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Social "Time to Tip the Scales!" - Robin Social Thread


Your Friendly Neighborhood Scavenger
Sep 15, 2014
So I can't wait for when Project M: Sm4sh Edition becomes a thing!

Wait, was that too soon?


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr

So what does everybody hope / expect from the December broadcast?

I don't have much in the way of grand expectations, I'm just hoping we get a release date for Cloud, maybe another character or two, and an idea of when the ballot character(s) will be released (if they're not confirmed in the broadcast, yet I highly doubt they will be).

Still holding out hope for K. Rool somewhere down the road. If that happens, I can rest content with Smash 4 for the rest of eternity~ ;3
Hoping for Shantae and Wolf. Cloud release date is most likely a shoo-in.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
So what does everybody hope / expect from the December broadcast?

I don't have much in the way of grand expectations, I'm just hoping we get a release date for Cloud, maybe another character or two, and an idea of when the ballot character(s) will be released (if they're not confirmed in the broadcast, yet I highly doubt they will be).

Still holding out hope for K. Rool somewhere down the road. If that happens, I can rest content with Smash 4 for the rest of eternity~ ;3
A Cloud release date would be good and I too suspect another character will join Cloud. I don't have anyone I particularly want. Another character to beat up is perfectly good for me.


The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
Greetings, link7 link7 . Have you ever Met a Knight? (see what I did there? :awesome:)

So what does everybody hope / expect from the December broadcast?

I don't have much in the way of grand expectations, I'm just hoping we get a release date for Cloud, maybe another character or two, and an idea of when the ballot character(s) will be released (if they're not confirmed in the broadcast, yet I highly doubt they will be).

Still holding out hope for K. Rool somewhere down the road. If that happens, I can rest content with Smash 4 for the rest of eternity~ ;3
After Cloud, I'm not sure who the hell to expect anymore.

I certainly expect K. Rool more than I did, but I still feel like he's a little bland. He's certainly more than popular enough, I'll give you that.

Part of me believes Sakurai will see just how incredible Magolor is and put him in Smash (Magolor is popular enough, contrary to what some believe).

I guess Wolf is kinda hype. Other than Starfox Zero, I don't see a reason to put him in though. Not sure why people expect him. I guess I'll just ride this one out.

Isaac seems possible, but barely. When it comes down to it, I do want Isaac, but I don't expect him to be as super special as people make him out to be. He does have more potential for a unique flavor than most others though. I'd love to see what kind of wonky moves Sakurai would give him.

Young Link would be in my top three most wanted list, but transformations probably won't come back this generation, so I doubt his inclusion.


Paper Mario would seem like a good choice, but I think too many people would be indifferent to another Mario rep. More accurately, to another Mario.

Bandana Dee would please me, but part of me would be disappointed at the missed opportunity (Magolor).

Shantae and Shovel Knight seem ruled out to me. I still believe that Shovel Knight will make it to Smash eventually.

On top of all these, I want every Fire Emblem character ever. That's not too much to ask for, right? :emptysheep::kirby:
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I certainly expect K. Rool more than I did, but I still feel like he's a little bland. He's certainly more than popular enough, I'll give you that.
Why do you think that, out of interest?

Not refuting your opinion, just wondering why. I know one of K. Rool's main points of attraction for many people is how interesting and dynamic he'd be if depicted faithfully.

Deleted member

Wintropy Wintropy

I'm hoping for K. Rool myself, and he's the last character I need for the Smash 4 roster to be complete although Isaac and Wolf are honorable mentions and I would be delighted to see them.

In the ultra-ideal-but-obvi-won't-happen situation I would want what I call the Fabulous Five:

K. Rool, Wolf, Isaac, Snake, and Banjo-Kazooie.

But I'm expecting at most K. Rool and Wolf and maybe Isaac.

(Obvi I think we're getting at least a Cloud release date if not a drop on the day of the broadcast, I would actually be a bit surprised if Cloud wasn't dropped on the day of the broadcast tbh).
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For the Empire
Aug 10, 2015
So what does everybody hope / expect from the December broadcast?

I don't have much in the way of grand expectations, I'm just hoping we get a release date for Cloud, maybe another character or two, and an idea of when the ballot character(s) will be released (if they're not confirmed in the broadcast, yet I highly doubt they will be).

Still holding out hope for K. Rool somewhere down the road. If that happens, I can rest content with Smash 4 for the rest of eternity~ ;3
Cloud naturally. As for other characters, that's up in the air. We could get K. Rool or Wolf or BDee for all I know.

I just want Isaac, plain and simple.

