That would be extremely forced just to put Chrom in the game. He shouldn't be using any other sword more than Falchion, that's the idea during the game, that the Lord always uses the sword/weapon bound to them. And summoning the Shepperds? really? he's not some kind of tactician/summoner thingy, he fights by his own, the only things that he should be using are his abilities, and his signature one is Aether, which Ike already has, everything else is pure customization and isn't canon to his character.
Besides you're completely ignoring the fact that Robin not only uses the Levin Sword in battle but his tomes as well, as stand-alone characters Robin is miles away more unique than Chrom, because if you want to force Chrom to use random stuff that can be equipped in-game, then you need to consider that Robin can be every class and could even SPOILERS > turn into a giant god dragon.
Sakurai did the right thing.
i don't see it being forced. Chrom can rightfully use these abilities via reclassing. Remebe rNosferatu? yeah. Magial-looking guy gets magical-looking weapons that he didnt have because it fits. same goes for physical-looking guy. what would be forced is giving Chrom Magicthe point isn't "what Chrom can do that Robin cannot", by the way. i never argued for that.
Chrom is a physical fighter. switching the falchion for other weapons is something you do frequently in-game, and this swtich would be either as specials (like Robin's tomes, he'd pick the wepaon, use it, and pt it awa) or as sidegrades (Falchion is balanced, while, say, the Armorslayer is stronger but slower. the different swordscould work as battering items to make it more simple, and are breakable unlike the falchion. i envision chrom using the Rapier normally, and having other swords via custom moves)
Robin never ever summoned Chrom out of nowhere, so this is hypocritical (and Chrom warps in the exact way ike and marth do, so Robin sint casting anything). "fighting by his own" is exactly why he starts out wiht Dual strike +, right? the whole point of FE13 is never fighting by yourself.
The problem is that a lot of those things don't fit Chrom very well, especially the axes, also alternative swords don't seem to open much more possibilities. Other than Falchion the only weapons I see fitting him are throwing lances, a maybe a bow. Luna is basically already covered by Marth's Shield Breaker. Also what you suggest seems too similar in concept to Link, another hero with his signature sword and a wide arsenal of various items. I not saying that Chrom doesn't have potential, but this potential overall feels less intuitive, obvious and fitting to him than Robin's with his/her starting class alone, who also doesn't have any signature weapon and thus is more flexible for weapons that fit him/her.
Who is the main character of FE13 is debatable, but I think that Robin is anyway high enough in the FE:A hierarchy to be a solid pick as a Smash character. The "Chrom is the face of Awakening" thing is mostly due to him having a fixed design, which means he's easier to use as an icon, and why he's more used than Robin in promotional material and in the game's cutscenes, but Smash doesn't care about the non-fixed design issue.
the axes i see more as custom move variations fro throwing lances. or as a castlevania-inspired up-air...
Luna's whole point is being like shield Breaker. Melee's, that is. i was thinking of lettign Chrom save the charge to make his swings more powerful. I don't see Rosalina's moveset being intuitive, obvious or fitting (treats kids like slave/10, never used galaxy kick/10)
But frankly, you bring a good point about Link. Slow, strong character based on projectile camping with special moves. now, where have we seen this recently...? Ganondorf? nah... if only.
Besides the 10 seconds of Buster shulk, i don't see a glass cannon combo-oriented swordsman anywhere, tho. Again, two things you guys forget
1- PLaystyle being unique matters
2- Having specials heavily reminiscent of other people's doesn't (Greninja being the worst offender, with Robin in fact having 2 moves who are "related" to stuff we have seen before, in thunder and Arcfire)
Playstyle is the big thing i see Chrom having for him. Whcih character was more popular iwith the masses in Brawl, Ike(AKA Link without Projectiles) or Olimar (the most unique newcomer?). You know why Ike wa spopular? his Heroic looks, simplicity, and focus on strength and Range. Glass cannons like Fox are also popular because of the speed+power thing they have going on.
Paying defensively is a legit tactic. but is usually th eless poplar one, people like to overpower the enemy with ridiculous storng blows or to run in circles around them, keeping a defense all the way through. it would be fun. and this is where i think Sakurai lost his focus. Uniqueness doesn't equal Fun. Having to keep track of everything you have at yur disposal can be frustrating at lower, more chaotic, levels of play.
I just think the treatment Chorm got was unfair. H was the protagonist (don't kid yourself, Robin wasn't directly involved in more than 2/3rds of the plot, that's not protagonist material in any story) and face of the game who saved the series and all he got in exchange? perpetual butt monkey staatus for the bigger smash audience (yeah, it's not going to go away no matter wha now) and having his abilities mocked. it's just stupid. especially with Lucian playable (read: even before being a clone she was playable as a marth alt)