? It's why I always go physical and I don't live in an area where obtaining a game isn't a problem.
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Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Aww...what happened to the magic of buying a disc from a store selling games? It's why I always go physical and I don't live in an area where obtaining a game isn't a problem.
I like buying games from stores when I can. There's just something about having the physical cartridge... I just couldn't with FE:A.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I don't see what is magical about having to leave home to buy a physical game, which happen to be more expensive than digital games, where I live.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Buying things from home is boring. Going out of your way with maybe a friend or family member and them watching your excitement as you obtain a game has a certain flair to it (my goodness I sound corny...). Also, I tend to lose my electronics so if I lose my 3DS, it's game over for me.:4pit:
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Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I prefer to keep my SD Card free for space needed for digital-only games and necessary patch downloads, thanks.
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[ & ]

Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2014
Tellius (California)
I guess I'll talk about my character choices.

:4ness: : Strategic Brawler fits Ness really well. His short range and powerful attacks are balanced to reward careful rushdown gameplay.. with a tad of zoning.

:4robinm: : Zoning and more strategy (see a trend here?), like any good tactician, my Robin excels at attacking what my opponent cannot defend, and defending what my opponent cannot attack (Thank you, Sun Zu).

:4dedede: : My main from Brawl, feels different.. I'm still trying to get used to the new Dedede + Mechanics.

:4marth: : Trying Marth out for his aggressive zoning. Tentative Main

:4luigi: : Another Brawl main, I love the air combat with this guy. Tentative Main.

:4megaman: : Super Zoning Robot... MEGA MAN!!! I have so much fun with the mid range combat.

:4rob: : Surprise, surprise... a aggressive zoner again. Still testing out R.O.B.

:4pit: and :4tlink: are still being testing for my maining potential. I suppose that you could describe me as a zoner based on my character choices.
Woah, Mask! You have the same profile picture that I do. o - o. Weird. I didn't think this picture was circulated in a lot of places.
Zoning is pretty fun, but I think I'm actually more on the aggressive side of things too. Who would you say is your favorite zoner?


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Which emoticon?
Well, to begin with, games such as Animal Crossing or Smash are games I always want available, anywhere I go. Not having to actually have them with me is a huge plus.

Day of release? Download it over night, have it in the morning nice and easy. No having to go out, either spend time busing or money on gas, when I can just make a few taps and have it on the way in the matter of a few minutes.

Personally, for me, there has to be incentive to get games physically. For instance, I did get the boxed edition of Bravely Default. Atlus as well is generally good about giving you lots of goodies if you buy it physically.

The only downside is then you can't sell the game if you have no intention of playing it again. In the past generation of gaming, it has only happened once where I have felt this when I bought SMT4, ironically being the only Atlus game I have purchase digitally.

Of course, different strokes for different folks, as they say. I understand the sentiments of those who prefer physical. One and one's tao.
Going out of your way with maybe a friend or family member and them watching your excitement as you obtain a game has a certain flair to it (my goodness I sound corny...).
What's a "friend"? What is this "family" you speak of?:104:
I prefer to keep my SD Card free for space needed for digital-only games and necessary patch downloads, thanks.
Don't give me that.:106:

You can get a 32 GB high-quality SD card for under $20. I have something around the neighbourhood of over 50,000 blocks worth of junk on my 3DS and still have 180,000~ blocks of pure FREEDOM remaining. You'll NEVER use up that kind of space.

Thanks. :4dedede:

The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014

Well, to begin with, games such as Animal Crossing or Smash are games I always want available, anywhere I go. Not having to actually have them with me is a huge plus.

Day of release? Download it over night, have it in the morning nice and easy. No having to go out, either spend time busing or money on gas, when I can just make a few taps and have it on the way in the matter of a few minutes.

Personally, for me, there has to be incentive to get games physically. For instance, I did get the boxed edition of Bravely Default. Atlus as well is generally good about giving you lots of goodies if you buy it physically.

The only downside is then you can't sell the game if you have no intention of playing it again. In the past generation of gaming, it has only happened once where I have felt this when I bought SMT4, ironically being the only Atlus game I have purchase digitally.

Of course, different strokes for different folks, as they say. I understand the sentiments of those who prefer physical. One and one's tao.
Don't give me that.:106:

You can get a 32 GB high-quality SD card for under $20. I have something around the neighbourhood of over 50,000 blocks worth of junk on my 3DS and still have 180,000~ blocks of pure FREEDOM remaining. You'll NEVER use up that kind of space.

