You don't decide to start at different ages. The way I'm seeing it in my head you pick one of three Eras and formations, starting with the Triassic Ichigualasto Formation, the Jurassic Morrison Formation, and the Cretaceous Hells Creek Formation. In short hand, the one with Pangea, the one with Stegosaurus and Brontosaurus, and the one with T-Rex and Triceratops. You pick your species, you customize your starting stats a bit, and then your egg hatches. Go into the world. You level up in a similar way to Pokemon EV training, with different stats increasing depending on what specific thing you do. And your goal is simply to survive. It's a survival game. If you're a predator you hunt, if you're prey you fight the predators that attack you and eat. You will eventually die of old age though, but if your dinosaur manages to reproduce, the parents stats can roll over into the offspring and your game starts with that animal. You can manage multiple animals at once should you desire. More formations and time periods would be added later if the game did well.
OK. Where would you suggest I start then?