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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
Its possible, not gonna discredit a good Link main and he isn't a dumb player in general. Bottom line is everyone needs to just put up more results/videos of their Link since it almost seems like he is nonexistent offline. Yet I hear people are actually using him now so I'm happy because I don't like having no competition (everyone quitting/becoming inactive) in the first place...

Bring this hero back :)



Link List

1. KirinBlaze
2. Legan
3. Scizor
4. LordXav1er
5. TearBear
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=314703 2nd/29 Went all Link through out pools and up to winner's round 3 where i lost to roller.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=313434 2nd/18 Once again went all link in pools then against Ori_bro I switched to Sheik because I'm more comfortable in the ICs MU with Sheik, then game 2 he cp'd me to brinstar and I went link and won. Then I went all Sheik in WF/GF.

I've also won various MM's with my link.
It be easier if you guys just stated your Wins/Loses set wise (Solo Link)

Winning a single match with Link isn't really impressive. Its more like pulling out a wild card.
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Click the links to the results thread for the first.

The second one went

LOE1, then I immediately played Ori, since I got 1st seed in my pool, and a bye for round 1. Forgive me for not remembering my pool.

Actually I think I played AtotheZ after LOE1, but I can't be positive about that. I'm like 80% sure I did though. Lack of bracket makes things difficult.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I don't get why you are trying to argue to keep a top Link spot anyway, Xavier. If you can't even beat any halfway decent players in MMs or bracket, wtf is the point? Congrats, you're a top link player! You can now beat 1.7% of all competitive players...

Good God man, have some dignity. Don't demand notoriety when you have yet to do anything even close to resembling notable.

Do you realize, that if you have no impressive wins at all, and are in the OP; odds are that when people mention your name it will be in a mocking context?

Tutu and Tearbear both have other characters which they are among the best with, and have actually taken down a number of substantially skilled players. They are more or less doing this as a fun side project. Knowing that they are skilled players who command respect in their regions regardless, and are just trying to get some ribbons on their shelves to pat their egos.

Seriously, why do you want to be mocked as a top link player, who nobody will ever be afraid to face in bracket? I don't understand the incentive...


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
I don't get why you are trying to argue to keep a top Link spot anyway, Xavier. If you can't even beat any halfway decent players in MMs or bracket, wtf is the point? Congrats, you're a top link player! You can now beat 1.7% of all competitive players...

Good God man, have some dignity. Don't demand notoriety when you have yet to do anything even close to resembling notable.

Do you realize, that if you have no impressive wins at all, and are in the OP; odds are that when people mention your name it will be in a mocking context?

Tutu and Tearbear both have other characters which they are among the best with, and have actually taken down a number of substantially skilled players. They are more or less doing this as a fun side project. Knowing that they are skilled players who command respect in their regions regardless, and are just trying to get some ribbons on their shelves to pat their egos.

Seriously, why do you want to be mocked as a top link player, who nobody will ever be afraid to face in bracket? I don't understand the incentive...

you must defeat Z


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
I don't get why you are trying to argue to keep a top Link spot anyway, Xavier. If you can't even beat any halfway decent players in MMs or bracket, wtf is the point? Congrats, you're a top link player! You can now beat 1.7% of all competitive players...

Good God man, have some dignity. Don't demand notoriety when you have yet to do anything even close to resembling notable.

Do you realize, that if you have no impressive wins at all, and are in the OP; odds are that when people mention your name it will be in a mocking context?

Tutu and Tearbear both have other characters which they are among the best with, and have actually taken down a number of substantially skilled players. They are more or less doing this as a fun side project. Knowing that they are skilled players who command respect in their regions regardless, and are just trying to get some ribbons on their shelves to pat their egos.

Seriously, why do you want to be mocked as a top link player, who nobody will ever be afraid to face in bracket? I don't understand the incentive...
More or less why I don't want to be on the IC list Roller lol


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Who on EARTH would mock someone for going Link in bracket 100 percent of the time?!

I don't get your statement Roller. sorry. Patting eachother's egos is one thing. Playing the game and showing that you don't back down even in hard matchups and know your character mostly in and out is another.

