They do this a lot more than you think, the B-Tier series are usually outsourced, including Star Fox (Rare, Namco, Q Games, and even Platinum Games). Star Fox just hasn't been up to par when it came to sales, Zero was a net negative in particular.
Dread was really only possible because Samus Returns, which didn't sell the best, fair, but it was received well critically and got the awards, which showed that interest in Metroid was still alive. They earned another shot with Dread which sold 3 million and currently the best selling Metroid game. Had Samus Returns had bad reception, I bet Metroid would be dead in the water as well.
Also yeah all money is good money but they need to actually generate a profit to see the cash.
Never said it was impossible, but unlikely due to bad sales, and bad critical and audience reception. Big Corps pay heavy attention to that, remember, Nintendo killed other franchises because if that (think Chibi Robo, F-Zero, heck, even Fire Emblem almost died because of that). And I was thinking that they'd overhaul it and make it more like a mixture of the classic style, Assault, and Adventures (think Star Wars games or No Man's Sky), idk how you managed to think of Fortnite and Dark Souls first and foremost.
Ironically, I think it was the best recieved one on Metacritic besides the OG and 64.