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The_Altrox's Brawl Tier of Manliness


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
awwww, but how am I supposed to express myself without using all caps?

no, seriously, why Ness? Or do you just want to throw it out there for shock value? I mean, PK Thunder looks like a sperm cell, but that just means that when he recovers he impregnates himself, so I hope that's not one of your reasons.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
awwww, but how am I supposed to express myself without using all caps?

no, seriously, why Ness? Or do you just want to throw it out there for shock value? I mean, PK Thunder looks like a sperm cell, but that just means that when he recovers he impregnates himself, so I hope that's not one of your reasons.
To express yourself use this :mad: or this :mad088: (if you're really mad)

I think he just likes ness or has somehow never heard of the FALCON PAWNCH or the knee


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Ike has a girlfriend/wife?


I think he should get minus points for the "I fight for my friends" part. As far as I know, no manly characters fight for their friends or say they do.

The whole "How to play Brawl like a man" series is inaccurate.
...No Ike DOESN'T have a GIRLfriend

That was my point.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2009
Ness is not manly at all. I have never heard of a manly kid who uses a yo-yo.
Obviously you have never played Earthbound, Ness is even manlier than DK, and his main weapon is a bat not a yo-yo, so...you know.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2009
Ok seriously then how can ness be the manliest since you never explained?

@Sonic phantom:I was actually going to put that up as well but i decided to stick to the classic.
Ness and his friends (all kids), defeated the ultimate evil being Giygas by traveling to the past as robots (cause the human body would get destroyed), now tell me, if a kid like that have the balls to do that, doesn't he deserve to be called manly?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Ness and his friends (all kids), defeated the ultimate evil being Giygas by traveling to the past as robots (cause the human body would get destroyed), now tell me, if a kid like that have the balls to do that, doesn't he deserve to be called manly?
There's always an ultimate evil in games (well not always but you know what i mean) I belive he isn't a coward obviously but not as manly as others

Mario: constintly risks his life to save the princess in mario galaxy
he saved the entire universe
and in suer paper mario where
they had to stop somone from destroying the universe
mario's not even a hero he's a plumber yet he still has time to save princesses and save the world.

Fire emblem: In radient dawn Ike
defeated a goddess.

Kid icarus: He
rescued a goddess and defeated Medusa.

Sonic: constantly tries to save the world.

Is a racer and also a bounty hunter, hunting very powerful aliens like the alien in the video clip I showed you.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2009
There's always an ultimate evil in games (well not always but you know what i mean) I belive he isn't a coward obviously but not as manly as others

Mario: constintly risks his life to save the princess in mario galaxy
he saved the entire universe
and in suer paper mario where
they had to stop somone from destroying the universe
mario's not even a hero he's a plumber yet he still has time to save princesses and save the world.

Fire emblem: In radient dawn Ike
defeated a goddess.

Kid icarus: He
rescued a goddess and defeated Medusa.

Sonic: constantly tries to save the world.

Is a racer and also a bounty hunter, hunting very powerful aliens like the alien in the video clip I showed you.

Yes, but you forgot that Ness is the youngest of all.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
lol wut? Somebody's gotta be bottom. If I moved Zelda to bottom, somebody would complain about Zelda. Not everybody wins. And what honor? This list doesn't involve honor. If you don't like it, go make your own list
I don't think anyone would mind if peach was bottom even though she has bob-ombs most of the time they're turnips with a childish smile and let's not forget peach bomber, up-tilt, her final smash and la-la-la-la-la-la (I love that taunt ) you have to admit she is the girliest AND she has this


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
I don't think anyone would mind if peach was bottom even though she has bob-ombs most of the time they're turnips with a childish smile and let's not forget peach bomber, up-tilt, her final smash and la-la-la-la-la-la (I love that taunt ) you have to admit she is the girliest AND she has this
That's why she's low. But the bomb-ombs are the heaviest fire power, and she plucks them like carrots. You don't see Snake do that


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
That's why she's low. But the bomb-ombs are the heaviest fire power, and she plucks them like carrots. You don't see Snake do that
But what are the chances of actually getting them out of all the turnips and Mr.saturns besides you can't compare peachs turnips to anything they're just to good, snakes grenades are pretty close tough.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
But what are the chances of actually getting them out of all the turnips and Mr.saturns besides you can't compare peachs turnips to anything they're just to good, snakes grenades are pretty close tough.
Again, that's why Peach isn't high. But the bomb-ombs are significant.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
btw, I really hope this thread didn't get two stars because people are upset that their favotrite character wasn't higher. Cause that would be lame, yo.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
But nanas got a hammer (a very manly hammer), Zeldas got fireballs and can turn into a ninja and can you really think pokemon trainer is unmanly because of his voice?

BTW it was 1 star before but don't blame me this is acctually a quite fun.
I think PT is unmanly because he has the mindset of a child, and he doesn't have the balls like Olimar to go on the field. I'm sure his pokemanz get nervous when he's yelling at them.
as for Zelda, fireballs are neutral. The only really redeeming thing is her Down B.
Nana has a hammer, which puts her up some, but she isn't extremely manly at all...


