Cheezit - That guy is an *******. Good **** at running these things for as long as you did and you've ran them good everytime. I've had fun coming to these since I started to and it's good that you kept melee alive for as long as you did, and it ain't dyin', it's just movin. MAD props dude.
Scar - That's the last time im teaming with you. Your the only reason we lost. I can't even believe I sacrificed my skill for you. God ****. /sarcasm. **** you, you blow.
Vanz - Good set. IC's are like proof that the devil exists in melee, lol. Always a pleasure when your at tourneys bro, good stuff.
Tec0 - You came!!! Good to see you again. Stop playing brawl, its bad for your health, seriously, its been proven.
JFox - Nah, your def. cooler than I am, lol. Good to see you again, your awesome. Also, thanks for having us over afterwards, that was real cool. Oh, and reno and g$$$, we're still bored.....
Reno - Good set. For some reason you are mad hard for me to play. I need to sit and play you and learn your tricks, lol. Also, good ****in **** takin that match off Eggm, I was on your side over that rule too, that was kinda shady.
Eggm - You're too good. Stop ****** people. Good luck at FAST too, i'll be rootin for you. You gotta take second, or first after you **** the balls of M2K, lol.
Cactuar - Good stuff going back to marth and proving you still **** everyones lives with him. Im gonna stop there before you get too cocky and start sandbagging everyone again. so yeah, i lied, you suck with marth and this game.
Sensei - Your still too cool. I wanna sit and play friendlies with you forever cuz you do the funniest **** and your one of the only players that can make the game as fun as you do.
HBK - your too good. i wanna play you, i dont think i ever have. good stuff ****** my balls off in teams.
Hazzard - your awesome. i wanna play you more, i think i said i was going to and you even came to JFox's and we still didnt play cuz im a moron, lol. good stuff.
CT - way to show up and support melee, *******s!!! j/k.....<3
Im probably missing some people. if i remember ill add you later. good **** to everyone and lets keep this game alive.