I still look at results and players people have beaten recently. No ifs ands or buts about it. It remains without bias.

EDITL If Tearbear has better wins in the past 6-12 months than Xavier, then he's moving to 4th and X goes to 5th. But if he only went Link like one time/uses other characters in bracket, that's still something to think about (like Tutu here, I see he has some decent representation, I'd almost put him on before I'd put Tear period...)

Anyways, Xavier doesn't have horrible placings by any means from the look of it. It's hard to really just choose one to boot off / not put on atm...


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Who'd you beat in pools at RXB4 or w/e, you said you lost to Bizkit and Venom

You beat birdman, ICeArrow, Ydg... Melo... I don't know these players. I don't know your whole region as a whole. (actually I remember Melo from somewhere but it's hard to recall)

Beat someone named NovVa...


You won a tournament, a local. Then got 2nd. Hope you can keep it up and not go down.

Have beaten GTZ, Peachkid.... Dunno aboout them.

beat sphere and hobo, no idea who these guys are.

beat Q, Prawn, Viz... I only know of Prawn somewhat, and its a fuzzy memory.

What money matches have you won recently? That's all I care about. Unless you're LOSING to bad players, then I don't want to hear about your losses. So far you keep telling me losses to people that you are evenly skilled with or are not up to par yet with Link. (to be expected of someone in your small local area and exposure, and your main)



Beat shocksauce ( ??? )
jawesome (pika)
lost to roller

Who'd you beat in pools at this one?

Also second results thread you posted:

beating LOE1 (Wario Diddy ZSS? All three or one or two?)

beat Ori mk assuming on brinny)

Tell us MMs you've won that are 5 dollars or more with names, they matter at least for Link quite a bit...

I want to assume the list as follows:


I think Tutue has at least one more more notable wins (mainly looking at Ori on brinny...) even with going half link / half Shielda, but if Xavier can pin point me on what players in his region DO (as in what their skill level is and if they travel) that he has beaten, I'll put Xavier at fourth.

For now Tutu is 4th, Xavier is fifth. Tear will have to show some actual results and wins other than close matches and videos if he wants to be a Link listed...

Next discussion will be :dedede: / :falco: I guess since it's been brought up. I hope I don't have to do anything else with :zelda: for a bit. Also for :luigi2:, who should be on there?? Someone mentioned one or two luigis quitting, and I was like MY DADS MUSTACHE SHOULD BE 1st! :awesome:


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
mofo i posted my **** like 2 times i feel like you havent even read of half of whats going on so bias of course ur gonna know who the MW people are

how do you not know who sphere is? this whole thread is invalid

nyways once again
e4s bertha i went link in pools except against pitbull and paper and got 2nd seed
in bracket I went link against havok twice winners in dubs

at flint i went link against mike and tkd and got 2-0d

at lucian i went link against larry got 2-0d and one game against oats in which I won but then I CPd kirby

MMs ive only done two notable ones with link one against vato and one against zig
i lost to vato's mario 2-1 last stock but beat zig's jiggly 2-1


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
San Diego, CA
I don't think Con Con is really that good. I believe YoshQ is better, but then again, I've only played Con Con in teams.

Oh yeah and I'd like to think I should be 3rd on the DDD list only because am more well traveled than 4GOD. the majority of his Wins are in his state while I have wins all over the country.

In state I have Razx2 or 3, Pitbull ~x4, Mata x2, VatoBreak, Falln, Jebus, Paper(previously ranked in SoCal)and maybe a few more.

Out of State I have Darklink (ranked 1st in AZ), Kiraflax(Ranked 2nd in AZ), Anjila(Ranked 4th or 5th in AZ at the time) A.C.(Ranked 2nd in TJ), Rival (Ranked 10th in TJ) MogX x2 (Ranked 4th or 6th in TJ at the time) Ice DX (Ranked 5th in TJ at the time) Biglou(Ranked 1 or 2 in GA at the time?) Alphicans(Ranked 1st in British Columbia?) Tree(top shiek player? idk lol) Xero(Ranked olimar from Vegas).

Not that it matters but I've taken MikeHAZE, TearBear, Anuar, Havok, and other pros to last game last hit multiple times.
And I beat Salem and X in $10 MMs at Apex.