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2008
he doesn't have the balls like Olimar to go on the field. I'm sure his pokemanz get nervous when he's yelling at them.
as for Zelda, fireballs are neutral. The only really redeeming thing is her Down B.
Nana has a hammer, which puts her up some, but she isn't extremely manly at all...
he doesn't have the balls like Olimar to go on the field. I'm sure his pokemanz get nervous when he's yelling at them.
he doesn't have the balls like Olimar to go on the field.
he doesn't have the balls like Olimar
he doesn't have the balls
doesn't have the balls
doesn't have balls
PT has three balls. Gotta admit that's pretty manly


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I think PT is unmanly because he has the mindset of a child, and he doesn't have the balls like Olimar to go on the field. I'm sure his pokemanz get nervous when he's yelling at them.
as for Zelda, fireballs are neutral. The only really redeeming thing is her Down B.
Nana has a hammer, which puts her up some, but she isn't extremely manly at all...
What about Zelda's lighting kick that's cool and what makes you think PT has the mindset of a child?

EDIT:Listen to Prepare Yourself he/she knows what he's talking about

The furosious robot has left

Smash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2009
I'm gonna put it out first, then explain. If you didn't read the title, it's a tier based on each character's manliness. You might be surprised at Marth's positioning, but I'll explain. I'm only doing the characters. No AT's or anything like that.


Chuck Norris Rank
Captain Falcon

Very Manly Rank
King Dedede

Rather Manly Rank
Donkey Kong

Somewhat Manly
Meta Kinght
Mr. Game & Watch

Meh Rank
Zero Suit Samus

Almost Womanly Rank
Toon Link
Diddy Kong
Pokemon Trainer



Captain Falcon: Have you not seen Falcon Punch? Have You not seen the knee? This guy is the epitome of man, and I don't wanna hear about priority, or any of that crap, cause he is the guy. Deal haterz.

Snake: Pretty badass. If it weren't for Falcon, he'd be top... It always seems like he doesn't quite cut it on any Brawl tier list...

Ike: Simply because you'll get no sympathy from him. Not to mention he uses a two handed sword in one hand. The guy is a god in human form.

Bowser: Spikey shell, and flame will make the manliest of men pee themselves. He even get's a suicide move. THAT'S PURE DEVOTION TO YOUR JOB PEOPLE! Dying for what you love to do is pretty extreme. And manly.

Ganondorf: Warlock Punch outs him pretty high. Not to mention he chooses not to use his sword but fight with his bare hands. See Bowser on suicide moves.

King Dedede: Hammers are just cool. They represent manly sterotypes like building things. The King also has lots of girth which is really muscle he choose to where humbly. That's pretty cool if ya ask me.

Lucario: The little guy seems out of place among heavy weights. But considering part of his game is taking damage to get stronger is pretty tough. Aura makes a little booy into a big man.

Charizard: You think your tough crushing a can on your head? Try crushing a boulder on your head son, and then you can talk.

Wario: He's a pure man. He does what he wants when he wants too, and farts in public without caring... okay, that last part might constitute for him being childish. He also looses points for eating his bike. While that seems hardcore, it is absolutely disgusting that he eats his pride and joy like that. Shameful.

Donkey Kong: A muscular ape wearing a tie but not under the man's control is a pretty big statement. Pure power FTW!!!

Marth: I can explain this!!! People say Marth isn't manly, but they're liars!!! Even the guy who made those youtube videos about Brawling like a man. Why is Marth manly? Well, first off, look at his fiance (no pic :(). She is hot. Only a real man could score that. Secondly I'll cmpare him to this pokemon.

See this Machoke? You know what the belt is for? Pokedex says it's very heavy so he doesn't go out of contol. Marth's tiarra is similar. It keeps his manliness at normal level. In fact, when Marth Final smash's the tiarra moves a little off his head (no pic again) and he OHKO's the opponent. If you don't think that's manly, get help. Now.

Luigi: Mustache. It's better than Mario's. There. Said and done.

Wolf: He's pretty manly, and his voice is sweet. The eye patch though can be interpreted two ways though. On one hand, it can be seen as asweet pirate like clothing. On the other hand, it's like a soap opera guy's eyepatch... NOT MANLY! So he loses score.

Meta Kinght: The voice is cool, but his brokeness kills his score some. Still a pretty tough guy. Respect him.

Kirby: He's sphere shaped. Sphere shaped things are manly. And he carries a hammer. See Dedede on why that's important.

Falco: He's passionate about his bread. And real men are very passionate about they're food. Plus, he's got a brooklyn accent.

Mr. Game & Watch: He has the word "Mr." in his name, implying manliness. But I can't really go into depth on this one.

Jigglypuff: She's sphere shaped like Kirby. And she does what she wants like Wario. But she loses points because she cries when she gets smashed out.

Olimar: You know what's manly? Being a general. Being able to control your soldiers is repectable. Olimar takes it to the next level. He fights with his pikmin and suffers with them. Hardcore.

