Dangit, I can never get the rare drops on a whim when playing any of the Mother games. I always have to hunt for them for a long time >.<
And I'm the type of OCD guy that needs to have ALL the rare drops in order to feel complete. Gutsy bat, Goddess Ribbon, Magic Gloves, Thud Charms, you name it.
Btw, I just went to another tournament yesterday, and I did MUCH better this time (4th place).
Literally didn't lose to anyone but 2fast lol. He put me in losers, then eliminated me. He's got a great Luigi that I still struggle with, but I think I'll be able to get him some day, the games are usually close. I took the last set to game 3 by breaking his shield with PK Flash, then hitting him with the PK Flash for the KO. I also PK Flashed him out of a misfired green missile.
That's literally more PK Flashes I've landed in 1 day than I do in a regular week.
Also, just wanna thank @
for the advice he gave me. I tried applying it all and the results showed. I tried listening to music, collecting my thoughts between stocks, and focusing more on adapting as opposed to potentially losing. I certainly didn't SD as much as I did previously (only 1 time in a game I won anyways), and I finally managed to beat players that had formerly beaten me.