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This Fox Sure Does Love to PARTY! Support Pac-Man Party's Patra for Smash! (Let's Push for DLC!)


Deleted member


Who is Patra?
Patra is one of the 8 playable characters in the 2010 Wii party game, Pac-Man Party.

Why Patra?
Patra is really the only chance that the PAC-MAN Franchise has of getting another rep aside from an echo fighter.

Moveset Concept
Standard B: Power Cookie
A standard projectile attack that can be fired in quick succession.
Side B: Bomb Throw
Loosely inspired by a certain minigame (which I forgot the name of :glare:), Patra throws a bomb in an arc. Unlike the Power Cookie, there can only be one of these bombs onstage at a time.
Up B: Balloon Ride
Patra pulls out a balloon to recover height. Works very similarly to Peach's Parasol.
Down B: Sneaky Counter
Your average counterattack. Not much to say.
Final Smash: Castle Smash
Makes a Castle, like the ones seen in Pac-Man Party, sprout up in front of Patra, damaging and launching fighters who are hit.

Join the Party!

List of Supporters:

@GothFluttershy (Founder)
BonafideFella BonafideFella (First Supporter!)
Mimic88 Mimic88
Technomage Technomage
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)
I'll admit, you have posited an unique Pac-Man rep that albeit a tad obscure, you have created a decent concept for!
If I may, maybe she could have a move where she places some property down? Haven't played much of Pac-Man Party but there's definitely a Monopoly sort of vibe going on in that game.
Consider me a supporter!
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Deleted member

I'll admit, you have posited an unique Pac-Man rep that albeit a tad obscure, you have created a decent concept for!
If I may, maybe she could have a move where she places some property down? Haven't played much of Pac-Man Party but there's definitely a Monopoly sort of vibe going on in that game.
Consider me a supporter!
Could you spread the word? I really want to get some discussion going. :)


Smash Cadet
Nov 2, 2018
I think the game and character is too obscure, albeit cute.

PacMan ghosts would have a better chance, especially since the player could alternate colors to be Inky, Pinky, Blinky, or Su.

I still like the character design though. She's cute and I love Egyptian styles.
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Smash Cadet
Nov 2, 2018
I wouldn't put her before other hopefuls.

Just saying there are quite a few others I'd prefer like Geno, Banjo and Shantae

Deleted member

I was asking whether or not I should put you in the supporters list in the top post Mimic88 Mimic88


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
Interesting. I also like her design.

Although I don't know if she's the only non-echo choice possible, since one of the ghosts comes to mind.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
Which one? There's four of them if you don't count spin-off ones like Kinky.
IDK, but if we can't have the main 4 just because they're assists, then Orson's the only other ghost to come to mind (since he has an important role in PM World 1 and 3).
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