I think the main reason I would be above 4GOD is because while our wins are pretty equal, I just have more. And IMO both of us should probably be above Atomsk because what has he done with DDD recently besides use him once a tournament against a random Snake or Wario or DK?

And I really hope this post doesn't get disregarded.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Tearbear cool it bro. I don't feel like clicking your name to look at a post 13 pages ago, alright? I just did now to confirm that you had posted it. Sorry, is all I can tell you. Tutu recently posted, Xavier reposted his, and now you have, so chill.

Also Sphere I remember him now, lol... But you'll just call that a john and that I really didn't so w/e.

But serious I can't know every freakin' smasher, and I know quite a bit not just from the MW, mostly bigger names that get top 10 in regionals and such. I know a bit more about WC than I do EC, but I DO know some EC like Junebug, and Dark Pch. And by know I mean I've talked, seen, or played them personally. I may recognize names but won't say that I know the extent of their accomplishments.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...

you must defeat Z
P3 knows.
More or less why I don't want to be on the IC list Roller lol
It's also why I said no when Vinnie mentioned me in here and when you tried to cajole me on fb. lol

The difference is that you don't go around overhyping yourself and asking for commendations. You present yourself as modest and humble to a fault. No one will say anything about you not deserving that spot, or crack jokes about you being #5 when you did not ask for it, and openly suggested multiple other people to be put there in your stead.

This is contrary to Xavier's constant overzealous ambition. He puts himself up onto the very pedestal you ask to be taken down from. When someone attempts to achieve prestige in this manner; which is to say by tooting their own horn. No doubt in an effort to compensate for the lack of support from unimpressed critics; they invite the skepticism, questioning of credentials, and/or jokes that inevitably follow.

Nobody is going to haze a humble, unassuming, hard working, and (imo) moderately successful person who is given just praise.

However there are plenty of people that will be quick to tear down the overly kindled ego of one who sings too loudly their own praises.

Who on EARTH would mock someone for going Link in bracket 100 percent of the time?!
...If that someone had been playing for years with that obvious, easily fixable, and intentional handicap and have yet to beat a single high level player; all the while demanding he be shown respect and admiration? I would.

I am.

The kid is a joke. It is one thing to enjoy the playstyle of a character, or to love a series, and play it's corresponding figurehead. However when you know that you could be more successful from a competitive standpoint, should you invest the time into a character who is more intelligent to use given the matchups in your local (or not so local, should you be the type to travel) metagame. And you willingly choose to hold yourself back out of some sense of pride, or stubbornness, or maybe even fear of whether or not you would be able to succeed at a correlated level with a better character. THEN have the audacity to ask for RESPECT when you have done absolutely nothing (in my eyes) deserving of it. I will call you a fool and laugh at you every time.

Enjoying playing a low tier character is fine, intentionally handicapping yourself is also fine. Furthermore, achieving nothing notable with said character is alright by me and I can still have a level of respect for that player. But the demanding of unearned rewards, based on lower standards as a result of your choices. That. Is not alright to ask for, as far as I'm concerned.

Or rather, you can ask for it, but be prepared for your ego to run the gauntlet of opposition that rises against you.

I don't get your statement Roller. sorry. Patting eachother's egos is one thing. Playing the game and showing that you don't back down even in hard matchups and know your character mostly in and out is another.
When you don't back down, and come out on top, definitely. That applies 10 fold for characters like Link. But although he appears not to consciously back down, he DOES get bent over and defiled by every decent player and their grandmother.

Where is the respectability in that? That he can take a loss? Congrats. That doesn't make you a player deserving of a title given out for skill. And so that is not a trait that really has much relevance in this thread. Again, unless you refuse to back down AND WIN. Which Xavier does not do. At least not against anyone worth writing home about.

I still look at results and players people have beaten recently. No ifs ands or buts about it. It remains without bias.

