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ThumbsWayDrunk Results--7/25--MD/VA


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
1: Forte (MK)
2: Korn (MK, D3)
3: BMX (Wario)
4: Yoster (MK)
5: Lie (Falco)
5: K-9 (Snake, Falco, MK ~-~)
7: Coney (D3)
7: Sassy (ZSS)
9: Taj
9: Fraud
9: Whispy
9: Copacetic
13: Shady Dentist
13: JJVirus
13: Abyss

1: Korn+Forte
2: Fraud+Coney
3: BMX+Taj
4: Lie+CK
5: JJ+Abyss
5: ADA+K-9
7: Sassy+Yoster

Thanks to everyone who came out.

Not a bad showing for a tourney with a two-day notice =o!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2009
Shouldn't of played singles, didn't even try after my IC ditto phail, hate you Dre =p

Maybe shoutouts later =/

Good stuff all...had fun.

Though that Chinese is doing weird stuff to me now >.>


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
this game sucks

no major upsets at all, other than maybe oath, i guess he lost to lie, but i figured that would happen, lie is improving

I keep getting bored playing, looks like its back to melee for the rest of the week

see you all at chu's


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA
this game sucks

no major upsets at all, other than maybe oath, i guess he lost to lie, but i figured that would happen, lie is improving

I keep getting bored playing, looks like its back to melee for the rest of the week

see you all at chu's
gave up against k9 and coney, mad kudos to both though(im starting to like singles even less)

and sorry abyss for using ics against you lol


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD

i know you should be able to beat both of them

K9, lets have a melee tournament at your house, I want to improve


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
this game sucks

no major upsets at all, other than maybe oath, i guess he lost to lie, but i figured that would happen, lie is improving

I keep getting bored playing, looks like its back to melee for the rest of the week

see you all at chu's

Could someone on SWF PLEASE get a static opinion for once?

And even if your opinion changes at least keep to your morals.

One day you're complainin about people that openly, out of no where flame brawl, then the next day you're one of them.


Where did you get the idea that Oath played Lie btw? He just said that he lost to me and Coney.

And yeah, melee tourney sometime would be nice.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
honestly there is a large group of people including me, oath, bmx, taj, k-9, etc. that (at least to me) feel so close in skill level that any of us could beat any of us at any time, more has to do with the characters and matchups specifically...just because i "beat" dre (which i really didn't) doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to beat me any other day, likewise for me and BMX

lie lost to forte and BMX...he 3 stocked my DDD though, to which i cp'd g&w and won, to which he cp'd snake and won the set. we're gonna have to double-blind next time, but i ****ing hate CP wheels @_@

i don't know about you guys, but whenever i get done with a tournament i'm just...done with the game for a little while. it's so bizarre. i don't wanna play for the next few days and say i won't wanna play in a week, but then the weekend rolls around and i'm jonesing for shieldgrabs again. each weekend i say "that's it, i'm not entering singles at the next event" and the next weekend i'm entering and playing anywhere from 5th - 9th like i always do :/

i genuinely think most people have a love/hate relationship with this game, at least when money is involved!


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2008
Woodbridge, VA

i know you should be able to beat both of them

K9, lets have a melee tournament at your house, I want to improve
i cant BEAT them, we usually go even

but everyone else in this community i ****, omni, greg? no contest.. get at me

and no mercy > brawl singles lol

ALSO, shouts out to lie, your too funny kid


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
honestly there is a large group of people including me, oath, bmx, taj, k-9, etc. that (at least to me) feel so close in skill level that any of us could beat any of us at any time, more has to do with the characters and matchups specifically...just because i "beat" dre (which i really didn't) doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to beat me any other day, likewise for me and BMX

lie lost to forte and BMX...he 3 stocked my DDD though, to which i cp'd g&w and won, to which he cp'd snake and won the set. we're gonna have to double-blind next time, but i ****ing hate CP wheels @_@

i don't know about you guys, but whenever i get done with a tournament i'm just...done with the game for a little while. it's so bizarre. i don't wanna play for the next few days and say i won't wanna play in a week, but then the weekend rolls around and i'm jonesing for shieldgrabs again. each weekend i say "that's it, i'm not entering singles at the next event" and the next weekend i'm entering and playing anywhere from 5th - 9th like i always do :/

i genuinely think most people have a love/hate relationship with this game, at least when money is involved!


And here is the bracket if anyone wanted to know. (I remade it on tio)


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
Tant you have some of the most ridiculous posts i have ever seen in my history at smashboards

there rarely are any major upsets at tourney regardless of what you think. all the past 'upsets' that i've seen you talk about haven't really been upsets at all. it's usually you overestimating or underestimating someone's skill level because that's what you do; or it's someone just throwing away sets, which it seems like i'm the only person who can recognize when this happens... when a person suicides 4 times in a three game set and barely loses, the winning player isn't stepping their game up, they got lucky... a win's a win but i wouldn't brag about **** like that. seems everyone else blows it out of proportion

there are also rarely ever huge upsets in melee

i will never understand how people who have sooooooo much room to improve get tired of playing a game they compete in

i actually think it's funny how the main people who get tired of the game are usually the one's who rely on MK


Smash Lord
Nov 23, 2008
silver spring maryland

oathmeal-what a kid
bmx-good **** in losers after i sucided i was discusted
fourte-good **** winning the next two games but i had to go for the spike game 1
jj- nice friendlies
candy-snake is 2 goods
k9- thanks for having me over
ck-my fault in doubles but is w.e i guess
coney-my bad for the countering snake that was kinda grimey
korn-that falco son to bad we didnt play in tourny
yoster-come play with us monday night

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Didn't really do well in singles, just went all MK and did basic MK stuff, but I did really well in teams, had alot of fun, and made money, can't complain.

