Yo my 0.02€ (I'm European ya know) on the Umbra Witch
This is going to be awesome. I think she
needs to be nerfed but I don't want to talk too much about
why because this would mean take the thread to another direction I sincerely don't want to see. I've thought about her in these days so let's start.
Witch Twist
The major problem with her is her upb, no doubt. This move alone makes her a monster on her own.
- Frame 4, so incredibly safe OOS and not reactable at all
- GIGANTIC disjointed hitbox in all directions
- And obviously, combo starter
Do you remember what Sakurai said in her reveal trailer? "However, her combos are a bit slow to start". Now, I mean, is a 4 frame move a bit slow to start? Not in the slightest. Bayonetta needs to punish/go in your face to start a combo. As of now, Witch Twist just s**** upon all of these good premises. So, this is how I would nerf it:
- Grounded Witch Twist is now more or less a frame 10 move, so it can't be always used OOS to escape everything
- Its hitbox is reduced so it doesn't hit enemies that are a miles away
- It drags the opponent less high in the air
I think modify only the grounded version would be fair, so it doesn't damages her recovery (and I have to ask one thing about this because I have a doubt but later on). Hitbox reduction is obvious and Witch Twist bringing the opponent a shorter distance makes her killing on the top to happen far later while retaining the damage output (not at 0%...).
After Burner Kick (downward)
I would just make the ending lag of this move when whiffed just a tiny bit more and that, in some way, it is more difficult to chain two of these in the air. The reason for these is because it brings the opponent incredibly high, maybe even more than Witch Twist does but I'm not sure how. I don't know maybe it sends at a more downward angle or more cooldown?
Witch Time
This is not really a nerf, more an adjustment. Witch Time is fine as it is aside for one thing that bothers me like no other.
Why is it not proportionate to the knockback of the move it counters?! I would make that, for example, a jab at 0 doesn't even make you stop for 1/10 of a second but I would gladly compensate for this with much more seconds for a Witch Time on fsmash at 100%, just saying.
This is my opinion. I think that these changes will make her a fair character, as her design was intended: slow start combos resulting in a lacking neutral game with very good advantage and disadvantage.
Also, is it real that has a third jump glitch during her recovery? I heard about that long time ago and now II can't find clear information about it. I think that if that is really helping her to recover from everywhere at anytime I could also see that gone because as of now her recovery is sooooo amazing.