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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
You're gonna have to show me that part where it reverts cause I'm confused, lol. My understanding is that people here assume the lightning tome goes from Thunder to Elthunder to Arcthunder and finally Thoron. I can see it reverting back to Thunder (without discarding) if you charge it up to just Arcthunder, if that's what you mean.

I was wondering why you guys were thinking of cues lol.
I'm pretty sure ORVO5 is referring to when FRobin uses Thoron. You can pause to see a book (that looks like Arcthunder though), but after she is done using it, it changes to thunder.

I'm assuming that once you use a charged version of thunder, it will revert back to the thunder again so you don't spam multiple Thorons.
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Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC
As an aside, if using a charged special reverts the next special to the uncharged version, that's probably how Pac-Man's Fruit Toss works and vice-versa.


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2012
You're gonna have to show me that part where it reverts cause I'm confused, lol. My understanding is that people here assume the lightning tome goes from Thunder to Elthunder to Arcthunder and finally Thoron. I can see it reverting back to Thunder (without discarding) if you charge it up to just Arcthunder, if that's what you mean.

Thunder, Elthunder, Arcthunder and Thoron in that order.

GIF for convenience:


Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC
Hmm, looking back, the only non-Thunder Tome related specials either Robin use in the trailer are Arcfire, Elwind and Nosferatu. I think maybe the Thunder Tome is the only special that has charge properties and the Fire, Wind and Darkness Tomes just use the one move(s).


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
Ruin could work well as a sweet-spot attack if it's part of his moveset, since it has a clear focus on critical hits and I think making it a sweet-spot move would fit.

I have no idea how Mire would work, unfortunately.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
View attachment 18416
Thunder, Elthunder, Arcthunder and Thoron in that order.

GIF for convenience:
Oh yeah I got that part, but I guess I just under the impression that after that animation where he catches the sword, if you press neutral B again, the book will be discarded. Then neutral B again to summon another lightning tome and start the charge cycle with Thunder.
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Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Oh heck yea, no doubt.

The effects that appear on Robin when he does that move are the same effects in vanilla brawl when you heal. Now i'm just curious how much it's gonna heal, and how the move operates.

If DI is a thing it looks really easy to get out of, but most recent builds of smash 4 show no SDI. So, this might be a pretty damn decent move. Extra points if you mash the button longer to get more out of it, because honestly, if you miss with that **** and it does last that long without mashing, that's one hell of a window for Robin to get punished.
Actually, it's been confirmed that there is smash DI in smash 4, but it just isn't as dominant as it use to be.

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Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC
Looking at the trailer, Palutena is in her idle before Robin casts Nosferatu, then it looks like she goes into her shield-broken animation. Methinks it works like Mewtwo's Disable in Melee but can be used from behind in addition to the vampire draining.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Two days ago, so many of us were wondering if Robin had a chance at all, and now we're analyzing Robin's moveset. Incredible, isn't it?
YES! Honestly, its so hard for me to believe this is actually happening. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and find out its all a dream. Robin looks so amazing and I knew Robin would be amazing so I'm so glad Sakurai understood this and understood that Fire Emblem deserved a character to not only represent something other than swords, but focus on other aspects of the franchise in general.

Even for people who don't know who Robin is, if they know anything about Fire Emblem they can easily see how much fanservice and love was put into Robin's moveset for the series.

So I was right about Robin switching tomes automatically with each special.

That's about the only thing I was correct on. >_>

So Robin pulls out the Levin Sword when you use a smash? Did Sakurai mean you can also take it out in midair, or just that once you're using the Levin Sword it also gets used in aerials? How many uses would it have before it "breaks"? Would a whiffed attack count as a use? Could you put it away manually to save it for later?

I thought the Thunder tomes would cycle after a certain number of uses, but that clip showing the Elthunder tome actually change to Arcthunder mid-charge throws a wrench in that idea. Female!Robin threw out Arcthunder with no startup, so it looks like the charge can be saved. But what happens once the tome runs out of uses? Does Robin not have access to that special for some time? What happens when you use that button combo again? Or maybe the uses are tied to individual tomes, and if that tome is used up, you have to hold the charge long enough to reach the next tome to get the attack off! Or maybe the tomes do cycle after all, and holding the charge long enough just "upgrades" the spell one rank for that use.

