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This is hopeless.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
I don't see any point in complaining about the roster. You're only gonna use one or two characters


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
The problem is that, for the majority of people, this roster will take a little bit to get used to. In fact, many of us who have followed the DOJO religiously since its inception--hell, those of us who have followed Brawl since its announcement at E3 '05--we are better prepared for this. Because we have experienced the wonder as it came, I think that we are more able to quickly view the game as a whole. Those of us who were around for the Melee leak are probably even more familiar with the disappointments of a lackluster roster (in some ways) and the exclusion of notable characters. Granted, it still took me some time to get used to this roster (none of my top picks made it), but I have finally come to terms with it. I still love Sakurai, and I truly appreciate what he's done. I know that I will love the game regardless of who's in and who's out.

It's not hopeless; it just takes time.

EDIT: Oh, and Fawriel's actually a really nice guy when you give him a chance. :)


Smash Rookie
Dec 13, 2007
Not just GAF, but pretty much all of the internet is laughing at you guys. On SA, we tend to copy and paste the most pathetic "omgz I'm so disappointed with the 35 roster let me go cut myself" posts, and collectively laugh at this board :V


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Not just GAF, but pretty much all of the internet is laughing at you guys. On SA, we tend to copy and paste the most pathetic "omgz I'm so disappointed with the 35 roster let me go cut myself" posts, and collectively laugh at this board :V
Clearly an effort of comedic genius.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2007
It was a decent post (the original topic post, that is) but it didn't really say all that much that hasn't been expressed already. And also, don't come down too hard on Fawriel, he actually seems to be quite a decent guy overall, he's just gotten a bit testy the past few days, as have a number of normally reasonable folks.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
I totally agree with you. I don't even like visiting here anymore. People seriously need to shut up and realize that this is an awesome, incredible game, even though it doesn't have X or Y character. It's totally going to surpass Melee, and I'm really excited.
This post is full of *********** and ignorance. Go suck your thumb, scrub.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
This is just a post about people complaining. A long and pretty post about people complaining, but in a nutshell, a post that complains too.

Everyone's complaining, whether gracefully or not.

We'll just have to wait it out.

And it'll be a long wait.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
i'm not dissapointed of the roster,its just that the feeling you get,wondering who would be in brawl,gone away by spoilers!i miss that feeling!


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2007
read all of it and loved it!



Smash Cadet
Jan 11, 2008
I hope people read this, I was going to post something along the lines of this but i'm too lazy :p

§leepy God

Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
On The Move....
I guess people don't go to every borad in this planet and see how many people get mad over this. But since this is a big borad, a lot of things get notice quicker. Some people do forget that there's over a million people in this big world, a thousand out of those million will get mad over somthing stupid like that.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
You know what?

In a few months when people start getting good at Brawl, we aren't going to take this newb #&@# anymore.

The board was filled with an unusual amount of people simply because of the Brawl roster reveal. Most of these new members are not tournament players and SWF will not appeal to them once roster complaining and speculation goes away.

Mods are quicker to close trolling here. Both character boards and the general board will become tournament strategy forums, just like what happened with Melee.

The reason we are getting compared to GFAQs is because we got flooded by their members during the last couple months.

This board doesn't tolerate the whining of non-tourney players like GFAQS does. When we get the game and the trolls here start making topics about "ANTI advanced techs", they'll get topics locked, warned, and they'll go back to GFAQS where the mods don't care.

It's a phase and anyone who has a very low post count or a membership that isn't a year old is probably a GFAQer who is just passing through. Sorry if I offended any legitimate tourney players who simply hadn't registered on the boards till recently.
I just need to quote this,because S2 is so ****ing right!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2002
I read it, and I entirely agree with every aspect. In a word, it's...pathetic. I'm not going to express my opinions on the whiners here, because again, it's hopeless. I don't even know where this thread went, I just hit reply to fully support your opinion. Brawl will be amazing, no matter what. Melee was like, 1/20th the size, and many consider it the best game ever made? We're all going to love it, and we know it..

But yes, I've been lurking here for awhile now, and registered a little bit before the Hong Kong release. From what little I saw, I liked it much more. These were die hard Smash fans, excited for the best one of them yet. Roster came, hissyfits, etc. I can definitely agree when every other post and thread here is either someone complaining about the roster, or complaining about people complaining over the roster. I have started hitting up NeoGAF now because, it's true. It's comparable to GameFAQs right now. I'm a very seasoned message boarder. Not here, but being compared to GameFAQs is bad. I'm with thread creator on this one. (Forgot the name) It probably is hopeless. Maybe, just maybe this can change some people's minds.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
I read it all, it's so insanely true. I thought waiting a day or two after the Japanese release would be enough time for the flaming and yelling and insults to calm down, and so far it hasn't. I think I'm going to take a break from this site for awhile.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
I'm with the thread creator. I'm not going to let the roster bug me, and I'll definitely stick
around. Personally, I hope the whiners do not get this game, or cancel their preorder. Each
whiner that doesn't buy this = One more game to someone who deserves it more.