Coney and I ***** in No Mercy. That game is hilarious.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Oh also melee with korn, ada, k9 and abyss was really fun even though we only got to play for half an hour. Tant you should MM me in it


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i actually think it's funny how the main people who get tired of the game are usually the one's who rely on MK
That's a silly statement if you actually think about it before saying it.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
1: Forte (MK) - winning with Link in teams? wtf XD
2: Korn (MK, D3) - I still need to play you <_<
3: BMX (Wario) - Good **** getting 3rd! I don't get how you said I got better, my placing says otherwise :(
4: Yoster (MK) - I guess you got me back for what I did to you in doubles XD GGs
5: Lie (Falco) - Good **** vs Forte, fun friendlies
5: K-9 (Snake, Falco, MK ~-~) - you're so ****in cool lmao
7: Coney (D3) - funniest smasher ever. sorry for using Mk, he's gay. doesn't matter I still lost LOL
7: Sassy (ZSS) - ggs in teams, we need to 1v1 :)
9: Taj - I hate ddd -__- fun dub friendlies
9: Fraud - teach me how to not suck lol
13: JJVirus - Learn how to fight DDD <_<
13: Abyss - Good **** in teams, I like you. We should team again sometime ^_^ Next time I won't use Mk XD

I was gonna ***** about the brackets, but since I voted to change them, I can't really say anything. Good tourney guys :) See you all on the 8th ^_^


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
coney-my bad for the countering snake that was kinda grimey
nah dude, do what you gotta do. i pulled out a surprise counter and so did you. i picked up g&w specifically for falcos, actually, because i knew that we'd meet sooner or later and DDD can't really handle a good falco...i was playing dumb in our match too, turtles when you pulled out nades and ****, i'd take the explosion. you just played safe and beat me, no shame in that man

next time we meet in tourney though, best believe we're double-blinding

7: Coney (D3) - funniest smasher ever. sorry for using Mk, he's gay. doesn't matter I still lost LOL
hahah, it's cool...i was actually thinking during the match "OH GOD WHY CAN'T I STOP THIS." and a little part of me dies every time i try to utilt a nado and it doesn't work. but i knew you'd prolly use MK at some point, and i really need the experience anyway.

i swear, DDD's lack of a reliable way to break the nado is the most irritating thing to me in the entire game. when i see that nado coming and i try for an utilt/dtilt/dsmash/inhale from above/absolutely anything that usually works and it doesn't, it completely breaks my psyche


Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2009

1: Forte (MK): Good stuff winning...or splitting, lolz. Thanks for teaching me a little Daisy, thought I wish we could've practiced more =/
2: Korn (MK, D3): Good stuff in teams. We didn't get to play after the tourney though, lol. Melee was fun even though we didn't get to play long, I'll bring it to the next Woodbridge assuming I can still go (with my memory card =))
3: BMX (Wario): Good stuff in singles, I'm going D3 against your Wario now though :laugh: Nice hanging out with you as always...Chinese was faster then McDonalds =p
4: Yoster (MK): Ggs in teams.
5: Lie (Falco): You've improved a lot, stop getting gimped and you'll be a lot better =p
5: K-9 (Snake, Falco, MK ~-~): I didn't get to play your Pika, don't change the bracket next time =/
7: Coney (D3): Nice meeting you, you're a pretty chill dude, stop CGing my Snake xD You still have to **** me in SSB btw =) Best Ness in MD/VA?
7: Sassy (ZSS): Ggs in teams and thanks for driving to get the Chinese =) Sorry for CPing Frigate on you guys =/
9: Taj: Nice chilling with you as always. Go D3 more.
9: Fraud: GGs, don't worry about gaying me, it was tourney so it had to be done but if you'ree going to quit in tourney, don't quit after you beat me, lol. I'll work on the ditto and beat you next time =) I'll start playing AiB now too, and me and Choco should be able to play you and Ben whenever you guys have time =p
9: Whispy: Nice friendlies with you before the tourney.
9: Copacetic: Sorry about my lack of effort in singles, good stuff playing you though =)
13: Shady Dentist: Loved the G&W dthrow to hammer, next time get a 9, lol.
13: JJVirus: Good stuff in teams, I'll work more on it so I suck less next time D= We'll beat Coney and Oath next time =p Yeah, let's definitely team again sometime.

Had fun, we need to play melee more next time, I'm terrible at it but it was fun =p I should learn some tech skill first though...

Its Wispy

Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2009
It was a lot of fun going as always. Thanks for having us over k-9. I got ***** pretty hard in the tournament and even in some friendlies as Bowser. I regret playing uber defensively because even though Booser is a defensive character, he does not do well vs other defensive characters (ZSS, ROB) who have a much higher camping potential. I'm going to play more aggressively next time I meet up with you guys.

Also, No Mercy was HILARIOUS! Vince giving head to big sweaty wrestlers made my night. I want to play some Mario Party next time I see you Coney.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
It was a lot of fun going as always. Thanks for having us over k-9. I got ***** pretty hard in the tournament and even in some friendlies as Bowser. I regret playing uber defensively because even though Booser is a defensive character, he does not do well vs other defensive characters (ZSS, ROB) who have a much higher camping potential. I'm going to play more aggressively next time I meet up with you guys.

Also, No Mercy was HILARIOUS! Vince giving head to big sweaty wrestlers made my night. I want to play some Mario Party next time I see you Coney.
Oh! I didn't know you were Wispy! lol You got a nice Bowser, dude. Fun friendlies :D
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