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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
I suppose there's a few things I'd want them to reveal in the Direct but none of it is remotely likely to happen so eh

It's keeping me from getting hyped in any way, shape, or form about the Direct.

Deleted member

Fem Robin is better.
Eh, they only had Male ones...
And I like both genders. o.o

I'm going to play through Final Fantasy VII alongside Xenoblade Chronicles: X.
There will be a lot on my plate for a very, very long time.
I didn't get far in FF7... I literally only did the Bombing Mission. So far, I do like the game.

I recall that as well, along with FE Warriors being a request.
I honestly thought that Lana's new costume resembling Terra to be a sort of reference. I know that they are helping Square develop the arcade Dissidia game.

Really?! So I don't have to buy the 3DS game?! :D
YES! There is a god!

It's a pretty fun game and you might enjoy it. Though, I can't recommend it if you don't like repetitive games...
How is it repetitive?


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Since Pokken is a thing I've been wanting like a "Soul Emblem" game. Seriously a Soul Calibur type game with Fire Emblem characters would be ****ing awesome.

I even have a list of characters that would be great for it.


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
Mewtwo may not be competitively viable, but he is a pretty strong character. Remember Sakurai also has to bear in mind where a character stands in casual play.
Umm no he's not really that strong of a character at all, even in casual play.
How is it repetitive?
The basic premise of gameplay is you enter a stage, fight a large number of basic enemy soldiers, fight several mini-boss type enemies, fight a few playable character bosses, fight the main boss, and maybe fight a giant boss too, all while fighting alongside your army trying to defend your leading general, your main base, or more often both.

There are always a number of objectives, events, or strategies to complete before you get to the boss. Story mode has a decent variety of these, Adventure mode less so. However, while that's always the formula for Story mode stages, Adventure mode adds more variety. Such as tasking you with defeating a certain number of enemies under a time limit, or giving you a quiz where you have to defeat the enemy that matches the question (ex. Who is the Princess of Hyrule), and a few more. The DLC Adventure mode maps add more variety with their stages as well.

To put it simply, the main reason some call it repetitive is because it's all about fighting waves and waves of enemies each stage (again, with a few variations here and there, but even those variations are still following the same basic principle). Warriors games have never been about providing a vast diversity of gameplay experiences and genres, but rather focusing almost solely on one (the Hack n' Slash genre) and just putting all their effort into that. The fun and diversity shines through with the GREAT variety of characters at your disposal! This has one of the best Warriors character roster to date in terms of moveset variety!

So yeah, I hope this helps inform your decision!


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Mewtwo's okay. He's not great or anything, he's got a few big flaws, but I don't think he's absolutely terrible; I'd even say he's underrated to an extent, at least in the western meta (Japan thinks he's pretty good, since they're more interested in "optimal" play, instead of the west's more efficient and offensive play). He's got one of the best projectiles in the game and a very strong reflector that just about negates the threat of it being knocked back at him, decent frame data on his tilts and airs and great kill moves in his smashes. Thing is that he's held back by a combination of his weight, his hurtbox size and the fact that he doesn't have that many reliable kill setups. Shadow Ball is a beast of a move and he's got some tricky options and a pretty good neutral game, but getting punished hurts even more than it does on other characters and even a small handful of mistakes in neutral can be fatal. Threatening in the right hands, but not sustainable in high-level play.

Oh and happy birthday, Champ Gold Champ Gold ! I think I hear a chocolate bar cake calling~

Get it 'cos you play Little Mac~ :3

Deleted member

Umm no he's not really that strong of a character at all, even in casual play.

The basic premise of gameplay is you enter a stage, fight a large number of basic enemy soldiers, fight several mini-boss type enemies, fight a few playable character bosses, fight the main boss, and maybe fight a giant boss too, all while fighting alongside your army trying to defend your leading general, your main base, or more often both.

There are always a number of objectives, events, or strategies to complete before you get to the boss. Story mode has a decent variety of these, Adventure mode less so. However, while that's always the formula for Story mode stages, Adventure mode adds more variety. Such as tasking you with defeating a certain number of enemies under a time limit, or giving you a quiz where you have to defeat the enemy that matches the question (ex. Who is the Princess of Hyrule), and a few more. The DLC Adventure mode maps add more variety with their stages as well.

To put it simply, the main reason some call it repetitive is because it's all about fighting waves and waves of enemies each stage (again, with a few variations here and there, but even those variations are still following the same basic principle). Warriors games have never been about providing a vast diversity of gameplay experiences and genres, but rather focusing almost solely on one (the Hack n' Slash genre) and just putting all their effort into that. The fun and diversity shines through with the GREAT variety of characters at your disposal! This has one of the best Warriors character roster to date in terms of moveset variety!

So yeah, I hope this helps inform your decision!
Ah, I gotcha xD Did you personally enjoy the game? Because it doesn't sound *too bad imo xD


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?

