So I thought I could grab your attention, and get more False SBR failure...
Here's Infzy, just posting his own business, we all know he's a smart guy and all that jazz, anyway...
Well, some would argue it hasn't been working all that well. I wouldn't, but w/e, just sayin'.
OK so this is what it would be nice to see: some sort of commitment from the SBR that if they're going to be an exclusive group that should be the voice of the intelligent, respected core of the smash community, then they have an obligation to post detailed explanations of the decisions they reach. Lately, I think it's these explanations that have been very lacking. If a stage is supposedly ban-worthy, describe the strategies that make it so, and give us the arguments that were used for and against from some of the people who voted either way. Similarly for discussions about other tournament rules, changes around SWF and SBR membership, etc. I don't care about tier lists, they may cause more harm than good, so I won't go there.
Maybe with the recent "pruning" of the SBR, there might be some kind of revised mandate to this effect? I don't want to be pushy, I know it's a lot of work for them and we're all doing this for free and fun and la la la. Just hoping for a bit more openness, if we are to respect the decisions of a closed back room. I know that in my area there's been a lot of negative opinion of the SBR from our good smash players, and it's hard for me to defend the SBR when I can't see their arguments, or even if they're diligent.
Seems filled with credibility, I could see where he's coming from, right? Well guess what, the SBR has been purged, and apparently they missed one...
I just want to point out that March 08 here thinks the SBR hasn't been working, even though it's been around since before my time. Honestly there wasn't much if any anti-SBR mentalities floating around till Brawl's release.
As far as stage bans go, if you want more details why not try talking to an SBR member? It's not like the info you want is inaccessible. More than likely somebody had to do a write up and didn't want to go into a million details, or was busy with life or something. We are people too you know, and it takes a LOT of time to compile all of the opinions on each stage and present them in a logical manor.
Take a good look at the bolded/italisized part of the quote... I don't care what he did or how long he's been doing it, he had come out of nowhere and just bashed Infzy and no matter who he is has no right to do so, what's even more infuriating is that he didn't make an attempt to counter Infzy's post, but rather ridicule it just because "he's an 08er."
Infzy even clearly stated that the SBR were just a select group of the most intelligent players putting away time of their lives to get this through, and this jerk just goes out and makes Infzy look stupid. All Infzy did was just make a harmless suggestion, and he has to act like this.
God ****it we're not all ********, some of us actually know what we're talking about when it comes to Brawl, and the release of Brawl only invited more variety of people onto Smashboards. Look at Mmac who is a Smash Researcher... take a good peek at his join date and tell me that is not impressive with a straight face.
Now it's the SBR's job to at least keep things moving, not make up excuses for themselves. We know **** well that they are human beings with lives, but we don't need to be reminded of that, and we have a right as followers of their system to be informed of some things and be able to keep a log on their actions so we know things are getting done!
Save this quote for "SBR elitist fail moments" because when you just thought they couldn't get anymore lame after "Weekly Character Discussion: Sonic", they manage to come up with stuff like this in more threads.