Well, in Zelda's defense, you can make the same argument about almost every kind of story, especially fantasy. It is said that the best accepted story derives of generic archetypes and cliches. Look at Dragon Age, our newest video game representation of the great generic fantasy world. It is filled with ogres, goblins, elves, mages, dwarves, and dragons. It brings nothing new to the table. It is just generic fantasy, built to be enjoyed as fantasy. I guarantee that if you look through the fantasy section at your local Barnes and Noble, you will find that the stories are all very much the same; Good vs. Evil, with monsters!
But lets look at Zelda now. Zelda, though keeping all the generally accepted cliches and generic architypes, has expanded upon their ideas and turned them into their own creations.
For example: If you were to look at pictures of the "Moblin" and a normal generic fantasy "goblin." When you think of a "goblin", you probably think of a little green monster, with fangs and ripped clothing and ugly armor... Like this drawing.
But now look at this picture:
Is that a Goblin? Hell no, thats a Moblin! I doubt you even make a comparison between the two. A moblin seems like something completely different. Though technically they are exactly the same things: a creature created by evil to be the minions of a dark witch or wizard. It works with everything. I doubt any of you thought a "Gibdo" was a basically just a mummy. Or a poe was basically just a ghost.
Even Kotake and Koume (bless them for their awesomeness), werent "just" witches. They rode around on brooms, had green skin, and big warty noses. But something about them was set off from the norm; from the generic. They werent like the Wicked Witch of the West. They were mother ****ing Kotake and Koume!
So technically, Zelda has revolutionized the fantasy world. Not by breaking away from the ordinary, but breaking away from the ordinary. By not changing anything at all, but also changing everything all at once. You can tell us that Zelda is basically just an exact copy of Lord of the Rings, or the Black Cauldron, or even bloody Repunzle: because it is. But it also is it's own creation. Somehow or another, it is completely different.