Mario: Average Joe really. Still pretty tough. And he get's a cape, and capes are cool.

Link: Knows how to use a sword and bombs. Pretty experienced dude. Give that guy a klondike bar.

Fox: He really isn't outstanding. He's just kinda there now on this tier and the Brawl Tier. Sorry Fox mains.

Samus: Seriously, she's tough. You gotta have balls of some sort to wear a suit like that. But she's still a girl, so she loses points.

R.O.B.: Not really a man at all. But has qualities. Laser beams are pretty nice point wise.

Zero Suit Samus: Loses points for that sexy, revealing skin-tight suit, but she is pretty hardcore in what she does along with high tier characters on thsi list. If she wore more clothes, she might be higher.

Pit:He can fly, he has 2 daggers that alternate as a bow, he commands an army, and he does all that before becoming an adult!

Shiek: Pretty hardcore as well, but nothing special. Not much to say here.

Ivysaur: Flowers are usually not manly. But he looks mean in the face, so I give credit.

Sonic: Seriously, if your gonna gloat like taht Sonic, at least know how to doggy paddle or something. Ego is pretty big for a guy who can't swim.

Toon Link: Has Linkl qualities, but less of them. Give him a few years, and then maybe...

Ness: Nice toys, but he's still a little kid with a whiney voice. Maybe when your older.

Diddy Kong: He uses lots of bananas. and you know what that implies...

Squitle: Not that he isn't manly, but he really has little going for him. But He does some tough stuff even though he's little.

Pikachu: Relies too much on lighting. Maybe if he wasn't so cute, he'd be a bit higher.

Lucas: See Ness. But he's worse. And I swear, don't talk to me about the Mother 3 story line, because I don't want to hear it.

Yoshi: Though he eats things live, he lays eggs. Men should not lay eggs. I like Yoshi, but he's low...

Popo: Though he has a hammer, he relies to much on Nana... who is a girl.

Peach: The dress, voice, and using her butt in such a sexy manner of attacking takes her point value. But she gains some back by being able to handle bomb-ombs: Bombs that make Link's bombs look like pop rocks.

Pokemon Trainer: Though he's a general like Olimar, he doesn't fight with them. Not cool. Also, his American voice bugs me. If he kept the Japanese voice, he'd be higher.

Nana: Behind every great man is a great woman. But this isn't a womanly tier. So Nana is pretty far down, even with the hammer.

Zelda: Nothing redeeming except her down B.

Opinions? I am biased and am a pit hater.
There, I DID make my own list


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
DISCLAIMER: Don't take this seriously. I didn't.

Zelda isn't totally non-manly. While she should be pretty low, she does have a few things going for her. First, Shiek, which has been covered already. Also, side B and Uair. Zelda makes fire. Fire is manly. Explosions are manly. Thus, Zelda has manly moves. But that's about it.

PT is not manly. He forces wild animals into his submission and makes them do his dirty work. He's a coward at heart who doesn't even deserve to be anywhere near as high as Marth or Pit.

Ness is pretty manly. Not top tier, but definitely decently high. He smacks people in the face with a baseball bat. Both baseball and violence are manly, and thus Ness has an incredibly manly move. Also, in a game filled mostly with adults and beasts, he's just a child. And all he fights with are toys and his mind. While yo-yos aren't manly on their own, the fact that Ness can fight with them makes them, and thus him, pretty manly.

Note: My Ness arguments can be modified to fit Lucas. Change the bat to a stick, and yo-yo to rope snake. This would imply that Lucas is about as manly as Ness. However, this is as far from the truth as possible. Lucas is about as unmanly as they come. Exhibit A: See Subspace. Lucas is a little coward who runs and falls down. He needs Ness to save him. (This only augments Ness's manliness.) Also, He has a taunt where he trips and falls down. Seriously, in a game plagued by tripping already, doing it intentionally is an unmanly as you can be. Only his Upsmash saves him from PT and Peach Tier.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2009
It doesn't really matter if he's a kid it just matter on what he did even if it was what about being a kid what baby mario and luigi?It doesn't mean mario and luigi should be top and what about lucas and young/toon link.
Baby Mario fought against another baby, Lucas fought against his brother, and Toon Link against Ganondorf, those enemies can't be compared to the awesome Giygas.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Baby Mario fought against another baby, Lucas fought against his brother, and Toon Link against Ganondorf, those enemies can't be compared to the awesome Giygas.
Mario didn't only beat a baby in partners of time and ganondorf is the king of DARKNESS and weilder of the triforce of POWER he can be compared to Giygas and possibly overpass him.

@Scott!: If it appers i'm taking it seriously sometimes I don't it's just how I write.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2009
Mario didn't only beat a baby in partners of time and ganondorf is the king of DARKNESS and weilder of the triforce of POWER he can be compared to Giygas and possibly overpass him.
Well, I don't really know about Mario, Ganondorf can be the king of evil, but Giygas is an entire dimension of evil.
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