That can be true up to a point. But the question isn't are there Star Fox fans, the question is are there enough Star Fox fans to justify the money we lost making this thing?
In the Wii U's case, the answer was no.
That's fair. Though a lot of people were, understandably, put off by the controls.
I mean in a perfect world where things like operating at a profit and a loss are nonexistant, yeah fair. But the games can't even crack a million which is far from ideal for a multi billion corp. Chances are, they just don't think there's enough demand, and lets be real, the latest gens (Z and Alpha) are more into small indie games or grand action adventure RPGs, if they want to sell Star Fox to the new gen they gotta overhaul it because the sit in ship and shoot style isn't working.
That would be a huge mistake. Then people who have actually been wanting a new Star Fox would be upset because you effectively didn't even make a Star Fox game. You just made a game with Star Fox characters.
If indie studios can sell to niche markets and not operate at a loss, then there's no reason Nintendo can't have a b-team who makes smaller budget projects in their more niche franchises that cater to those fanbases. It's not impossible
Honestly it feels like there are a lot of biases in this conversation. Statements that people are assuming need to be true that just... don't. They don't need to pander to an audience that doesn't want what the series is by "reinventing it". That's how you get a split and divided fanbase. Any money is good money. As long as there is profit and they're not making the project at a loss, they're fine. They still make games with that mindset now even. Look at Metroid Dread. Not every game needs to be the most successful thing on the planet when you own Mario AND Pokemon as well as heavy hitters like Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and Zelda. You can be free to spread things around a little bit.
Like. What do you gain by sitting here convincing yourself that a brand new Star Fox is
impossible and that the series is dead and will never come back unless it turns itself into Fortnite or Dark Souls? Does that bring you happiness? Closure? Contentment? Can you not find those things in realizing that there are just as plenty of ways that it could come back that aren't wishful thinking or pointless idealism? Like... I just don't get it. Cause when I convince myself that the thing I want is never gonna happen, I'll tell you, it doesn't improve my state of being at all. Better to be either optimistic or at least neutral. Cause that's what the universe is. Neutral. Everything is just as likely to happen as anything else. Especially when there are billions of things happening behind closed doors at these companies shifting the outcome that
we don't know about. So why convince yourself of a conclusion off of a data set that you
know is incomplete?