And since people are expecting another surprise character, I want this guy:
That's right. Bond. James Bond. And unlike the other "surprise characters", Sakurai actually considered putting Goldeneye Bond in the original Smash Bros., so the idea isn't too out there.

I also somewhat expect release dates for Cloud and another character or two should they be announced.

And a part of me thinks that we might get some grand finale at the end of the announcement, since this is the last one and all.
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Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
tfw I want to use a Christmas avatar but Smashboards says it's to big.

About the PM thing, I didn't play PM too much but I do think it's sad that there's not going to be anymore versions.
(I like that even though I don't play PM I like to use the PM style on Smashboards.)

Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009
So what does everybody hope / expect from the December broadcast?

I don't have much in the way of grand expectations, I'm just hoping we get a release date for Cloud, maybe another character or two, and an idea of when the ballot character(s) will be released (if they're not confirmed in the broadcast, yet I highly doubt they will be).

Still holding out hope for K. Rool somewhere down the road. If that happens, I can rest content with Smash 4 for the rest of eternity~ ;3
A Cloud release date would be nice. It be cool if they announced :wolf:and another character for the roster.

Off to wreck some peeps in a Sm4sh tourney. Have fun ladies.
Good luck fellow Link main !!! o/

tfw I want to use a Christmas avatar but Smashboards says it's to big.
You have no idea how many times Izayoi Izayoi had to resize our avatars to finally get it to fit lol...


For the Empire
Aug 10, 2015
Anyone up for some Smash? I have a lot of free on me right now.


The Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy
Apr 7, 2015
Planet Popstar
Why do you think that, out of interest?

Not refuting your opinion, just wondering why. I know one of K. Rool's main points of attraction for many people is how interesting and dynamic he'd be if depicted faithfully.
I understand my opinion is unpopular. Thank you for respecting it.

I love K. Rool just as much as the next guy, but what could he do? Throw barrels? Shoot a musket? I mean, that's a moveset as awesome as any other character's we have on the roster, but, I mean, that's it. It's just a generic campy playstyle. I suppose he could have some tools to lure and trap opponents, and that sounds interesting, but it just doesn't seem all that special to me. I want a character that introduces entirely new mechanics, not just a few new moves. Like a mechanic that it's entire playstyle could center on.

A character like that would change a lot. It would give us a new way to play. It would largely impact the meta game. That's all I care about, all I want from any DLC characters announced for Smash. I'm very pleased with the roster of every Smash game (although I thought there was a massive void in the Sm4sh roster until Mewtwo was announced :p ). But even on the current roster, some characters seem a little repetitive to me. Of course you're always going to have variants of the same playstyle and characters that share certain traits, but K. Rool, as unique as he could be, seems like he'd share too much in common with other characters while not introducing anything groundbreaking. I know he'd be about as new as a lot of characters introduced over the years, but I want more.

I'm sorry if you think I'm asking for too much. I actually think I am to some degree. Just going to go by my views on this.
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Deleted member

About PM: It's sad that it ceased development, especially when there was a lot of planned content that never saw the light of day. However, the loss wasn't devastating to me because the gameplay wasn't my cup of tea... I prefer Smash 4 over PM. Still, it has my favorite incarnations of Ganondorf and Wario; I wish Smash 4's Ganondorf and Wario were like PM's.

About Direct: I dunno what to expect after Cloud. I bet that we will get a release date for him (I hope immediately after the Direct), but I can't predict on who or what we will see. I am hoping to see Wolf and several pipe dreams, like Phoenix Wright.


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
The only thing I can expect is a Cloud release date. Though that's pretty much a given really.
Wants tho? Wolf, K. Rool, Snake, Wonder Red, Inklings and Board the Platforms.


The Quiet One
Jun 12, 2015
Elgin, IL
So what does everybody hope / expect from the December broadcast?

I don't have much in the way of grand expectations, I'm just hoping we get a release date for Cloud, maybe another character or two, and an idea of when the ballot character(s) will be released (if they're not confirmed in the broadcast, yet I highly doubt they will be).

Still holding out hope for K. Rool somewhere down the road. If that happens, I can rest content with Smash 4 for the rest of eternity~ ;3
At this point like many people I don't know what to expect from the broadcast but I'm hoping that a grass type pokemon makes it in even though there are 6 pokemon in the game already and the chances of that happening are very slim but at this point I can live with the game not having a playable grass type especially when :4megaman: is playable.

Deleted member

It's December where is that Smash broadcast. D:
inb4 it comes on December 31 and Cloud is released in April or something


Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
I would have joined you all in playing journey if I hadn't been playing Xenoblade when you asked.

Also if anyone is going to help make my avatar fit, I'll leave the image here.