We don't have Red Robin here, or indeed most of the big American fast food chains (excepting the multinationals like McDonald's and Burger King). The closest we have is Eddie Rocket's / Rockin' Joe's, which is kind of a tongue-in-cheek homage to American diners from the 50's. It even has the kitschy pop art on the walls and milkshakes that come in big metal tankards~


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
Mewtwo's okay. He's not great or anything, he's got a few big flaws, but I don't think he's absolutely terrible; I'd even say he's underrated to an extent, at least in the western meta (Japan thinks he's pretty good, since they're more interested in "optimal" play, instead of the west's more efficient and offensive play). He's got one of the best projectiles in the game and a very strong reflector that just about negates the threat of it being knocked back at him, decent frame data on his tilts and airs and great kill moves in his smashes. Thing is that he's held back by a combination of his weight, his hurtbox size and the fact that he doesn't have that many reliable kill setups. Shadow Ball is a beast of a move and he's got some tricky options and a pretty good neutral game, but getting punished hurts even more than it does on other characters and even a small handful of mistakes in neutral can be fatal. Threatening in the right hands, but not sustainable in high-level play.
Yes, what Winny said. Basically don't listen to me very seriously when it comes to Smash, cause I probably don't know what the **** I'm talking bout. I just play the game, press some buttons, and sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.
Ah, I gotcha xD Did you personally enjoy the game? Because it doesn't sound *too bad imo xD
Yes, very much so! HOWEVER! I've been a huge Warriors fan for years, so my opinion is pretty biased. (But then again, isn't everyone's?) The main point though is that the game is filled with charm, care, and content, especially if you get the DLC (which I highly recommend). It can get pretty grindy, especially Adventure mode, but I definitely got my money's worth and then some!
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Mewtwo has so many issues but he isn't awful.

Don't get me wrong, he's still bad but he isn't truly awful as people make him out to be.

Especially considering that Palutena exist and she only has ONE good matchup and that's with the one truly 100% projectile based character, Megaman


For the Empire
Aug 10, 2015
Ah, I gotcha xD Did you personally enjoy the game? Because it doesn't sound *too bad imo xD
I can see you getting into it. HW definitely has it's qualities.
Wait, are you ****ing serious? Red Robin sells beer?
Yep. You didn't know that?

Speaking of RR, Whiskey River BBQ burger ftw.
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The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
Umm no he's not really that strong of a character at all, even in casual play.
My good sir, I think it's safe to say you're terribly misinformed.

I've kicked some serious booty with Mewtwo (nothing major against viable opponents, but I've still beaten some blokes with him). I don't know where you're gettin' that infomation from.

I think the term "glass cannon" fits him ok. He may be big, floaty, and light as a feather, but he has some decent early kills if you space his smashes right and consider his fair. I've also found that quirky second jump to be helpful when trying to land his spikey dair (I like to call it "the toes of death").

He's also got some decent defensive maneuvers with proper spacing. If one can play it safe by poking with the tail, using it to zone and punish, and comboing hard only when the opportunity presented is optimal, one can keep from being death-comboed while still crushing the enemy under the shear force of his power.

Sure Mewtwo wouldn't last long enough to take a breath against a Sheik or ZSS in top 32, but he's far from a terrible character.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Probably what mewtwo suffers from the most is that it's of an archetype that's not favored in the western meta. rn the western meta is dominated by zone breaker/rushdown types

not like there aren't things that could b fixed about Mewtrwo, but its basic design will always be a hinderance if the basics of our meta doesn't change

Yep. You didn't know that?
I've never been to a Red Robin befiore, so......

Actually I don't know if there's even one near where I live


Triforce of AURA
Oct 16, 2015
Should have stuck with the milkshake like he originally intended.
You guys, the Aura the food was amazing there. I wanted to stick with just the shake. Normally I'm not an alcohol guy, but today I was really feeling it.


For the Empire
Aug 10, 2015
My good sir, I think it's safe to say you're terribly misinformed.

I've kicked some serious booty with Mewtwo (nothing major against viable opponents, but I've still beaten some blokes with him). I don't know where you're gettin' that infomation from.

I think the term "glass cannon" fits him ok. He may be big, floaty, and light as a feather, but he has some decent early kills if you space his smashes right and consider his fair. I've also found that quirky second jump to be helpful when trying to land his spikey dair (I like to call it "the toes of death").

He's also got some decent defensive maneuvers with proper spacing. If one can play it safe by poking with the tail, using it to zone and punish, and comboing hard only when the opportunity presented is optimal, one can keep from being death comboed while still crushing the enemy under the shear force of his power.

Sure Mewtwo wouldn't last long enough to take a breath against a Sheik or ZSS in top 32, but he's far from a terrible character.
If you watch how Mewtwo plays, you can easily tell that it, with the right tweaks in it's assets (hit/hurtboxes, moveset, weight, etc.), could be downright monstrous in the metagame.
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Deleted member

Happy birthday, Champ Gold Champ Gold !

How is it repetitive?
It's repetitive in its goals. A majority of the missions in the levels involve you taking over another keep and then some monster appears and then you fight a boss or take over the main keep.
It's also repetitive in its gameplay... you will see the same kill moves over and over again and you will be slashing the same enemies over and over again.
The Dynasty Warriors games are meant to be repetitive. It's still a blast, though.
And basically everything Zantetsugun Zantetsugun said.