EDITL If Tearbear has better wins in the past 6-12 months than Xavier, then he's moving to 4th and X goes to 5th. But if he only went Link like one time/uses other characters in bracket, that's still something to think about (like Tutu here, I see he has some decent representation, I'd almost put him on before I'd put Tear period...)
I'm not suggesting anything that should affect your decision making. I'm moreso asking Xavier why he WANTS you to make the decision to put him on the list. When either way he is not a threat in tournament. And nobody is going to respect him as a player whether he is on the list or not, until he gets some decent wins and fewer embarrassing losses.

He's spending far too much time fussing/worrying about meaningless titles and rewards, and losing sight of what he truly needs to do in order to earn respect of his skills.

Or as my boy Henry more elegantly put, "It is not worth the while to go 'round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar."

EDIT: My sig applies here.
Bottom line. Xavier bro, all I have left to say to you...



Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Well the respect needed or not... I get what you're saying now sorta but...

...he was on the list to begin with because he mains link and does have wins...
...and he got 1st and 2nd at a tourney that I'd like to see results for soon.

At worst, he should be moved off and then moved back on when I see those results being indicative of improvement.

At best, he should just stay fifth because Tutu and Tear don't have any more of notable wins or placement with Link, a character they don't even main. Tutu would get on first because of his regular commitment to Link in bracket and pools. (and to me it looks like he has wins :x)

IF there are players doing his same level of commitment, and ARE threats, then YES, it would make sense for him to just step down respect wise. I'd agree there. Right now it only numbers to one other player and that's still a half main, Tutu. Tear's like, a 1/3'rd main I'm guessing (though he does have a legit link from the looks of it)

EDIT: Maybe I'm just not cut out on callin the shots on situations as these, apparently you know more about Xavier's skill level, but it looked to me that he DOES have wins and with the tournaments he mentioned I am awaiting the results eagerly on that. Doesn't seem free... Maybe 8.95...


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
I don't think tewtew mains Link, but just to give people an idea of where he is in terms of the link metagame... he is the only Link player I've ever lost to. We played 2 10$ MMs @ Apex and I lost both of them 2-0 and 2-1 respectively. I've played a lot of links and I think he really has something special. People shouldn't sleep on him. I don't know where he should be on the list, but he definitely deserves a part in it.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Easiest solution for Wolf list.

Due to incredible user support

#3-Seagull Man

#5-MRM/MCP debate

Even if Holms stays on, AC shouldn't.

And Holms and Mr. Doom both said they wanted off and hasn't played in forever.

Though if he's gonna stay on, he should obviously be #1.

Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Tbh I feel like if Xavier and TB were to switch locations, TB would do much better in Xavier's region than Xavier does, and Xavier would do considerably worse in TB's region.

Like I agree that character loyalty is something that should be taken into consideration, but its a lot easier to stay loyal to Link in Rhode Island and do well than it is in Socal. Like it seems like if Teabear were to get lower placings and lose to people with his link that he could beat with his better characters, you would put him above xavier, because of "character loyalty." That just seems silly to me tbh


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
I guess so Tutu.

Still I don't like to gerrymander points and respect based on regional difficulty; only character and player difficulty ... I don't know how else to put it. but regions DO have that player difficulty anyways... I dunno :/


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2009
Georgia Tech
I suppose all the D3's should list their wins as well. Here are mine:

BigLou (Arguably best Luigi.)
Kismet(x2) (Arguably #5 falco. #1 in GA when I beat him. Currently #2 in GA. )
DRN(x4) (#3 ZSS. Ranked #1 in GA.)
Player-1 (#4 Diddy Kong. Top 3 in GA when I beat him. Currently #3 in GA. )
McPeePants(x2) (Arguably #5 wolf. Ranked in GA)
Micaelis(x2) (Ranked #4 in GA)

Reflex (Best PT. Best Wario. #1 in AL)
Ed a.k.a ScaryLB59 (#1 Sheik and #3 Zelda when I beat him. Currently #2 Sheik and #3 Zelda.
Billy(x2) (#3 Sheik. #2 in AL)
Kyon (#5 Peach. Ranked in FL.)
MeekSpeedy (#5 Sonic. Ranked #2 in the Southern Ontario)
Chibo (#2 ROB when I beat him. Currently #5 ROB)
Xaltis (Ranked #7 in FL. Beat Zekey and someone else noteworthy in APEX pools)
Snakee (The dude used to be like top 3 ZSS, I think.)
Dr. Peepee (Ranked #5 in North Carolina. Used to be #1)
Seibrik!!! (MM'ed his falco :])

Other than GA, I have wins in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and New Jersey, and I've placed at two nationals: MLG Raleigh (33rd/148) and APEX (49th/400). New Jersey was just for APEX in case you're wondering.

