Katty Shepherd
Smash Ace
I'm replying to myself but there's more.I want all of them!
Every one!
Plus one with Snake shirtless...
Wait a minute...
BB what are you doing?!
Jesus f***ing s*** why?!
That's not how you salute you dummy!
You're not shading your eyes on a sunny day! You're saluting! What disgrace s*** of a salute is that?!
When you salute in America. You're arm is perfectly straight, the tips of your right hand fingers barely brushes the side of your brow, your left hand is by your side on the seam of your trousers, and fingers arranged like your gripping a role of quarters. Your heels are together, toes facing apart at a 45 degree angle. You salute from attention, not freaking parade rest! This is breaking so may rules I just... no.
Naturally there's some variation, you can salute while walking, while in a car, etc. But I'm 99% sure that is 100% incorrect.
His uniform is so off it hurts. I can't even tell what he's wearing like for real.
One, if he's in a dress uniform than he's wearing those uncomfortable spit-shine shoes not combat boots. Two, men's uniform in the army has belts, and there's a thing knows as a gig line where everything has to line up, he has neither. Three, he doesn't have a rank. Three, for special forces been in the army 15+ years he sure doesn't have many ribbons. Four, his hair shouldn't be touching the collar, the only time you could get away with Snake's hair is if it was ethnic (maybe) but it would still have to be off the collar and probably in a bun. Five, I'm pretty sure he needs a name tag. Six, I'm not sure but his beret is probably wrong and knowing my brother's experiences with berets (he's Army) they're damn near impossible to get right. Seven, he's missing the army emblems on his lapels, there's little gold buttons that go there on either side.
To contrast this is an actual Green Beret from 1960:

And here's one in color.

This is the same guy, Staff Sergeant Berry Sadler, Special forces infantry green beret aproxmentaly in the late 1960's.
I don't want this as an alt if this is what it's going to look like. Of course I don't really expect it.
Sorry for the rant guys.
Forget that how would I react?How to you think Konami would react if Snake's not in SSBU/3DS.\
+1Sakurai. We're not tools of Nintendo or Konami, or anyone else. Fighting in Super Smash Bros was the only... the only thing I was good at. But... at least I always fought for what I believed in. Fighting against the other legendary Nintendo and Third Party Characters!