Yeah I find it stupid when people say you can't be gay and Christian. I'm Christian and I don't even try to bring up the issue with my gay friends because I believe "If I don't know what you're thinking how can I know what God is at this moment?" But then again there are seriously people who say dinosaurs don't exist because "it's not in the bible". Well computers and telephones exist, you use them every day and they aren't mentioned in the bible either. That university sounds more like an institution for zealous Christian brainwash. Do they seriously expect their graduates to never encounter anything they've listed as banned? The people who manage that school sound like the people at my old church who accused me of nearly being a heretic for studying theology in other religions along with mythology and demonology.
I'm not surprised that a Christian wrote this, misleading rhetoric is their forte. To clarify, your refutation to their refusal of dinosaurs is irrelevant. That's because the type of believers you are talking about are young-earth creationists who push the Bible and the book of Genesis as being an objective account of
how the world was made rather than adhere to theories stemming from science i.e. Urey-Miller, Primordarial soup, ect. Understanding this, your comment regarding
computers and telephones is
irrelevant because you can't fault a piece of literature for not predicting
everything that happens in the future. You can only
logically fault it for having
any statement given as fact, but has been tested to be untrue.
You can't be gay and Christian. Being a Christian is living in context of the church. It's not a scholarly or objective faith, it is one that is framed by ignorance and by-word. Take for instance Leviticus 20:13 which states, ""If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13 KJV)." Christians use as little of their brain as possible and use their own misgivings to associate 'mankind' with being 'another man.' However the use of the word 'mankind' itself is vague and odd primarily because it stems from the Greek word ἀρσενοκοῖται which has been used contextually in the Bible to refer to both males and females and the verse as a whole is a point of scholarly debate. Christians do not care about scholarly exercise, their only interest in the text is to fuel their rhetoric. Homosexuals similarly vie for contextual acceptance and eagerly accept any news twisting scholarly research to establish a firm genetic basis for homosexual behavior although there is no strong evidence and little reason to believe in such a theory at the moment.