I'm seeing a pattern of girl-lessness in this thread, so I might as well add one more negative problem going on in my life right now.
Well, I've been trying to get a hold of my most recent crush to ask whether or not I could get her on the phone to ask her to see a movie with me. (Psst. Ace. That's a good thing. Get that happy stuff outta here, there's a thread for that!) Well, shut up random voice I use for terrible comedy bits, I wasn't finished talking.
I decided, if I'm going to ask her on a date, I might as well get her on the phone and be extra bold. Except one problem: I don't think she wants much to do with dating. Dating me, anyway. It seemed like she was sort of interested in me during school, but I think she's just trying to be nice at this point. I sent her a text a few days ago to confirm whether or not she was okay with me texting her during the summer. She said 'Sure'. Okay, that's fine and dandy, she's busy a lot so naturally when you want to get back to someone on a question you type in the fastest thing to answer both questions. Fair enough, I'd to the same thing. Then I asked if there was a time next week I could call her. It's been three (going on four) days now, and no response. I know she's busy, but she always has time to respond to everything else I've sent her. I started out thinking "Okay, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she got the message late", but that only works if you haven't gotten a response in a day or so. I know she's on her phone a lot, so there's no possible way she hasn't seen this message yet. Every phone ever even has this little light that flashes whenever you have a new message, so that's why I'm starting to think that she's just been being nice. One of those people who don't want to hurt your feelings, so they pretend to like you in that way so they don't have to say no.
I've stated a few times that I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT when people do that. I don't think people realize it hurts the other person more than it helps them. Sometimes people don't know their doing it, sometimes they do. I'm not going to blame her for anything, it's an almost natural reaction for people who care about others' feelings. I just... all the girls I've ever been interested have done this, and I have to literally push the "No" out of them so I'm not wondering "To be, or not to be?" (Yes, I did just reference Shakespeare in a negative thread on a website that's for the Smash community. My references know no bounds.) (And before you ask, no, I do not like Shakespeare.) And it hurts me to have to push them to say how they feel. So, I'm just going to mark this as another failure and move on with my life. I have to wait the entirety of the summer to find another girl to chase after because: A) All of my girl-friends are just that, friends. And B) I'm not in any sort of activity outside of video games. Meaning: I can't meet new people. I don't like sports, absolutely refuse to go to any summer camps, there's actually no one my age in my neighborhood (SOMEHOW), and just generally don't see the outside much.
Since my parents are pushing me to get into more activities, I offered two, but even then they're both individual things. No other people except instructors. The first one is golf (Reasons: Takes little-to-no strenuous exercise, actually get to see the outside, and compliments my analytical personality) which isn't a team sport. Even if it was, it would be boys-only anyway. The second in music lessons I already know how to play the clarinet, but I'm looking into other instruments (Reasons: Extreme love of music, enjoyment of band). And these are private lessons, so no other people to be met. So I'm out of luck. I want a girlfriend, but this is just getting ridiculous. It's going to take something short of a miracle to get me even a first date, let alone someone who actually wants to spend time with me.