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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Classic Dante never lets his guard down with anyone. He meets and grows close to people, but (and I stress that I haven’t read any tie in novels or manga because you shouldn’t have to do that to make the story in the games interesting on its own) he never seems to care about any of them. To the point that him doing all this world saving stuff almost doesn’t make sense for him. Why is he doing it? Why does he care. Nobody is paying him. Is it because of his family and backstory? Ok. But he never seems to care about that either. The one time he shows any on screen emotion other than cocky sarcastic asshole is in DMC 1, and the delivery in that moment is so bad that it’s rightly been memed to death, and honestly is probably part of the reason Dante has never let the facade down in any game sense, even with people he should be really really close with like Trish.
DMC3 literally ends with Dante crying over Vergil's "death"
He's pretty serious and vulnerable in both DMC 1 and 2
Whilst 4 didn't give him a vulnerable moment he enters the scene by killing the High Priest dude and is framed in a pretty damn serious light.
DMC5 has him shouting at Nero because he doesn't want Nero to have to fight his own father and loses his cool when Vergil reappears.
Like, I dunno he seems plenty capable of not being a smarmy jackass when he wants.

He 1000% cares about his family, DMC3 has him coming to respect his father by the end after resenting him for being absent and unable to save his family, he keeps mementos of his mother around and there's the ending as mentioned.
He entrusts Yamato to Nero because he knows Nero's his nephew after saying he came to "keep it in the family" and also deal with the Order of the Sword (Side Note: Every Smash Fan using their logo as the series logo is peak "I have no idea what I'm talking about" vibes and Smash fans LOVE doing that)
His entire motivation is dealing with demons and devils because they killed his mother and corrupted his brother. He's taking on the responsibilities of his father in protecting the human world.

Also he's a handyman, he literally gets paid for his jobs.
He's just awful with money because he spends it all on Pizza and Strawberry Sundaes, gambles it away and has to pay off his massive debt to Lady.

You're just taking his aloof, cocky attitude at face value and not seeing the actual text telling you that he's more than just Wacky Wahoo Pizza Man.

Also, and this is coming from the queen of overreactions, but people who say that it “insults the games people actually like” are overreacting to hell and back. It’s one like about the ****ing white hair and I guess some stuff the developers might have said before launch that’s been lost to the sands of time. The game plays so similarly to the classic ones, and it mostly does it’s own thing with that one crack at the beginning. Heck, when Dante goes into Devil Trigger, his most powerful state in the game, his hair turns white and his coat turns red. If anything that should mean more than one joke in the first chapter.
I mean, the promotion isn't lost to time, it's all documented through images and interviews and the internet archive. Plenty of people vividly recall how weirdly charged everything surrounding DmC was at the time. And for all the weird racism surrounding "finally, a western take on DmC!" it's funny that DmC only reviewed only very slightly better than Metal Gear Rising which was actually a departure from the typical stealth gameplay you'd expect from Metal Gear and with some (media illiterate) fans insisting it actually betrayed Raiden's arc.

There's a reason MGRR is still beloved to this day and DmC is largely forgotten about outside of "wow everything around it was a mess huh?" and it's because the former is a genuinely fantastic game whilst the latter is a 5/10 once you get past all the self-inflicted weirdness around it that made people see it as a 2/10

Plus Dante’s mother being an Angel and his father being a Demon is way cooler than him just being half demon half human and him having a different hair color than vergil in addition to a different preferred clothing color helps establish a thematic identity.
Making Dante's mother an angel loses a core thematic of the series in how it all comes back to their Humanity.
DMC3 is Dante embracing both sides of his heritage, he can't just be human but he also can't just throw it away, he needs to embrace his father's side too which contrasts Vergil's desire to throw away his humanity which is why Vergil loses.

Not to mention this game lets me kill demonic billionaires and a stand in Fox News anchor. 10/10.
This is indeed some good **** though.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
DMC3 literally ends with Dante crying over Vergil's "death"
He's pretty serious and vulnerable in both DMC 1 and 2
Whilst 4 didn't give him a vulnerable moment he enters the scene by killing the High Priest dude and is framed in a pretty damn serious light.
DMC5 has him shouting at Nero because he doesn't want Nero to have to fight his own father and loses his cool when Vergil reappears.
Like, I dunno he seems plenty capable of not being a smarmy jackass when he wants.

He 1000% cares about his family, DMC3 has him coming to respect his father by the end after resenting him for being absent and unable to save his family, he keeps mementos of his mother around and there's the ending as mentioned.
He entrusts Yamato to Nero because he knows Nero's his nephew after saying he came to "keep it in the family" and also deal with the Order of the Sword (Side Note: Every Smash Fan using their logo as the series logo is peak "I have no idea what I'm talking about" vibes and Smash fans LOVE doing that)
His entire motivation is dealing with demons and devils because they killed his mother and corrupted his brother. He's taking on the responsibilities of his father in protecting the human world.

Also he's a handyman, he literally gets paid for his jobs.
He's just awful with money because he spends it all on Pizza and Strawberry Sundaes, gambles it away and has to pay off his massive debt to Lady.

You're just taking his aloof, cocky attitude at face value and not seeing the actual text telling you that he's more than just Wacky Wahoo Pizza Man.

