Its fake, although Ryu would kick *** if he was in Brawl.
Whats so wrong with Ryu anyway? Evryone goes: LOL RYU
He is a big mascotte of Capcom and actually is a fighter, I want him in.
It's proabably because he's a Street Fighter, he's not really Smash Bros. Standard, saying that neither is Snake...
I LOVE Street Fighter games personally, I personally think if Nintendo were going to let Capcom let a third party in it'd be someone with a moveset, not Megaman, someone who is actually respected for their appearances in a LOT of fighting games.
I'd like Ryu to be in, I make jokes of it a lot, or at least I used to, And I'd be pleased if he was in, but his moveset wouldn't would entirely.
If he were in, he'd be my WTF character.
B: Hadouken
UPB: Shoryuken
Side B: Hurricane Kick (Raises in the air and moves horizontally)
Down B: Rising Hurricane Kick (Does no horizontal movement in the air)
A: Light Punch
Forward A: Twirl Kick like he does in some of the SF Games.
Up Tilt: Similar to Falcons, if not the same.
Down tilt: Trip Up Kick (whatever it's called.)
Forward Smash: Hard Punch/Sholder Bash (REALLY similar to Falcon's again.) /He does it in SFEX3.
Up Smash: Rising Shin-Hurricane Kick
Down Smash: ShoryuReppa (What Ken does for his D,F,D,F,PPP combo)
Final Smash: Shinku Dark Hadou or Shin Shoryuken.
That's what his moveset would be like more likley.
I can't actually think of anything for his downsmash, hence why it's there, I didn't want to say it'd be like Falcon's even though I could have seen it happening... But it'd be basically half a clone, which I wouldn't like.
I'm disapointed no one likes the idea of Ryu. It's impossible to get him, Capcom wants Megaman in, I'm sure Nintendo would want a SF character more though... or at least I'd hope so.