Alright, so I've mained Wario for ~2 years now, so I'll attempt to avoid bias. Wario is in the lower part of mid tier at the moment according to the BR tier list. And some are considering him low tier now. So he definitely needs buffs. And beware, long post ahead. His main issues holding him back as I posted recently in the Wario forums are -
- He struggles badly to kill and has poor kill options and no kill setups outside of waft which is a big weakness since waft is single use with an almost 2 minute charge time.
- Hitting waft is usually a requirement to win sets against good players because of his otherwise bad kill options, meaning wario requires you to be clutch and precise just to "catch up" to other characters. Other characters simply can get the same results or better without the very low margin for error that wario has when it comes to his only kill confirm move.
- He has poor range and few disjoints, making him weak against swords and other disjointed hitboxes
- He has a poor approach, making him very prone to campy play and being walled out
- His frame data is average at best, despite his poor range
- He has little reward out of grab, a subpar combo game with no grab combos, and subpar damage output in general
So what to do to make him more competitive?
Here are my suggestions, which generally strive to give him better overall options outside of waft to make him a more rounded character and less overcentralized on waft.
Uptilt - less startup and endlag
Ftilt - less startup and endlag
His tilts shouldn't be so laggy if they're going to have that bad of range. Compared to other characters, his are way laggier despite having much less range. His uptilt and ftilt comes out at frame 12. Compare this to a character like Cloud, who has a frame 9 ftilt and frame 6 uptilt, despite having more range and a disjoint. There's no reason to not make Wario's frame data better in this area, he doesn't have enough in the rest of his moveset to justify it.
Upsmash - less endlag, increase the knockback a bit to make it kill ~5-10% earlier
Dsmash - large decrease in endlag
Wario needs better kill potential outside of waft. It's overboard for both his upsmash and dsmash to be super punishable. I'd make them more on par with other brawling characters. No doubt they shouldn't be as safe as mario upsmash, and they of course still shouldn't be safe on shield, but they shouldn't be so laggy that they're unusable. Especially his dsmash has no reason to be so laggy.
Fair - slightly decreased endlag on short hop, +1% damage
Bair - increase knockback to kill ~10% earlier
Upair - increase KBG to keep it as a combo move at low to mid percents, but allow it to kill at high percents. Increase hitbox size so fast fall upair hits short characters reliably.
Nair - reduced KBG on hit 2 so followups work at a 5-10% larger window.
Pretty self-explanatory. Lets Wario kill a bit better and gives him more reward when he gets in, and lets him get followup hits off nair for about 1/3 longer.
Jab - Fix it so the 2nd hit actually connects properly
Neutral special - increase the benefit from item healing from 1% and 1 second off waft --> 3% and 3 seconds off waft.
If this mechanic is going to exist it should actually mean something. Why does wario only heal 1% when Ness/Lucas heal for so much?
I really don't think that's over the top at all and is a fair buff request. These buffs give him more outside of waft, but he still won't be top tier because he'll remain with a lacking neutral, bad range and most importantly no kill confirms except his current waft confirms. Those are big enough weaknesses to balance out waft.I'd guess these buffs would put him around 20th.
I've played with the idea of giving him a kill confirm like dtilt to upsmash, or giving him improved run or air speed but feel that may be overbuffing him, so I'll leave it out of my suggestions for now.