My name is lady maryse. It was on this day in 1961 I was born in the small town of fairmont, west virginia. When 1964 rolled around, though, I moved to atlanta georgia and have been living in and around that city since then. I'm a single african-american female, and I was taken in by a decent black family in the summer of 1990 when the last of my real family passed away from complications. I actually met them and visited them a lot since my elementary school years. I graduated high school in 1979 in jonesboro georgia and haven't gone back to school since because **** literature classes...not that I failed my literature classes, I found it hard to do deep analysis on the books I read.
I don't drive. I don't ever smoke. I rarely watch tv. When the olympics are broadcast, I tend to root for team japan even though I should be cheering for team usa. I have social anxiety. I do have a thing for female fighters in fighting games (except for taki and setsuka in soulcalibur, I ****ing hate them, and don't get me started on alpha patroklos and sc6 haohmaru). In the fall and winter, I play video games. In the spring and summer, I take a break from gaming and read books (most notably the star wars novels, urban fiction, adult mystery fiction, and adult sci-fi fiction) from my friendly neighborhood library and hibernate like a bear. Like a vampire, I tend to be active in the overnight hours. I prefer cold weather over hot weather. I favor sweets and diet soda and asian cuisine. I rarely exercise. I collect yugioh cards. I learn japanese on and off. I love watching dsp salt compilations when I'm bored. In more recent times, I type proper nouns as if they were common nouns. The time I'm on these forums is spent playing some of the forum games, chillin' with the profile post gang, seeing what goes down on this particular thread, and occasionally the smash speculation thread. Speaking of, I hope my girl

gets into the next smash with her racing outfit as an alt.
My only job is being a poll clerk since it's really the only thing I can do, boring though it is. I don't work a regular job due to my social anxiety. I've been doing this since 1982 and I get by on what they pay. Aside from that, I thank god every day that I have a place to stay, clothes to wear, food to eat, entertainment to enjoy, money to help me survive, et cetera and like that. When the day comes that I end up in an old folks home, I'll be ready. I hope to live beyond 100 years old and see flying cars.
So yeah, I'm not your average senior citizen. Btw, I went back through this expansive thread for master zinith's birthday post and deviated from that for mine.