For #5 D3: Junk/Seibrik/Technical_Chase


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
I don't get why you are trying to argue to keep a top Link spot anyway, Xavier. If you can't even beat any halfway decent players in MMs or bracket, wtf is the point? Congrats, you're a top link player! You can now beat 1.7% of all competitive players...

Good God man, have some dignity. Don't demand notoriety when you have yet to do anything even close to resembling notable.

Do you realize, that if you have no impressive wins at all, and are in the OP; odds are that when people mention your name it will be in a mocking context?

Tutu and Tearbear both have other characters which they are among the best with, and have actually taken down a number of substantially skilled players. They are more or less doing this as a fun side project. Knowing that they are skilled players who command respect in their regions regardless, and are just trying to get some ribbons on their shelves to pat their egos.

Seriously, why do you want to be mocked as a top link player, who nobody will ever be afraid to face in bracket? I don't understand the incentive...

you dont even know.

ok, I'm from New England so I can settle this whole Lord Xavier problem you're having....He shouldnt be listed as a top 5 link. He isn't good enough. (sorry Lord X but you just arent yet) He is a low level player that always gets beaten by anyone on our current PRs and would not have a chance in hell at ever once taking a game off of anyone in the top 5.

Long story short, he isnt a good enough player to be top 5 in anything. That D3 main he beat is hobo. And HOBO IS AWFUL(he only plays for fun).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDxmpL-DzrU (thats us ****ing around in a tourney set)


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2009
Double posting in ur threads.
I think Ven is at least 2nd best Zelda. What has Fuujin ever done anyways? Just curious
[COLLAPSE="2011"]E4H: Glacia
North Hollywood, CA (8/27/11)
13th out of 23 singles

Brainshock Beta
Iowa City, IA (07/02/11)
49th out of 65 singles

Ogre Smash 2
St. Louis, MO (05/21/11)
13th out of 20 singles
Used: :sheik::zelda:

Ogre Smash
St. Louis, MO (04/16/11)
9th out of 25 singles

School is in Session 4
Cincinnati, OH (01/08/11)
49th out of 112 singles
[COLLAPSE="2010"]KMYM 2(Kahoka Me Your Moves 2)
Kahoka, MO (11/13/10)
17th out of 25th
Used: :zelda::sheik:

HD! Remix(Hot ****ings! Remix)
St Louis, MO (10/23/10)
33rd out of 49th
Used: :zelda::sheik:

TAS (Tornado Alley Smash)
Lenexa, KS (10/09/10)
13th out of 42 singles
Used: :zelda::sheik:

School is in Session 3
Cincinnati, OH (09/11/10)
33rd out of 117 singles

Pools(I normally would never use these as major accomplishments, but apparently pools is srs business.)


[COLLAPSE="2012"]Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #10
Las Vegas, NV (1/21/12)
3rd out of 25 Singles

Monthly #9
Las Vegas (12/26/11)
8th out of 15

Monthly #8
Las Vegas, NV
7th out of 20 (11/20/11)

Las Vegas, NV (9/23/11)
13th out of 22

Monthly #6
Las Vegas,(9/17/11)
4th out of 12

Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #3
Las Vegas NV (04/10/11)
7th out of 25 singles

Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #2
Las Vegas, NV (03/21/11)
9th out of 19 singles

Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #1
Las Vegas, NV (02/27/11)
5th out of 29 singles



Oh yeah and I'd like to think I should be 3rd on the DDD list only because am more well traveled than 4GOD. the majority of his Wins are in his state while I have wins all over the country.
Ven has been to NV, SoCal aaaaaand nowhere else.

I've been to NJ, MO, IA, OH, SoCal, TX, KS.


But you and Xavier be sure to let me know the moment he makes it to bracket at a national/regional.