Thanks. :4dedede:
1) How so?

2) I can only get physically copies, doesn't bother me though, except when I can't get them on the release date (ie Smash bros 3ds)

3) well you could seeing how many photo opportunities there are in Smash :p


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
In the past generation of gaming, it has only happened once where I have felt this when I bought SMT4, ironically being the only Atlus game I have purchase digitally.
What's your opinion on SMT4? It's a game I'm interested in and something I eventually want to buy. Since it's really my first experience of Shin Megami Tensei, I don't know if any criticisms you may possibly have will really affect me.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Lot of demons that can turn into loads if you don't know how to fuse them properly, a bit of a complicated battle system, loads of quests that are seek-and-destroy missions, and the story can get a bit convoluted, no matter which route you take.

But why do I like it so damn much.

PS. I'd kill to have that song in Smash 4 somewhere.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
1) How so?
Can you specify what it is that you are questioning?
What's your opinion on SMT4? It's a game I'm interested in and something I eventually want to buy. Since it's really my first experience of Shin Megami Tensei, I don't know if any criticisms you may possibly have will really affect me.
For me, I think it's a case where I feel like there is nothing in it for me. All this stuff about demons and alternative realities... I just have never had an interest in. I was hoping it would suddenly seem cool after I began playing.

I have a hard to getting past my displeasure for the story, aesthetic, tone, and I've never really cared for alignment systems from WRPGs. As for the actual gameplay, it just left me wishing I was playing Etrian Odyssey instead. Aside from Robopon and the first Pokemon game, I have never been a fan of creature collection games.

@ Mr. Johan Mr. Johan or someone who actually liked the game can give a better opinion on it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Hmm...I'm used to the whole demon-fusion thing from Persona and I can probably get used to any changes from the Persona series, I level grind for fun so it's going to take a lot for me to find quests monotonous, and I do enjoy making sense of convoluted plots. The demon and alternate reality aspect is something I'm definitely interested in and something I wish Awakening and future Fire Emblem titles dabble a bit more in: alternate realities. I still like the Pokemon games so creature collecting is up my ally. Thanks for the feedback.
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Ah, ok. Got it. Speak of Link, the people in the Link threads are CRAZY!
I like Link, and a number of other Smash 4 characters, yet somehow I find that I only really participate in the Robin forums.

Once a Tactician. Always a Tactician. :4robinf:

And in truth, whenever I find myself up against a wall, I'll still pull out that pocket Robin and turn things around.


Jun 16, 2014
SMTIV is kind of an odd one for me, I really enjoyed the combat, riddance of random encounters (although you sure can find lots of enemies at once!) and I felt for the most part that the difficulty was fair (although I hated the introduction of horde battles), but in comparison with Nocturne (or just about any other MegaTen game I've played excluding DeSu2), the story was very weak. All the characters were dull and the way it tried to tackle different viewpoints regarding the world kinda sucked. I will say though, an article in Siliconera did raise some interesting points regarding the games world, and I'd actually agree that it's the best things about the game when it comes to the writing of the game. I'd definitely say I had a great time with it and it's among my favorite games of 2013, but similar to Awakening, I'd say the plot ain't a reason to go through such a lengthy adventure. It's definitely the friendliest mainline MegaTen game so far though, being able to avoid losing progression by paying a fee to be revived among other things I can't recall right now, so if you were curious about the series, it's probably not a bad place where to start, even though I consider Nocturne a superior game all around.

The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
I like Link, and a number of other Smash 4 characters, yet somehow I find that I only really participate in the Robin forums.

Once a Tactician. Always a Tactician. :4robinf:

And in truth, whenever I find myself up against a wall, I'll still pull out that pocket Robin and turn things around.
Actually, I seem to spend a lot of time in the Social Robin thread and not any of the others, I wonder why

Well I can see why you would Robin out in a time like that, he is good at that sort of thing. Besides...

A good tactician as nothing to fear!:4robinf:


Apr 9, 2014
I like Link, and a number of other Smash 4 characters, yet somehow I find that I only really participate in the Robin forums.

Once a Tactician. Always a Tactician. :4robinf:

And in truth, whenever I find myself up against a wall, I'll still pull out that pocket Robin and turn things around.
I stay in the :4lucina: and :4robinm: threads.

And I rarely play :4robinm: anymore...
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