Lol. By the way, I found some new models for Ness and co. when I get back to my EarthBound drawing. Ness won't look exactly like this when I draw him (I'm going to change something and add something), but here's a sneak preview for you guys:
For Jeff, expect something like his trophy in SSB4. For Paula, something more or less like this (but happy, not cautious, and facing towards the viewer):
And Poo will look mostly like this, but with his sword, and more happy:
The rest of the drawing will be kept secret. I'm still trying to get it all down in my head (I want to add more than I think I'll be able to fit on the paper), but it's coming together really good now. The latest date I'll be done, like I said, is near Thanksgiving. But at this point, I think I can get it done by mid-October, assuming I don't get caught up with homework.
Again, those are just ideas. I mainly have them just so I can get an idea of how the character would look in the real world. What the character is actually doing may change some. The colors for Paula and Poo will also be brighter, somewhat like Ness.