You may sit down now Zekei.

P3 knows.
The difference is that you don't go around overhyping yourself and asking for commendations.

This is contrary to Xavier's constant overzealous ambition. He puts himself up onto the very pedestal you ask to be taken down from. When someone attempts to achieve prestige in this manner; which is to say by tooting their own horn. No doubt in an effort to compensate for the lack of support from unimpressed critics; they invite the skepticism, questioning of credentials, and/or jokes that inevitably follow.

THEN have the audacity to ask for RESPECT when you have done absolutely nothing (in my eyes) deserving of it. I will call you a fool and laugh at you every time.

Enjoying playing a low tier character is fine, intentionally handicapping yourself is also fine. Furthermore, achieving nothing notable with said character is alright by me and I can still have a level of respect for that player. But the demanding of unearned rewards, based on lower standards as a result of your choices. That. Is not alright to ask for, as far as I'm concerned.

When you don't back down, and come out on top, definitely. That applies 10 fold for characters like Link. But although he appears not to consciously back down, he DOES get bent over and defiled by every decent player and their grandmother.

Where is the respectability in that? That he can take a loss? Congrats. That doesn't make you a player deserving of a title given out for skill. And so that is not a trait that really has much relevance in this thread. Again, unless you refuse to back down AND WIN. Which Xavier does not do. At least not against anyone worth writing home about.

I'm not suggesting anything that should affect your decision making. I'm moreso asking Xavier why he WANTS you to make the decision to put him on the list. When either way he is not a threat in tournament. And nobody is going to respect him as a player whether he is on the list or not, until he gets some decent wins and fewer embarrassing losses.

He's spending far too much time fussing/worrying about meaningless titles and rewards, and losing sight of what he truly needs to do in order to earn respect of his skills.
THIS X10000000!!!!
I can't imagine the day Xavier actually DOES get a notable win, we will all be hearing about how he should be top 2 from that day until the end of time.

Roller I ****ing love you.
Not a Peach main so I don't think that's anything to worry about?

I suppose all the D3's should list their wins as well. Here are mine:

BigLou (Arguably best Luigi.)
Kismet(x2) (Arguably #5 falco. #1 in GA when I beat him. Currently #2 in GA. )
DRN(x4) (#3 ZSS. Ranked #1 in GA.)
Player-1 (#4 Diddy Kong. Top 3 in GA when I beat him. Currently #3 in GA. )
McPeePants(x2) (Arguably #5 wolf. Ranked in GA)
Micaelis(x2) (Ranked #4 in GA)

Reflex (Best PT. Best Wario. #1 in AL)
Ed a.k.a ScaryLB59 (#1 Sheik and #3 Zelda when I beat him. Currently #2 Sheik and #3 Zelda.
Billy(x2) (#3 Sheik. #2 in AL)
Kyon (#5 Peach. Ranked in FL.)
MeekSpeedy (#5 Sonic. Ranked #2 in the Southern Ontario)
Chibo (#2 ROB when I beat him. Currently #5 ROB)
Xaltis (Ranked #7 in FL. Beat Zekey and someone else noteworthy in APEX pools)
Snakee (The dude used to be like top 3 ZSS, I think.)
Dr. Peepee (Ranked #5 in North Carolina. Used to be #1)
Seibrik!!! (MM'ed his falco :])

Other than GA, I have wins in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and New Jersey, and I've placed at two nationals: MLG Raleigh (33rd/148) and APEX (49th/400). New Jersey was just for APEX in case you're wondering.

For #5 D3: Junk/Seibrik/Technical_Chase[/COLLAPSE]
This post totally could have used a sassy gif.
I am disappoint 4god.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
mofo i posted my **** like 2 times i feel like you havent even read of half of whats going on so bias of course ur gonna know who the MW people are

how do you not know who sphere is? this whole thread is invalid

nyways once again
e4s bertha i went link in pools except against pitbull and paper and got 2nd seed
in bracket I went link against havok twice winners in dubs

at flint i went link against mike and tkd and got 2-0d

at lucian i went link against larry got 2-0d and one game against oats in which I won but then I CPd kirby

MMs ive only done two notable ones with link one against vato and one against zig
i lost to vato's mario 2-1 last stock but beat zig's jiggly 2-1
I almost agree with this, just because you don't know about a region and know your own very well shouldn't make the others way worse.

