Frame 1 one 3 jab: Since Palutena is best played as a defense character and her neutral A is her safest move considering it stops a lot of opponents from approaching and gives nice spacing it only makes sense for the hit box to come out quick.
Frame 1 counter: Her counter is really awkward to use already and the biggest problem is the counter frame doesn't appear until she actually says "counter" meaning its easy to knock her out of the counter before the frames can come up. (Also have her say counter when the move actually triggers. Saying it as you press down-b just seem very impractical.)
Super Armor on her F-Smash and D-Smash: These are pretty good punish tools or if you have a good read on your opponent, and those kind of smash attacks are really great to have to again increase the potential of what Palutena's play style is designed around. Being very defensive and countering opponent's play styles, and her f-smash and d-smash having super armor would make that job easier. I mean if Little Mac, a BOXER can have this for his moves than why not the GODDESS?
Fix u-smash's hit box: The hit box can get rather inconsistent at time. Sometimes I barely touch my opponent and it sends them flying, sometimes they just go through my pillar of light and not take damage at all (and no they don't air dodge it, for some reason I get hit by an attack and my opponent is completely fine.) When the pillar of light touches you, you should be getting damaged. Just saying.
Attack out of Teleport: Palutena is vulnerable when she recovers like a a lot of other characters. However there's SOME characters who doesn't have this issue and can still defend themselves even after recovering.
are a few that come to mind. What makes Palutena's case worse though is unlike
her warp doesn't inflict damage, which leaves her even more vulnerable. The distance her warp covers is great don't get me wrong, but if she were still able to defend herself when even in the air, she'd be even better in terms of air control.
Auto-reticle longer reach: This is a pressure tool for Palutena, so having wide range should make it even better, because that way Palutena can pressure the opponent from even further away, again maintaining her defense.
Reflect being a wall: Palutena already has a great reflect, but I also feel it should keep opponents from getting close to you. This would force the opponent to take into the air which Palutena could use to set up some air juggles due to her good her air game is. As of now it barely pushes opponents at all. The WIND box on her Smash Attacks do a better job at pushing opponents away, now that's saying something.