Smash Obsessed
It is crazy their doing this purchase when Microsoft and their gaming subsidaries are doing huge layoffs atm. Sending mixed messages tbh.In less hype news, the EU is allowing Microsoft to buy Activision. Something I'm not too sure will have good results in the industry long term. Cause letting any of the console owners buy out a company that large of a publisher doesn't seem like a good idea. Not to mention, it's not like Microsoft is bleeding for IPs they could need, they just need to use the ones they have now. So I'm unsure how giving them more stuff to own will fix their issue of not using their IPs well. The only possible good result of this would be if they were finally more proactive in managing their sub-studios and actually cleaned out at least SOME of not most or all of the scumbags in Acti-Blizz currently there. But Microsoft is normally pretty hands off of that stuff, which on paper sounds good, but might be bad if your company needs actual NEW directing.
I dunno, monopolies suck. I don't like the idea of the western game industry getting more and more consolidated.
betting the over that half of them get replaced by AI