On a sidenote: Being compared to GameFAQs bugs me.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Um, so some people don't look at stages, music, wifi, etc. and they look at characters? That's so mean. :(

But as always, people are going to hate the game wether if it's the best game ever or not, that my friead is called popularity, and popularity always attract haters.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
I'm with the thread creator. I'm not going to let the roster bug me, and I'll definitely stick
around. Personally, I hope the whiners do not get this game, or cancel the preorder. Each
whiner that doesn't buy this = One more game to someone who deserves it more.

On a sidenote: Being compared to GameFAQs bugs me.
Yah, this is ridiculous! If you be a baby and complain about the game b4 it's even out, then odds are you're going to feel like an idiot if you get the game and see how amazing it is. And if you get the game and STILL complain, why would you even be talking about it? Heck, why would you even be complaining about it? Why not just quit the boards if you hate it now? Very childish things going on in the Smash community, and remember to keep your cool. If we're being compared to GameFAQs then don't get angry about it, we are an independant board and shouldn't pay any mind to such childish things. Hold onto our dignity until the haters leave and we'll be considered of a higher respect.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

You know, people, I didn't read the original post until now, I was just linked here for a certain reason and replied to that.
From all the replies I read since my first post here, I got the impression that this is a thread asking people to stop whining about the roster.
Now I read it, and, it might just be that I'm tired and my mind is playing tricks on me, but it sounded to me like the post was about how people don't manage to discuss things seriously, instead relying on just agreeing with whoever defended their camp in the snappiest manner.

Call me a loony, but doesn't it seem like the original poster is being abused by some of you as a figurehead for the "stfu about the roster"-camp?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 18, 2007
That was possibly the best thing I've read in the past couple of days. I liked smashboards because of the intelligent discussions, but lately the general brawl section has been littered with dissatisfied non-owners of Brawl. I'm sick of people complaining about the roster; yes it's okay if you don't like it, but attacking Sakurai shows complete ignorance and ungratefulness. Seriously, if you don't think you give the game a chance and see if you'll actually like it, regardless of roster or lack of Melee tactics, then by all means don't get it... don't get all angsty about it =\.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
The only reason I even bother coming here any more is for the quick updates for info on brawl and the bowser boards, most of the community consists of spammers and *******.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I think people are forgetting that Sakurai made the whole game and not just the roster, and I think he gave us a lot. I don't think people should call him a failure, because he's done a lot for us. It's not like he looked at the board, and ignored us just for a laugh. Whatever, that's my opinion, I could elaborate but that would ruin the point.
Problem is, we didn't really want all this stuff. All we wanted was more characters, and no clones. We didn't even ask for a story mode (I think most everyone here would be fine with another barebones adventure mode like the one in Melee if we had a 50+ roster of original characters with no clones at all). While I agree he made it so that this game has a lot of unlockable content, he almost completely missed the main point of this game: to clobber each other in multiplayer with your favorite video game stars.

I know he did indeed listen to some popular requests, but I agree with many people on this. 35 characters just isn't up to expectations, and honestly, our expectations weren't that hard to fulfill. We just wanted more characters. That's it. A story mode is nice and all, yes, and trophies with little tidbits of Nintendo historical info are kind of fun too I guess, but honestly, what bearing does any of that stuff have on the meat of the game, which lies in multiplayer? That's essentially the whole point of this game. The fact that he added ROB and kept several characters as clones is just a painful fact to swallow and proves that he dropped the ball majorly. Hell, I lost all hope for this game when I heard that Capcom BLATANTLY OFFERED MEGAMAN TO BE IN THE GAME, but were ignored. That has to be the biggest atrocity in the history of video games when you realize the whole point of this game is to bring video game stars together to fight. It shows that Sakurai was so obsessed with adding collectibles and whatnot that he forgot the main focus of the game: multiplayer mayhem with as many video game stars as possible.