The latter seems unlikely now, but even as a chargeable attack, it means Robin has a semi-spammable projectile, a stronger stunning projectile, and a powerful laser in one move. Talk about having options. o_O

Hell, what about the other specials? Do they charge? Do they have multiple ranks of tomes? We haven't seen anything confirming or deconfirming them being like the Thunder tomes, so there's potentially even more cool stuff.

That's not even getting into how some of Robin's A attacks seem to be affected by his currently equipped tome. Did you see two different jab variants, one that ended in a fireball and another that ended in a bunch of wind blades?

And what in Naga's name do they have up their sleeves for the alternate specials?
I have absolutely no idea. The dark magic can easily be switched with other magic, but for the standards? Its hard to think, they're basically already including the ability to use every level of magic anyway, so its like: "What can they do?"

My guess would be the Tier 1-4 tome can be switched for a Tier 5 or Tier 6 tome instead. Perhaps Bolting could be an alt and Rexbolt, which are slower but deal more damage/have longer range. Same with Fire; Fire could have Meteor and Rexflame. That's about the best I can think of... For wind, Blizzard and Rexcalibur naturally.

I think Wind magic on the ground would be Tier 1-4 magic as well, although its questionable. We don't know for sure yet, but it'd be really weird I think if only Thunder can be charged to Tier 4, so I'm better all three can be charged to Tier 4.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
YES! Honestly, its so hard for me to believe this is actually happening. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and find out its all a dream. Robin looks so amazing and I knew Robin would be amazing so I'm so glad Sakurai understood this and understood that Fire Emblem deserved a character to not only represent something other than swords, but focus on other aspects of the franchise in general.

Even for people who don't know who Robin is, if they know anything about Fire Emblem they can easily see how much fanservice and love was put into Robin's moveset for the series.

I have absolutely no idea. The dark magic can easily be switched with other magic, but for the standards? Its hard to think, they're basically already including the ability to use every level of magic anyway, so its like: "What can they do?"

My guess would be the Tier 1-4 tome can be switched for a Tier 5 or Tier 6 tome instead. Perhaps Bolting could be an alt and Rexbolt, which are slower but deal more damage/have longer range. Same with Fire; Fire could have Meteor and Rexflame. That's about the best I can think of... For wind, Blizzard and Rexcalibur naturally.

I think Wind magic on the ground would be Tier 1-4 magic as well, although its questionable. We don't know for sure yet, but it'd be really weird I think if only Thunder can be charged to Tier 4, so I'm better all three can be charged to Tier 4.
On the other hand, lightning is Robin's favored element. He starts out with a Thunder Tome and uses lightning spells in the cutscenes. So in that case, it wouldn't be weird if Thunder was given preference over the rest. On the other hand, if there really are tomes above the basic ones in the game, please let the ultimate Thunder Tome be Mjölnir.

Also, I'll note that Rexcalibur is actually the highest basic Wind Tome of Awakening, so either Excalibur or Forseti should be the highest Wind Tome if you're on the money.

Since Nosferatu looks like a close-range spell, I'd prefer it if all dark tomes hit at close range as well. Flux for basic attacks, Ruin that does more damage (and/or knockback) if you hit with it's sweet-spot, Waste for a 2-hit attack (or maybe a multi-hit one), and Goetia as the ultimate Dark Tome for ridiculous amounts of damage.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
Ok, here are my thoughts on today's PotD:

To reiterate about the Levin Sword:
It's used on his/her Smash attacks, but only can be used a number of times before it breaks and gets replaced by the bronze sword. The Levin Sword then reappears after a cooldown runs out.
Apparently Robin can even use Smash attacks mid-air!

Now on to my speculation:
I believe the tomes work similiarly to the Levin Sword. They are used with every attack BUT Smashes and possibly grabs. When they run out, you can only attack using those two methods! That's also why Robin can perfom Smash attacks mid-air: So they are not defensless once the tomes are on CD!

I don't know about you, but I like it.
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Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC
I do really like that the weapon decay mechanic makes Robin Smash's first ammo character. I've never played a fighting game that used ammo characters before like Naoto in Persona 4 Arena, so seeing Robin be in that archetype will be a nice first for me.
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Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
1) Who is your favorite Fire Emblem character?
2) Who is your favorite blue haired lord?

1) Tie between Robin and Soren.
2) Ike

1. What is your favorite class for Robin?
2. What is your favorite marriage partner for Robin/favorite Support Conversation(s)?
3. What is your favorite parent for Morgan (aside from Robin)?

