^ I got around the same amount when I was around twelve or younger
< knows the principles behind the Shock coil and annihilator beam from Metroid and why they can't exist here on this Earth (Shock coil uses Neutrinos, a particle with almost no mass. Trillions pass through your body per second, but to to their pathetically small mass, they cause no harm. The shock coil likely fires septillions of them, but this will likely cause little if any damage. The annihilator beam, however, combines light and Dark energy into one blast. In this universe, there is matter and antimatter, which is likely what is in the beam. When matter is combined with it's antimatter counterpart, they annihalate each other and causes an explosion of gamma and X rays. However, even a small amount can match the nuclear blast that leveled Nagasaki Japan in 1945, so, don't try the annihalator beam at home kids, or for that matter at all.)
V could read the Parenthesis without getting confused.