Milo AKA Papa

Activating Combat Mode
Oct 26, 2014
United States, VA
Switch FC
So what does everybody hope / expect from the December broadcast?

I don't have much in the way of grand expectations, I'm just hoping we get a release date for Cloud, maybe another character or two, and an idea of when the ballot character(s) will be released (if they're not confirmed in the broadcast, yet I highly doubt they will be).

Still holding out hope for K. Rool somewhere down the road. If that happens, I can rest content with Smash 4 for the rest of eternity~ ;3
As for hopes go, I'm really not interested in too many characters. I'm more excited for more stages than anything. #CasualBoyz
I still think the cast is fine as it is. Although I'd still like to see what Sakurai has up his sleeve for characters. We SHOULD get a release date for all characters in the direct since they've said this will be the last wave of DLC to be announced. It'd be weird to not announce at least a release date.
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I understand my opinion is unpopular. Thank you for respecting it.

I love K. Rool just as much as the next guy, but what could he do? Throw barrels? Shoot a musket? I mean, that's a moveset as awesome as any other character's we have on the roster, but, I mean, that's it. It's just a generic campy playstyle. I suppose he could have some tools to lure and trap opponents, and that sounds interesting, but it just doesn't seem all that special to me. I want a character that introduces entirely new mechanics, not just a few new moves. Like a mechanic that it's entire playstyle could center on.

A character like that would change a lot. It would give us a new way to play. It would largely impact the meta game. That's all I care about, all I want from any DLC characters announced for Smash. I'm very pleased with the roster of every Smash game (although I thought there was a massive void in the Sm4sh roster until Mewtwo was announced :p ). But even on the current roster, some characters seem a little repetitive to me. Of course you're always going to have variants of the same playstyle and characters that share certain traits, but K. Rool, as unique as he could be, seems like he'd share too much in common with other characters while not introducing anything groundbreaking. I know he'd be about as new as a lot of characters introduced over the years, but I want more.

I'm sorry if you think I'm asking for too much. I actually think I am to some degree. Just going to go by my views on this.
I see where you're coming from, but I don't think you're giving Rool enough credit. His modus operandi is trickery and subverting expectations: he never fights the same way twice and he changes how he fights every game just so you can never get too comfortable fighting him. This a boss that plays dead while fake credits kredits roll over the screen, just to trick you into dropping your guard. This is a boss that opens a fight with kannonballs being fired in increasingly weird patterns, then shifts gears to toxic gas that reverses your controls while he turns invisible and tries to suck you into his gun. This is a boss that changes his size for no evident reason other than to make the fight more exciting, and who then proceeds to throw boxing gloves at you and create shockwaves with his immense girth. This is a boss who dons a different kostume every game without explanation, and who changes shape, size and weaponry as quickly as DK eats bananas. I think you'd have to go out of your way to not make him a dynamic and entertaining fighter.

Even his weaknesses are absurd and disjointed. In the first game, you jump on his head when he throws his krown at you; in the second game, you throw his own kannonballs into his gun so it backfires on him; there's even a game where you have to drop a lighting fixture on his head, crawl into his shoe and tickle his toes, turn giant and beat him senseless and then boot him into the stratosphere with a big boot to the backside.

I think there's plenty of mechanics his style could revolve around, if that's what you really want. How about a zoning and trap-setting playstyle with a bit of aggressive rushdown thrown in there to keep you guessing? What if he controlled the entire stage with traps and structures that his opponent has to navigate just to get to him? Maybe he gets faster and stronger when he takes damage, until he's a speeding bullet of scales and teeth? He could even change his kostumes mid-match to open up new moves and techniques, summon other Kremlings to do his dirty work for him, ride about in vehicles and machines he can create on cue or have an entire custom moveset built into his standard kit. There's a veritable infinity of krocodilian possibilities if you just think about the weird and wonderful things he could do!

I don't mean to turn this into a pro-Rool propaganda message, it's fine with me if you don't think he's interesting or unique enough, I just want to try and expand your horizons a bit by opening up a few ideas that you might not have thought of. I don't know if there's any characters with a realistic chance that could really change the fundamental nature of Smash's metagame, but if that kind of character does exist, K. Rool is probably one of the best options in the running.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Wait why does everyone have Christmas avis now

My place doesn't even have snow smh

Anyway, who wants their avi transparent? Make it a little gift from me~ :3


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
I mean movesets are one thing but can anyone deny the notoriety and character power of K. Rool?

This alone I think is enough, Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 were both amazing classics and seeing their main villain just be a trophy feels really odd considering he was DK's FIRST RIVAL! It's really important (to me!)
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