1. Grandmaster
2. I usually marry Robin to Tiki, but the support convos aren't anything special. At least the proposal doesn't come entirely out of left field (RobinSFrederick anyone?)
3. Tiki. Just for the divine/demonic dragon double whammy she packs in her Genes.

I would post my Robin but my camera can't get a decent focus on the 3DS screens.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
Oh hey, look! Sakurai has confirmed things in regards to tomes and the Levin Sword:

EDIT: Gah, I blundered!
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Smash Ace
May 20, 2014
I do really like that the weapon decay mechanic makes Robin Smash's first ammo character. I've never played a fighting game that used ammo characters before like Naoto in Persona 4 Arena, so seeing Robin be in that archetype will be a nice first for me.
aegis has an ammo counter in arena


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2014
Hyrule Castle
My bestfriend and I both want hooded Robin for both genders, but I'd also love to see pink hair for female Robin at least. It's the only thing she's missing. I just love pink hair don't judge me x.x


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
In Another Castle
I only consider an alt a true "alt" if it DOES have alternate colors, and I'm sure the alts will have alternate colors. That said, male/female Robin is an alt already, so Robin probably won't get as many. Perhaps hooded as one.
I really just want a Hooded alt. Robin already seems like I'm going to main him, but if there is a hooded option I'm sold.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
So according to today's POTD the Levin Sword is activated using a Smash Attack or an aerial, while the tomes are switched immediately by using different specials. Once you've used the tomes or the Levin Sword a certain amount of times, they break and take an unspecified amount of time to regenerate.

That makes a LOT more sense... I thought you had to use up all of your tomes to take out the Levin Sword or something
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Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
I have two questions to start us off:

1) Who is your favorite Fire Emblem character?
2) Who is your favorite blue haired lord?
Some questions of my own:

1. What is your favorite class for Robin?
2. What is your favorite marriage partner for Robin/favorite Support Conversation(s)?
3. What is your favorite parent for Morgan (aside from Robin)?
For the first two:

1. I'm actually rather fond of Gangrel. First time I've ever seen the earlygame villain actually come back and be recruitable, and I love his class set.
2. Hector. He uses axes and just owns.

For the other ones:

1. Tie between Sorcerer and Dread Fighter. Packin' lightning and dark spells makes Sorcerer an instant favorite of mine, but Dread Fighter is cool and is the only way I'm able to have a character wield both axes and tomes. AXE-TOTIN' SPELL-SLINGIN' NINJA HECK YEAH!! :chuckle:
2. A tie between Lissa and Sumia for Male Robin, and Gangrel for Female Robin.
3. Lissa for Male Robin, Gangrel for Female Robin. Lissa means I have Owain as a son (and he's usually my main Dread Fighter) while Gangrel has hilarious convos and his stat caps when paired with a +Mag/-Str Avatar makes for a good magic-type Morgan.

Have some questions of my own:

1. What's your favorite class for Morgan?
2. Who do you generally marry Morgan to?

And to answer my own questions:

1. Male Morgan is the same as my Male Robin, but I make him a Dark Knight if he's Walhart's son. Female Morgan is typically a Sorcerer, but depending on who her sibling is and whether or not Morgan has Shadowgift, I also put her in the Dark Flier class or the Valkyrie class.
2. Male Morgan typically marries Lucina for gameplay reasons (and also because it's hella cute), but I can and do marry him to one of the other girls depending on various factors. Female Morgan either marries Laurent, Owain, or someone else, but I also make her go without a spouse on some files.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Also, Robin's roll is like SUPER bad.
With Robin's excellent range and power, there's GOT to be some drawbacks. Robin seems to be the slow type whose not very mobile, but is a largely range-based fighter. As a mage, naturally, it fits perfectly. Robin has to focus on staying away from the enemy and striking hard from range, then closing in for the kill, all the while balancing tome and Levin Sword usage. Of course, though, Robin is also better in the air as they're very floaty.
It looks like Robin adopted Snake's rolls and running animation between Smash installments. And Snake proved that you don't have to have mobility to be a threat.

Robin does look to have amazing air speed though. Robin was able to keep pace with Little Mac's Jolt Haymaker for the entire jump. That's going to be great to move in and out of range for Thunder, Arcfire and Fair.

