Professional Nice Guy
Part One:
Zeus k. Rockerfella (who later changed his name to David “Dekar” Moore to avoid paparazzi following his invention of shoelaces) was born on the 25th of December, 1940, to a poor Laotian/Dutch family in the deep jungles near Borobudur. He was one of eighteen children born that day, seven of which were suspiciously stillborn. Luckily Dekar was the eighth child born that day and he was able to successful oversee the birth of the next nine children.
Each of these nine children would become figures of worldwide renown, some for good and some for evil. Dekar’s youngest sister is probably the best known. Known to Dekar simply as Dorothy, to the rest of the world, Adolf Hitler. Dekar has a typical childhood spending much of his time on his grandfather’s (Gandalf the White) enchanted tower hunting unicorns.
Dekar’s above-average intelligence was recognized early in his schooling when for a grade six science project he submitted a piece he entitled “The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields” which was later stolen by Albert Einstein. Of note also is that for a grade three ‘show-and-tell’ Dekar brought in his left bicep which impressed classmates and teacher alike.
He was no stranger to the sports field competing in the school team for swimming, soccer, tennis, rugby, basketball, baseball and polo (for which Dekar was the only player to not require a horse). At the age of 9 he played for the Junior Wallabies squad in the 1949 Rugby World Cup in Sri Lanka, where his innovative playmaking resulted in the invention of Jumping.
High School set the precedent for the rest of Dekar’s life. He was a favourite among the teachers and was popular with all students. No more was this more evident than on Prom Night when Dekar won both Prom King and Queen. Dekar participated liberally in extra-curricular activities such as the audio-visual society where he directed his first home-made movie entitled ‘The Godfather.’ Also an avid member of the Junior Politics society Dekar was integral in the formation and implementation of Chamberlain’s appeasement policy. It should also be noted that Dekar held the position of head-master for two years while simultaneously serving as a student.
On graduation day Dekar was voted ‘most likely to physically heal earth’ (perhaps a foreshadowing of his heal the world antics of later years) as well as ‘greatest all-round sportsman’ and ‘most likely to earn one million dollars’ (which he fulfilled the following day).
Dekar took a 17 and a half year gap year before he ventured into university. Some of his best known exploits during this period was his single-handed defeat of Operation Barbarossa and dropping himself on Hiroshima. Dekar returned to the known world at the ripe age of 15 ready to usher in a new age of civilisation after his six year rule as Sultan of Brunei.
Zeus k. Rockerfella (who later changed his name to David “Dekar” Moore to avoid paparazzi following his invention of shoelaces) was born on the 25th of December, 1940, to a poor Laotian/Dutch family in the deep jungles near Borobudur. He was one of eighteen children born that day, seven of which were suspiciously stillborn. Luckily Dekar was the eighth child born that day and he was able to successful oversee the birth of the next nine children.
Each of these nine children would become figures of worldwide renown, some for good and some for evil. Dekar’s youngest sister is probably the best known. Known to Dekar simply as Dorothy, to the rest of the world, Adolf Hitler. Dekar has a typical childhood spending much of his time on his grandfather’s (Gandalf the White) enchanted tower hunting unicorns.
Dekar’s above-average intelligence was recognized early in his schooling when for a grade six science project he submitted a piece he entitled “The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields” which was later stolen by Albert Einstein. Of note also is that for a grade three ‘show-and-tell’ Dekar brought in his left bicep which impressed classmates and teacher alike.
He was no stranger to the sports field competing in the school team for swimming, soccer, tennis, rugby, basketball, baseball and polo (for which Dekar was the only player to not require a horse). At the age of 9 he played for the Junior Wallabies squad in the 1949 Rugby World Cup in Sri Lanka, where his innovative playmaking resulted in the invention of Jumping.
High School set the precedent for the rest of Dekar’s life. He was a favourite among the teachers and was popular with all students. No more was this more evident than on Prom Night when Dekar won both Prom King and Queen. Dekar participated liberally in extra-curricular activities such as the audio-visual society where he directed his first home-made movie entitled ‘The Godfather.’ Also an avid member of the Junior Politics society Dekar was integral in the formation and implementation of Chamberlain’s appeasement policy. It should also be noted that Dekar held the position of head-master for two years while simultaneously serving as a student.
On graduation day Dekar was voted ‘most likely to physically heal earth’ (perhaps a foreshadowing of his heal the world antics of later years) as well as ‘greatest all-round sportsman’ and ‘most likely to earn one million dollars’ (which he fulfilled the following day).
Dekar took a 17 and a half year gap year before he ventured into university. Some of his best known exploits during this period was his single-handed defeat of Operation Barbarossa and dropping himself on Hiroshima. Dekar returned to the known world at the ripe age of 15 ready to usher in a new age of civilisation after his six year rule as Sultan of Brunei.