I don't think tewtew mains Link, but just to give people an idea of where he is in terms of the link metagame... he is the only Link player I've ever lost to. We played 2 10$ MMs @ Apex and I lost both of them 2-0 and 2-1 respectively. I've played a lot of links and I think he really has something special. People shouldn't sleep on him. I don't know where he should be on the list, but he definitely deserves a part in it.
This sounds like a good win. TuTu should be 4th then.

Who'd you beat in pools at RXB4 or w/e, you said you lost to Bizkit and Venom

You beat birdman, ICeArrow, Ydg... Melo... I don't know these players. I don't know your whole region as a whole. (actually I remember Melo from somewhere but it's hard to recall)

Beat someone named NovVa...


You won a tournament, a local. Then got 2nd. Hope you can keep it up and not go down.

Have beaten GTZ, Peachkid.... Dunno aboout them.

beat sphere and hobo, no idea who these guys are.

beat Q, Prawn, Viz... I only know of Prawn somewhat, and its a fuzzy memory.

What money matches have you won recently? That's all I care about. Unless you're LOSING to bad players, then I don't want to hear about your losses. So far you keep telling me losses to people that you are evenly skilled with or are not up to par yet with Link. (to be expected of someone in your small local area and exposure, and your main)



Beat shocksauce ( ??? )
jawesome (pika)
lost to roller

Who'd you beat in pools at this one?

Also second results thread you posted:

beating LOE1 (Wario Diddy ZSS? All three or one or two?)

beat Ori mk assuming on brinny)

Tell us MMs you've won that are 5 dollars or more with names, they matter at least for Link quite a bit...

I want to assume the list as follows:


I think Tutue has at least one more more notable wins (mainly looking at Ori on brinny...) even with going half link / half Shielda, but if Xavier can pin point me on what players in his region DO (as in what their skill level is and if they travel) that he has beaten, I'll put Xavier at fourth.

For now Tutu is 4th, Xavier is fifth. Tear will have to show some actual results and wins other than close matches and videos if he wants to be a Link listed...

Next discussion will be :dedede: / :falco: I guess since it's been brought up. I hope I don't have to do anything else with :zelda: for a bit. Also for :luigi2:, who should be on there?? Someone mentioned one or two luigis quitting, and I was like MY DADS MUSTACHE SHOULD BE 1st! :awesome:
So my best wins recently would be:
KC 24
, Chef Fox
, Melo
(was the only RI player ever ranked in NE), Bass
(Was ranked in NE), Peachkid
(Was ranked in NE), Prawn
(this was long ago during his ranking period, we are 1-1 now)

I can say none of these are exactly super easy either. I only lose to good/pro players here, (every now and then someone close to my level because of MUs I guess, won't be for long tho ;))

Tbh I feel like if Xavier and TB were to switch locations, TB would do much better in Xavier's region than Xavier does, and Xavier would do considerably worse in TB's region.

Like I agree that character loyalty is something that should be taken into consideration, but its a lot easier to stay loyal to Link in Rhode Island and do well than it is in Socal. Like it seems like if Teabear were to get lower placings and lose to people with his link that he could beat with his better characters, you would put him above xavier, because of "character loyalty." That just seems silly to me tbh
Not exactly, its questionable tho. I would still go 100% Link and have more exposure to top level players. Mainly its like I only have KC 24 in RI to challenge me every week, then once every 2-3 months out of region comes here or even host a tourney here usually its the top ranked players in NE who are far from slouches.

you dont even know.

ok, I'm from New England so I can settle this whole Lord Xavier problem you're having....He shouldnt be listed as a top 5 link. He isn't good enough. (sorry Lord X but you just arent yet) He is a low level player that always gets beaten by anyone on our current PRs and would not have a chance in hell at ever once taking a game off of anyone in the top 5.

