I agree with that. I never wanted to leave, but I felt that I had no choice if people insisted upon EE's formation. Like I said, I am very open to a compromise, because I would much prefer to stay in a group.I'm sorry, but I am not okay with you leaving, short of someone transforming into a thing right now. Splitting apart this group over something like that is irrational. Risking it with this large group, even though they might be Things, is probably safer than running off on your own.
I'm aware of that. Although, hypothetically, if the Russians were infected, both you and frozenflame would surely be infected. The only people who might not be infected would be me, Chill, ronike and ligolski. ligolski gave total control to the Russians, so we can't get him to come with us if we need to flee.Remember, if someone other than you/Chill/Ronike here isn't infected, then we will be if you leave.
Hopefully, nobody's infected, and I'm just being paranoid. Of course, you have to be paranoid while playing this game if you want to live.
This seems like a fine compromise to me, although I'd prefer to have Chill and myself on the same side of the formation.As for a compromise, I think we should split Clint up from his brother in the organization.
Perhaps something like this:
I think Clint should give MacReady some of his weaponry, and lead us. We should also do a flip at every turn, so that sometimes MacReady, Windows, and Dmitri lead, and sometimes Clint, Blair, and Nauls do.
We'll still have all of our weapons in a line, and we'll still have Nauls' organization style. Not only that, but the sides will be altering.
Like this:
I really see no rationale for having MacReady and me on separate sides. If there is one, I'd appreciate if you would explain it.
But, yeah, other than that, I'm fine with this plan. Can't say anything for anybody else, of course, but it seems like a reasonable compromise.