Recently saw the mods for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 with the model importer stuff. Certainly wild to see what a long-lasting community can do sometimes. Although when it comes to the characters I want who do have capable models.
Marvel characters you want vs Capcom characters you want.
Yeah, Nintendo and Ultimate Alliance 3 practically gave a holy grail to Marvel fans in terms of models whereas some of the Capcom characters I want to see don't really even have a model. Where's my Capcom All-Stars fighting game?
That said, still on the topic of crossovers, on the
assumption that the Mario Kart 9/10 rumors about it being a crossover game are true and it does good for another game, do you think that it should stick to the Smash Bros. rule of video games only? Or do you think non-video game characters, depending on the character, are acceptable for this kind of game?
Part of the reason I'm asking was that one, it was reminding me of Sonic and All-Stars Racing, with Transformed having Wreck-it Ralph, and two, I remembered that Nintendo and Illumination are working together and was legitimately thinking, "
assuming" the Mario Kart crossover is true, would Nintendo be willing and generous to Illumination?
I know it's too soon to say since we don't know anything about the next Mario Kart, but hey, it wouldn't be speculation if something you wouldn't think about didn't pop up.