Ah, I gotcha xD Did you personally enjoy the game? Because it doesn't sound *too bad imo xD
I'm not a Dynasty Warriors fan, but I am a Zelda fan. My experience with the game was pretty good overall and sometimes I play it when I get in the mood to crush hundreds of enemies. The characters are also very unique (my favorites being Link, Twili Midna, and Ganondorf).

Mewtwo has so many issues but he isn't awful.

Don't get me wrong, he's still bad but he isn't truly awful as people make him out to be.

Especially considering that Palutena exist and she only has ONE good matchup and that's with the one truly 100% projectile based character, Megaman
Palutena beats Mega Man?
I now know who I must use to defeat Mega Man.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Yes, what Winny said. Basically don't listen to me very seriously when it comes to Smash, cause I probably don't know what the **** I'm talking bout. I just play the game, press some buttons, and sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.
Oh, trust me, I'm no expert either! I just spend a good deal of my time discussing and critiquing the metagame, so I'm well used to debating this kind of thing. I don't think I'm any more correct than others, just that I've chosen to surround myself with people that (ostensibly) know what they're talking about and I imbibe the wisdom from them.

Trust me, if you spent the amount of time I do talking about the meta of a children's party game, you'd be critical too~ ;3

Especially considering that Palutena exist and she only has ONE good matchup and that's with the one truly 100% projectile based character, Megaman
As a Palutena player, I have to stick my foot in here and say I politely, yet firmly, disagree.

Palutena is another character people quite honestly don't know much about, and there's a good reason for that: she doesn't have that many good people playing her, or at least not consistently, so she just gets written off as bottom-tier trash and that's that.

Don't get me wrong: she is bad. She's totally irrelevant to the meta and doesn't have much of a sustainable gameplan. She's easily bottom 10, maybe even bottom 5. It's definitely incorrect that she only has one good matchup. Off the top of my head, and based on experience, I'd say she beats or goes even with a number of characters (most of them other low-tiers, but the point stands); with customs on, the number increases significantly. It's easy to forget that she does indeed have good tools in her kit, and that she can be quite threatening in the right hands (jab sets up for her incredible grab / air game, dash attack and b-air are invincible kill moves, solid recovery that she can use for warp-cancel shenanigans and good speed / foxtrot that opens up a variety of burst options) - I'd even go so far as to say there's nothing fundamentally broken or dysfunctional about her, and with a few sizable buffs, she'd be a very respectable character.

Thing is, her issues are themselves very sizable and really do hold her back in a meta dominated by fast, safe characters: her gameplan essentially revolves around jab -> grab -> d-throw -> followup, she has underwhelming tilts that do nothing to embellish her neutral game (with the possible exception of d-tilt), and while her smashes are powerful kill moves, they're too slow to be reliable and have no convenient setups, so she struggles to kill at the best of times. Palutena's a defensive turtle kind of character, since she doesn't have the kind of frame data or setups that better characters do, and that means she's at a notable disadvantage if she can't get the grab or catch the opponent off-guard with a well-timed u-smash or b-air. She doesn't have anything to pressure faster characters, so she's terminally dependent on the other guy making a mistake that she can capitalise on - and while that may work in low-level play or against players that don't know the matchup, it's much more difficult to take advantage of in high-level play.

With customs on, it's a whole 'nother story: she's much better with customs, and her slow, defensive gameplan and mediocre specials make much more sense when she has a diverse range of options in neutral to approach and pressure the opponent. You can tell she was designed with customs in mind, and it's in customs that she really stands out, so it's a shame that she's relegated to a refuse bin kit in the default meta and her true potential is fundamentally gimped. She's still by no means the worst character in the game, she's too functional and has too many good, high-punishment moves for that, but she's not great.

Palutena beats Mega Man?
I now know who I must use to defeat Mega Man.
She does not, at least not in my experience.
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Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
Sure Mewtwo wouldn't last long enough to take a breath against a Sheik or ZSS in top 32, but he's far from a terrible character.
I never said he was terrible, I just said I don't think he's that strong of a character. Also I don't think I'm that "terribly misinformed" as many players far better than myself have weighed in with similar opinions on the ol' brain beefcake.

And that's great, stupendous even, that you've done well with Mewtwo, but that doesn't really mean anything to my experience with the character since I didn't see it.

So I'm just gonna wash my hands clean of this discussion and go back to doing what I do best.


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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
If you want a character that can easily go 50:50 with other characters, look at Lucario.
I swear, I think Lucario can be up there with the mid high tiers but he's so slow and floaty for a character who has Extreme Speed


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I wish Mewtwo was a bit heavier so I can play as it and not die at like 60%
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Yamato-Nadeshiko with Good Taste and Opinions
Sep 11, 2015
What People from NYC consider Upstate NY.
I swear, I think Lucario can be up there with the mid high tiers but he's so slow and floaty for a character who has Extreme Speed
He makes up for his slow speed with his counter. He can shutdown projectiles easily if he approaches with it.


Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
He makes up for his slow speed with his counter. He can shutdown projectiles easily if he approaches with it
If only I was better at using it effectively.
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