Long story short, he isnt a good enough player to be top 5 in anything. That D3 main he beat is hobo. And HOBO IS AWFUL(he only plays for fun).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDxmpL-DzrU (thats us ****ing around in a tourney set)

That may be true... The top 5 are ALL NATIONAL PLAYERS. I have yet to take a game off them. Top 9 and up handle the Link MU well also.

Hobo isn't one of my better wins. He went D3 after I 2 stocked his Snake game 2 anyways. I was playing his D3 like it was a friendly anyways.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
shiro should be 5th for wolf, he's a really cool guy

Shiro IS pretty good with wolf imo
Might be a contender for the 5 spot

(although I'm biased and think every wolf player is broken)

How does he place?

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
:luigi2: List


The only other active Luigis are Luigisama, Me, Thunderstorm, occasionally Jbandrew and potentially Player-3 if he legit starts playing him. I don't really care if I'm on the list or not. I don't consider myself good enough to be on there and I don't want to break my neck trying to get recognition.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Providence RI
:luigi2: List


The only other active Luigis are Luigisama, Me, Thunderstorm, occasionally Jbandrew and potentially Player-3 if he legit starts playing him. I don't really care if I'm on the list or not. I don't consider myself good enough to be on there and I don't want to break my neck trying to get recognition.

JBandrew should be 4th as far as I seen results wise/video wise.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
[COLLAPSE="2011"]E4H: Glacia
North Hollywood, CA (8/27/11)
13th out of 23 singles

Brainshock Beta
Iowa City, IA (07/02/11)
49th out of 65 singles

Ogre Smash 2
St. Louis, MO (05/21/11)
13th out of 20 singles
Used: :sheik::zelda:

Ogre Smash
St. Louis, MO (04/16/11)
9th out of 25 singles

School is in Session 4
Cincinnati, OH (01/08/11)
49th out of 112 singles
[COLLAPSE="2010"]KMYM 2(Kahoka Me Your Moves 2)
Kahoka, MO (11/13/10)
17th out of 25th
Used: :zelda::sheik:

HD! Remix(Hot ****ings! Remix)
St Louis, MO (10/23/10)
33rd out of 49th
Used: :zelda::sheik:

TAS (Tornado Alley Smash)
Lenexa, KS (10/09/10)
13th out of 42 singles
Used: :zelda::sheik:

School is in Session 3
Cincinnati, OH (09/11/10)
33rd out of 117 singles

Pools(I normally would never use these as major accomplishments, but apparently pools is srs business.)


[COLLAPSE="2012"]Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #10
Las Vegas, NV (1/21/12)
3rd out of 25 Singles

Monthly #9
Las Vegas (12/26/11)
8th out of 15

Monthly #8
Las Vegas, NV
7th out of 20 (11/20/11)

Las Vegas, NV (9/23/11)
13th out of 22

Monthly #6
Las Vegas,(9/17/11)
4th out of 12

Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #3
Las Vegas NV (04/10/11)
7th out of 25 singles

Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #2
Las Vegas, NV (03/21/11)
9th out of 19 singles

Neo VegasSmash Brawl Monthlies #1
Las Vegas, NV (02/27/11)
5th out of 29 singles



Ven has been to NV, SoCal aaaaaand nowhere else.

I've been to NJ, MO, IA, OH, SoCal, TX, KS.
I am sorry, but was this supposed to show you're better than him, or are you just putting this up so we can objectively compare you two? Those 3 wins he has looks way better than your wins tbh...


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
So my best wins recently would be:
KC 24
, Chef Fox
, Melo
(was the only RI player ever ranked in NE), Bass
(Was ranked in NE), Peachkid
(Was ranked in NE), Prawn
(this was long ago during his ranking period, we are 1-1 now)

I can say none of these are exactly super easy either. I only lose to good/pro players here, (every now and then someone close to my level because of MUs I guess, won't be for long tho ;))
No....just no....Prawn quit, KC24 plays in RI only tourneys (which the ruleset is a fking joke), peachkid hasnt been ranked in 2 years, same with melo and Bass.

If anything a win on bass is the only good win you have ever had. But if you won it at one of your RXB tourneys with the craptastic ruleset then its a joke and shouldnt be counted toward anything except for a good punchline.
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