But it's looking like the general strategy will be to keep mid-range for most of the fight, get up close for throws and Nosferatu to keep things fresh, then either come in close for the Fsmash kill, Fair kill, Fire Tome-equipped Jab combo (Arcfire -> Jab combo legit combo, maybe?) or, if you're able to keep the charge, stay mid range and fire the Thoronhameha
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
In Another Castle
The amount of thought that went into this moveset is incredible.

Personally, I love a unique character. He seems like you really have to put your mind to work when using him, which definitely makes me gravitate toward playing Robin.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
I was thinking, remember that meme image based on The Last Airbender about the speculations living in peace until the Gematsu leak attacked? How crazy is it that the Avatar (aka Robin aka MyUnit) actually was the one that "defeated" it?

I don't get why Lissa just didn't use Rescue.

Lissa: "Oh yeah, there's my Rescue staff! Okay Emm don't jump we got-"

I am an awful person.
Limited range, and she was out of range.

Or, her death was a fixed point in history, and due to Lucina changing it, this was the result of the fabric of time healing itself.

So according to today's POTD the Levin Sword is activated using a Smash Attack or an aerial, while the tomes are switched immediately by using different specials. Once you've used the tomes or the Levin Sword a certain amount of times, they break and take an unspecified amount of time to regenerate.
Could be really neat or just plain awful. If it rotates to another tome (example, you run out of El Wind, so it switches to Excalibur or Wind), it'll be fine. But if it just runs out and doesn't replace itself until it replenishes... that could be really bad for Robin if his recovery moves are based around them. And it kind of looked like his downloaded wind blades had some level of upward projection for him, so this could be the case.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I have this feeling in my gut that's telling me the Double Elwind is Robin's Down Air. Maybe it's just me though. It comes out so quick yet it doesn't have spiking properties, something you'd expect Wind to do, but idk. If it did turn out to be Dair though, Robin would have a quick projectile aerial that sends him up, PLUS an UpB, which would be absolutely godly.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I actually hope there is a way to change back to the Bronze Sword after using the Levin Sword for as long as you need to.

Imagine the shock if you're so close to getting the KO, but your Levin Sword gives out on you just beforehand and now you have to wait even longer to either get the kill with Bronze Sword, or for the Levin Sword to regenerate. It would be Olimar and White Pikmin all over again, but this time even longer. Having the ability to swap out swords at your discretion would remedy that.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2013
Just wanted to add into the discussion of activating the Levin Sword in the air. This is from the japanese text for PotD:

サンダーソードと魔道書は、ルフレの生命線。 サンダーソードはスマッシュ入力で使えます。空中スマッシュ入力もOK。 原作のように使い過ぎると壊れ、再補充に少々時間を要します。 サンダーソードがない時は青銅の剣で戦います。

It's basically the same as the english. The point here though is that it says:

"You activate the Levin Sword by using a smash (attack). Aerial smash (attacks) are also ok."

Granted I'm not that into japanese smash lingo (and a google search didn't get me anything for 空中スマッシュ, "aerial smash") but I presume it simply means aerials. Since the only other explenation is the addition of smashes in the air...
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I get the feeling people are going to be off on a lot of things for Robin.

For example, what if you can use Elwind while airborne as many times as you want until it runs out, without going into free-fall? If the tome only has, say, three charges that replenish quickly, you would want to manage it very carefully and only use the bare-minimum if you can afford it. I know both the trailer and gameplay footage have showed it used twice, but I think that may be a coincidence.
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Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
With the way it was worded, even in the official translation, I figure that Robin can, indeed, use smash attacks midair to prevent him/herself from being effed in the air once the tomes run out of juice. I could even imagine his/her aerial up smash to give him/her a tiny amount of extra air time to make up for loosing the apparently very good up B downwards Elwind recovery.

This would also mean that his/her normals/aerials might use up tome charges, too, depending on the type of attack. Though I'm not entirely sure about this, since only the final attack of his/her jab combo seems to be magic.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
I think the reason why Elwind is apparently used twice in a row is because it shoots out twice with one button press, at slightly different angles and for great recovery range. At least that's the vibe I got from it.

