Hey y'all. Just wanted to pop in and mention that I ,like many others, have started playing Xenoblade Chronicles on the Switch, and I've personally been loving it! Not sure if Shulk really fits my playstyle (that said he is known for being one of the most complicated characters to really know how to play.), but I'm probably going to play him a little more often now that I know how awesome his character is. And can I just say, I LOVE how he's a character. So many JRPGs barely give their protags a personality, so that they can by an expy of the player, but know, you don't project onto Shulk, you're viewing Shulk's story and I love that. I really hope more games do that.
On the note of character, I came to realize today that Shulk's Sm4sh trailer really didn't do him justice, but I think that can be said of most all of the Sm4sh trailers. I think you guys got it rough in Sm4sh with a lot of people knocking Shulk for being another human (Homs) swordie and being a literally who to most people. But really, in Sm4sh, most of the trailers just presented you with a character under the assumption you already know who they are, instead of trying to sell you on why they're awesome. In contrast, Ultimate has some great character trailers. Watch the Simon or Ridley trailer and, even without nostalgia or familiarity to those characters, you know exactly what they're about before the gameplay even starts. Contrast with, say, Smash 4's Megaman trailer, where Megaman IS the hype, putting on the iconic blue helmet. Still, if you don't know who Megaman is, his reveal trailer tells you... nothing. I think Shulk could have really used an Ultimate style trailer when he was revealed. Imagine a trailer of Shulk studying the Monado in Colony 9, when it falls under attack by Bowser, Wario, Ganondorf, Dark Pit, etc., just like the mechonis, and he picks it up to fight off the villain rogues gallery.
The other thing I remember from the Smash 4 Shulk reveal days was a few Xenoblade fans talking aobut who could have been cooler in Smash besides Shulk, and I'll admit, Shulk's motley crew are awesome as well. As much as I'd love to see it, I won't hold my breath that Sharla or Melia will join Smash in the future, but I do wonder if a Dunban echo down the line would be too much to ask.