And it doesn't undermine the other atrocities, like keeping Ganondorf as a clone, adding Wolf despite the fact that he's just a clone, and giving Lucas and Ness NONE of their own moves from their respective games, and keeping them clones as well. I mean, try to look at it from our eyes. We're not acting spoiled, we just know that all we wanted was characters, characters, characters, and we didn't get that.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
The only problem is, no offense, you're being somewhat hippocritical by posting all of that. The best way would be to just stop contributing. Also, what's wrong with people saying: "Cheer up guys, it will be alright"? They're being optimistic. Optimism is good.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Brawl's release and the subsequent backlash that can be found on these and other boards can make for an interesting study on the effects of hype on a game's success and/or on the gamers that fall to that hype. The DOJO in particular was a new way to advertise a game, at least new to me. I found myself checking it on a daily, and somewhat obsessed basis.

My craving for knowledge could not be satisfied. This has been a unique feeling for me. I did what I could to find out everything about Brawl, so much so that now that I know it "all" I feel empty. My purpose fulfilled, that which drove me gone, I now feel empty. I believe that it's that emptiness that is creating such a harsh atmosphere on the boards. It feels as if I went from being an ant - a tiny, helpless creature with so much to discover - to being a god. Everything looks small and irrelevant. The roster doesn't seem that big from Mt. Olympus. Neither does Adventure Mode. It's just short spurts of gameplay with lots of useless movies. You know, there aren't enough levels - why can't ALL of the melee levels return? Hey, why is the event mode so short...

And yet... though it has only been a day or two... I feel myself shrinking... I can't see the whole roster as clearly anymore, just those few characters that I am interested in. I find that I'm losing my interest in 'everybody's final smash' since I know them all now. Instead, I'm more interested in my character's attacks. The specifics. And little things as well. Things that gods can't see but ants certainly do. Tails running in Sonic's background, who all the animals in the Animal Crossing level are, perhaps some used to go to my town? Haha, Lucas has a funny idle animation. Wow, some of the custom levels are pretty crazy! Hey, cool, look at...

Well, I guess this isn't going to be all that bad, is it? Actually, just writing this out has made me that much happier that Brawl is on its way. I, like many others it seems, forgot why it was that I was so excited for Brawl to begin with. It wasn't because I expected a huge roster; after playing them both for a while, it feels as if Marvel vs. Capcom 2 has the same number of characters as the original Smash. It wasn't the levels as I expected them to remain similar to Melee's. It wasn't the adventure mode since I didn't even know that there was to be one when it was first announced... I think that I was excited simply because I've found Smash 1 and 2 to be excellent games in their own rights. They're really fun! They're fun and unique in the world of fighters. Fun + characters with history = amazing, winning combination with the added benefit of already established ties to the characters. I took notice of Brawl because Lucas was included but I stayed with it because it's going to be a blast.

I think this mentality is best shown in the introduction to the original Smash. They're all just toys for us to play with. I never got all of the action figures I wanted yet that only resulted in some of the most interesting match/team-ups a kid could imagine.

To wrap this up I should mention Porkey/Pokey from the Mother/Earthbound series. I can't help but think of him right now. Unlike many other villains, especially Nintendo ones, Porkey isn't "evil". He's just, as the DOJO put it, the incarnation of egotism. He wants things to be his way so much that he is blind to whatever damage he may cause. He's the polar opposite to Lucas, who doesn't want everything, just a few small, special things/people.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

Although it makes me seem kinda hypocritical after what I last said, this is a very lovely post.
Not only because it pretty much perfectly explains my position.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
Do you honestly think anyone will read all of that?
As amazing as it sounds, scientists have discovered humans are capable of reading more than one paragraph >_>

Anyways it was a nice post. It was more "peaceful" coming around here before Brawl's japanese release, afterwards, it all starting going downhill. :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
Finland - Hell
I would say that rather than people not listening to each other, most do, but if they change their minds, of course they wont show it. I for one was one who hated the 35 roster but have learned to like it. Luckily i could anticipate this so i posted a view replies of my hate towards ROB (whom i still hope is tourney banned) but had exactly what you said in mind by not starting my own threads and fueling others and my own hate.

Good thread.


Smash Cadet
Jul 14, 2007
Problem is, we didn't really want all this stuff. All we wanted was more characters, and no clones. We didn't even ask for a story mode (I think most everyone here would be fine with another barebones adventure mode like the one in Melee if we had a 50+ roster of original characters with no clones at all). While I agree he made it so that this game has a lot of unlockable content, he almost completely missed the main point of this game: to clobber each other in multiplayer with your favorite video game stars.
No offence bro, but I wouldn't trade the Story & level editor, along with the other modes I'm forgetting for more characters. Most people I've talked to (outside this forum as I'm sure everyone can atest to the general concensus here) who havent really been following the the dojo updates, are really excited about these modes too, and usually impressed with the new characters. We've got to learn that our community isn't the only fanbase for Smash.
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