EDIT: I'd love it if Robin could somehow throw his tomes at his opponents instead of just discarding them. Would be really hilarious in a very Smash Bros way.
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
^1) Dread Fighter
Have never married Morgan to someone. Would feel kind of weird, so I can't answer #2. :)

Unrelated to the above:
Feels so weird to be absolutely 100% content with the roster ever since Robin was revealed. I can't think of anyone of substantial desire. I know it's just me and there are lots of folks still looking forward to characters, and that's fine. Roster never really changed how much I wanted a Smash Bros game since within a month a lot of people really don't care who the character they are playing as, but it is still really cool to have characters I actually like with a fighting style that appeals to me.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Watch Nair Smash Attack be the best move in the game :troll:

It's funny actually that the answer to the Levin Sword was probably the simplest it could be. If I was to guess, any Levin Sword move has a Bronze Sword Variant. Now if you HAVE to use the Levin Sword in the air when it isn't broken, that's tough to say. Personally I think it's just fancy talk for aerials, and any sword move that uses the Bronze Sword by default would always use the Bronze Sword, so having the Levin Sword out wouldn't put it into the jab combo for example. Least that's how I view it personally

As for the tomes, was pretty much right on the money....now if only he brought up the whole "discarding/getting a new one" thing. Ah well, maybe another day


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Yeah, my opinion on the roster changed substantially since Robin and Lucina were revealed. It is weird because I really like Mega Man, I was glad to see Pac-Man being confirmed as a fighter and Palutena was one of the characters I supported since the announcement of the new Smash, but the first reveal trailer to excite me so much was Robin's (seriously, I was SHAKING during the announcement). I am not entirely satisfied with roster yet, because I still want Ridley to be announced and Ghirahim being a fighter in the game would as wonderful as the character, but at least two of my most wanted characters were confirmed already (one of them, Robin, being my #2 most wanted, mind you), with Lucina as a nice bonus.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
I know the feeling. Now that I have my Fire Emblem mage, and it's a character I like, I don't really care about who the other unannounced characters are: Just gimme the game so I can play as Luigi,Bowser, and Robin (and myself in Mii form)!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2014
New South Wales, Australia
Q1) Favourite FE Character goes to my good buddy Volke from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, he's got a cool personality, and he's an assassin >:3 I preferred his Radiant Dawn design a lot more.

Q2) Favourite blue hair lord is Lucina, she's a cool lord, and I am estatic about her reveal :') still surprised that she's in Smash!

Q3) I made Robin the DREAD FIGHTER. It showed itself to me as an improved version of the Grandmaster in a way, and I liked the Dread Fighter model design, very eery looking, and powerful looking

Q4) I actually enjoyed Cordelia with Robin, Cordelia is pretty cutesy, and Robin really respects her, which is something that I usually adore :'D

Q5) Going to have to go to Henry. Henry and Morgan are an odd family combination, it's funny :D

Q6) My Morgan was female, and I actually enjoyed her as a classic Hero, very powerful in my team

Q7) Morgan and Inigo are hilarious together, especially with Morgan's sadistic side... it's very humourous


Smash Cadet
Feb 15, 2014
My guess is his neutral special passively charges ala ROB's laser neutral special. I have a feeling the number of times you can use the special before discarding the tome varies on it's passive charge. For example:

Thunder: 8 shots before discard
Elthunder: 6 shots
Arcthunder: 4 shots
Thoron: 2 shots

I based this off of the fact that Robin didn't throw away the tome after using Thoron in that gif that people are referencing. My guess is Robin holds out the lightning tome by default and you can see what level of charge you are at based on how the book is glowing, much like Lucario's aura. Maybe your jab move changes elements based on the last tome that you used. For example, that fire jab that we see Robin uwas executed after using arcfire. And maybe the wind tome was used before the other jab attack we see him use on Kirby on the boxing ring stage.

So I guess depending on what attribute you want executed in your jab attack, you'll have to plan your specials accordingly. Which adds to the idea of a "tactician" playstyle.

On top of that, my guess is the other specials have a set number of uses and don't charge. They probably vary depending on the move. Here's my guess based off of what would make Robin not too broken:

Wind: 4-5. That way you have some opportunities to recover and not left completely helpless too soon after a stock has started.

Fire: 6-7. Being akin to Ness' s PK Fire or Mario's fireballs, I imagine there will be a lot of these so that you can use them as setups.

Nosferatu: 1-2. The move, based on Palutena's actions, looks pretty nasty since SDI is much harder to do in this game. Plus it allows Robin to heal. I think it will be a high risk, high reward move where it has a certain startup hitbox, and will only execute if someone touches that hitbox. If you whiff it, you lose it for the stock.

Then again, everything I just said could be completely wrong!

