This might clarify a few things.
"Some of you are a little confused how copyrights/trademarks work.
You only have to list the copyrights on the packaging for the properties you use on the packaging.
You don't have to list copyrights used in-game on the packaging when you do not use any of those things on the packaging.
Basically you're only referencing copyrights when you actually use them. You can consider the game and its packaging as two different 'products', if you will.
For example, the packaging does not show Rayman's copyright, but the game obviously contains a trophy containing his image (and therefore Ubisoft's copyright). This is simply because the package itself does not show Rayman.
The only assumption you can make on the packaging here is if you think they would show off Snake if he was in the game, since he's a third-party character, then you could assume he is 'deconfirmed'.... Though that is, of course, assuming they'd show him on the box and not keep him a secret."