I mean, the promotion isn't lost to time, it's all documented through images and interviews and the internet archive. Plenty of people vividly recall how weirdly charged everything surrounding DmC was at the time. And for all the weird racism surrounding "finally, a western take on DmC!" it's funny that DmC only reviewed only very slightly better than Metal Gear Rising which was actually a departure from the typical stealth gameplay you'd expect from Metal Gear and with some (media illiterate) fans insisting it actually betrayed Raiden's arc.

There's a reason MGRR is still beloved to this day and DmC is largely forgotten about outside of "wow everything around it was a mess huh?" and it's because the former is a genuinely fantastic game whilst the latter is a 5/10 once you get past all the self-inflicted weirdness around it that made people see it as a 2/10

Making Dante's mother an angel loses a core thematic of the series in how it all comes back to their Humanity.
DMC3 is Dante embracing both sides of his heritage, he can't just be human but he also can't just throw it away, he needs to embrace his father's side too which contrasts Vergil's desire to throw away his humanity which is why Vergil loses.

This is indeed some good **** though.
I can't deny anything you're saying. I actually forgot about Dante crying at the end of DMC 3 (though I think i can be forgiven there because I've only seen that cut-scene and beaten that game once. Not my favorite. Way too hard on normal). I'm guessing the debt to Lady is from the spinoff audio dramas or animes or manga or something. And like, I know he gets paid. But who's paying him to slay the savior or collapse Arkham's tower or kill Mundus on Mallet Island. He killed Argosax for the promise of a god damn story for pete's sake. Like, yeah, I can buy that he cares about his family. I believe that everything you are saying about his motivation is true. I just wish they would explore it more in the actual games in a way that makes it work. Like, and you're probably gonna hate the comparison, the couple conversations DmC Dante has with Kat in the more quiet moments of the game. I don't want him to start monologuing about his motivation or anything.

It's just... I don't know. I don't get much from the core games stories when I just play them. My opinion might shift a bit when I replay 5 in day or two, haven't played it since it came out. It already has in my process of replaying 1-4. I saw the stories and the character a little differently, but as soon as time came to play DmC I was reminded of all the reasons I love this game and jive more with this version of Dante.

And I just think the Nephilim thing is cool.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
No but I have heard of Cl-----wait Ramen may bonk me-----wait Ramen's not a mod anymore I can say whatever I want

I won't, though.
The Toby Fox Effect is a phenomenon in which the majority of a fanbase ignores characters who typically fit into the Tumblr Sexyman criteria and instead fixate on highly memeable characters of short height.

Known examples of this phenomenon include Funny Skeleton Man, Not-Dimentio, and Spam Puppet Con Artist.


Sep 26, 2013
The Toby Fox Effect is a phenomenon in which the majority of a fanbase ignores characters who typically fit into the Tumblr Sexyman criteria and instead fixate on highly memeable characters of short height.

Known examples of this phenomenon include Funny Skeleton Man, Not-Dimentio, and Spam Puppet Con Artist.
Lancer is safe, right?




Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Okay I've been thinking about the Toadsworth getting cut from the movie. I think we might be jumping the gun by shaking our fist at Nintendo.

If it was just him, sure, it'd look like Nintendo was dropping their no unique Toads rule. But why the heck would they cut someone as popular as Toadette as well?

Peach's bond with the Toads seems to be really emphasized in the movie. Maybe they planned on having Toadette and Toadsworth be more important to Peach initially, but then cut them because the movie was already scrapped for time so they could focus more on her bond with the Toad. It doesn't explain why they wouldn't even get cameos but again, its very strange for there to be no Toadette. Maybe they thought it wouldn't be in character for them to be to cowardly to tag along with Peach to the Jungle Kingdom or something and figured it'd be better if they just weren't there when the decision was made.

Maybe they're just saving them for later movies. Like maybe Mario will get the FLUDD at some point, and they'll have Toadsworth give it to him. And maybe they'll want to give Toadette a role in a future Toad story arch. If they have Toadette but no Toadsworth in the sequels, then Sunshine fans can go ahead and grab their pitchforks.

And as far as unique designs go, that's strange. Because while we didn't get any unique Toads, we did get a unique Koopa design for the Blue Shelled Koopa (he's even on the poster). Not to mention the Penguin King. It's a bit odd that these OCs would be okay but that Toadsworth, who originates from main series Mario, wouldn't be. But I dunno, I don't work at Nintendo so I can't know what people are thinking there. Shrug


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
This is really funny considering they share the same voice:

those other realms are really something.
Project X Zone 2 did have a number of VAs sharing the same voice with other characters such as Ryotaro Okiayu with Zero and Captain Commando, Maaya Sakamoto with Alisa (God Eater) and Ling Xiaoyu, Kosuke Toriumi with Strider Hiryu and Yuri Lowell.

Interestingly, Mamoru Miyano who voiced Flynn Scifo also did the Japanese dub of Mario for the Super Mario Bros. Movie.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
This will sound gross, but tomorrow i'll go to the dentist to quit my malformed, incomplete wisdom tooth that annoyed me since November of last year.

send me luck.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2023
Sorry to butt in, but is it okay if I plug a post of mine here? This isn't for attention or anything, I just need help and, looking back, probably posted it in the wrong place.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
grateful that P3P doesn’t have The Answer be playable content
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