I guess I just have a problem with authority, especially when I get penalized for doing something that isn't against the rules.
I really think it's dumb how I'm following rules, but I'm not allowed to do something because it "annoys" a few people. Better yet, it's on the INTERNET. How can my big, blue font negatively affect anyone, in anyway whatsoever?
I mean, clicking my pen in class doesn't harm anyone, but it disrupts the learning of others around me, so I can see why that would not be allowed, but this is the internet, and I use big font. =S
Anyways, I'm going to add a little something else so that this post doesn't get infracted like I know it will.
Tomorrow my friend Alex is going to ask about having the tournament on Sunday March 15th at Professors Lake. The rooms I have in mind are massive, kind of like the rental cost. Hopefully she can get an employee discount or something.
Got any other venue ideas?