EDIT: I'm also not sure what Sakurai meant by "Smash Aerials". Maybe it was just bad terminology, or maybe he really can habe smash aerials!
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The Nerd

Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2007
Hmm. I have constructed a theory based on this picture of the day.

First off, If I recall correctly the official name for aerials is aerial smashes; therefor his midair attacks use Levin Sword if it's available. So does his forward smash. I suspect it will not be ALL of his aerials though, just some. Same with his smashes.

Now, I'm fairly certain we see a forward tilt and down tilt in the video; the down tilt is the first attack Robin uses on Captain Falcon, and forward tilt is the move Robin uses when confronted with Marth & Ike near the end. It appears that in both cases, it is a simple sword swipe with the bronze sword. I suspect part of his tactician design is that Sakurai wanted to make every single move have an important use in strategy, so simple, potentially weak but also quick attacks, are going to be Robin's bread and butter for early game damage, before he starts slinging big spells or the like. While he has the Levin sword, these attacks may change but I think it's more likely that they remain the same but get powered up in terms of damage and range.

I think the prevailing theory on his specials (Neutral = Thunder, Side = Fire, Down = Dark, and Up = Wind) is very likely, and I also suspect that the last special move used will alter his moveset. At very least it will alter his jab, as I think we see two variants on it, the fire jab (the one two three combo he pulls on Captain Falcon) and the wind jab (the massive multihit combo on kirby). This leads to another level of strategy in his gameplay; you may want a certain tome colour equipped for certain attacks, but if you do not have that tomb equipped at the time, you need to decide if using a tome's charge is worth getting that, especially if those attacks also use charges. For example, the air jab look insane; a huge amount of area is covered in front of him, it will completely cut them off from approaching. But it could also potentially burn through your book very quickly. This is supported by the fact that in both cases it looks like he does a very similar sword slash, although I had to pause at the exact right moment to see it before the wind jab.

I think this aspect will appear in more than just a jab; it might also influence other aspects of his kit. As for how the charges work, I have no idea. XD. That being said, he looks like he has some incredibly strong air game; an extremely gimpable recovery might be a weakness he has to endure if he runs out of Elwind.
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Deleted member

TOME AND SWORD (at least partially correct) THEORIES CONFIRMED.


I like being right....

Credit of course to @ Neo Zero Neo Zero and @ ToastMiller ToastMiller for the Tome Theory, Congrats.
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Smash Apprentice
May 3, 2014
One thing we didn't mention about the difference in jab combos is that he's using different swords at the time O.O
wowowow.How did we NOT notice that???
nvm they're both bronze swords

That fire finisher looks a lot like a side smash if you look at it closely enough though. There's even a giant fireball being covered up by falcon. Plus it look's a little strong to be just a jab finisher as a down tilt nor two regular sword slashes give him almost NO knockback.

One thing I feel i have to be blunt with is...

FE fans need to wake up. Sakurai is NOT going to give a character FOUR chargeable specials just so all your spells can be represented. Homage to original games isn't going to inconvenience the creation of move sets, it's very nice WHEN they CAN be applied like having ONE chargeable move that references a whole four different spells. Think of it like Ness, he was given special moves with names from his game, however he never learned any moves aside from his neut B in the actual earthbound game. Plus magnet doesn't work anything like it did in Earthbound. Also Ness fights with a bat, not unnamed fancy psychic affects. Robin's character is going to be twisted to best fit the game, the fact that sakurai is putting a FE character that isn't just a guy with a sword and a cape should make you guys happy enough.

as cool as it would be to create characters with their own mechanics, what most of you people want would draw too much time away from the creation of the game. Sorry if I was rude.

the same can be applied to custom special, as I see it this is how specials will work

Neut b can either choose between a fast charging, less damaging, possibly faster, version, the normal variation, or a slow charging, more damaging, possibly slower, version.

Side b will either go longer and do less damage or be closer and do more damage

Up b will either recovery more distance and do less damage or recover less difference and do more damage.

we're not quite sure what down b is IMO

And who's idea was it that Robin could preform aerial smash attacks? that makes ABSOLUTELY no sense, would he charge up mid-air? He JUST means aerials. Maybe strong aerials, but aerials all the same.

It sounds to me like the sword can be activated at anytime regardless of the last time you broke it just by using a smash attack or aerial as we see no smash attacks or aerials preformed by the bronze sword. nevermind sakurai said it takes some time to regenerate
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