Michael the Spikester
Smash Obsessed
Here's an info dump regarding the 11 years of the MCU.
The Incredible Hulk was Marvel Studios' safe bet, while Iron Man was the risky side project.
Robert Downey Jr. met with Marvel Entertainment about playing Doctor Doom in 2005's Fantastic Four.
The original Iron Man script was terrible. The Mandarin was the villain and his plan was to dig a tunnel under Stark Industries to steal Stark's inventions. The story only came together when Jon Favreau decided to make Obadiah Stane the villain and give him his own suit.
There is a deleted scene revealing Stark Industries built Doctor Octopus' arms from Spider-Man 2 and an alternative post-credits scene where Nick Fury directly references "radioactive spider bites" and "assorted genetic mutations" as other **** SHIELD is dealing with.
The Iron Man post-credits scene was supposed to be just a fun nod to the comics. They only started seriously considering doing an Avengers movie after Iron Man was a box office hit.
Ike Perlmutter originally didn't want to pay the royalties to feature Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" in the movie.
Earlier drafts of The Avengers were very Iron Man-centric per the demands of the Marvel Creative Committee and even featured Zeke Stane as a supporting villain alongside Loki.
Scarlett Johansson nearly dropped out of The Avengers due to salary disputes, so Joss Whedon wrote a couple of drafts replacing Black Widow for The Wasp, and he wanted Zooey Deschanel for the role. When Johansson ultimately signed on, the Wasp was cut to focus on the preexisting characters.
Iron Man 3 was rewritten so many times that they only managed to figure out the third act because RDJ had to take a six weeks leave after an on-set injury.
Loki originally had a really small role in Thor: The Dark World and would have died for real, but the character became so popular after The Avengers that they did reshoots to give him more scenes and change his fate.
The original plan was to introduce Gamora, Drax and Rocket & Groot in three Marvel One-Shots ahead of Guardians of the Galaxy, followed by a fourth one-shot about young Peter Quill ending with him being abducted by the Ravagers.
The Marvel Creative Committee was against Star-Lord's Awesome Mixtape, but Kevin Feige and James Gunn managed to convince them to keep it.
There were persistent rumors that Marvel would adapt "Planet Hulk" during production of Avengers: Age of Ultron, so Feige changed the original ending where Hulk's Quinjet flies into orbit and disappears in space to it disappearing over the ocean to avoid giving fans false hopes. They wound up adapting "Planet Hulk" into Thor: Ragnarok anyway.
Captain Marvel was originally going to be introduced as a member of the New Avengers at the end of Age of Ultron to set up her spinoff solo film.
Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lily and Michael Douglas nearly quit Ant-Man after Edgar Wright's departure.
Captain America: Civil War led to a real life civil war between Feige and the Marvel Creative Committee that led to the Disney CEO Alan Horn disband the committee in 2017 and giving Feige full control of Marvel Studios.
The breaking point was that the committee was against the fight between Captain America and Iron Man in the end. Instead, they wanted Cap, Stark and Bucky to team up against Zemo and the brainwashed HYDRA supersoldiers. Feige, the Russos and writers Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely all argued in favor of the Cap/Stark fight, and the Russos were ready to quit if they were forced to do the committee's version.
The committee was also against Giant-Man, so an alternative airport battle was drafted where Scarlet Witch blows up an underground pipeline as Team Cap's big diversion.
The committee was also against Ego turning out to be evil in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 claiming audiences would complain if Kurt Russell and Chris Pratt were advertised as a father-son duo only for Russell to turn out to be evil.
After The Amazing Spider-Man 2 underperformed, Feige approached Amy Pascal to let Marvel Studios take over and reboot Spider-Man instead of moving forward with The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Pascal was so angry at first she threw a sandwich at Feige and kicked him out of her office.
Tom Holland sent several videos of himself doing acrobatics and stunts in his backyard as part of his audition process for Spider-Man. Jon Watts and the previz department used the video as the basis to choreograph Spider-Man's fight scenes in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Taika Waititi almost didn't land the Ragnarok gig. He was in Hawaii and had to meet Feige in Los Angeles to talk about the movie, but his passport was held in New Zealand. He only managed to make it because he had written the first draft of Moana and still had his Disney visa letter.
Anthony Hopkins was the one who pushed for Odin to die as a delusional vagrant in the streets of New York in Ragnarok, since he hated cheesy family reunion scenes. Waititi agreed at first, but after the scene tested poorly, he conceded that Thor and Loki needed a genuine final moment with their father and convinced Hopkins to reshoot the scene.
Paul Rudd was busy filming Avengers: Endgame for long stretches of the Ant-Man and the Wasp production, so they basically filmed everybody else's scenes first while waiting for Rudd to come back.

The idea for the all-female scene in Endgame came from pic related that the actresses took during a filming break. They were afraid it could come across as pandering, so they did reshoots to include more scenes of the characters fighting together beforehand so the big team-up felt more organic (it didn't).
Feige wanted to use Daredevil, Punisher and Ghost Rider in the MCU, but Perlmutter embargoed them he could build a "Marvel television empire" on Netflix.
Chris Evans was reluctant to audition for Captain America after having already done the Fantastic Four movie and it was RDJ who persuaded him.
Chris Hemsworth thought he was going to be phased out of the MCU when he found out he wasn't going to be in Civil War.
Mark Ruffalo was the one who came up with the dynamic between Hulk and Banner from Ragnarok and on, where Banner is afraid of becoming Banner and resentful of being seen as a monster and used as a weapon.
Paul Bettany had been told by his agent that he would probably never land a big role again moments before getting a call about playing Vision in Age of Ultron.
Stark originally said nothing when he snapped Thanos away in Endgame. After test-screenings the Russos felt he needed to have one final line and considered many options before the editor suggested "and I am Iron Man" as a callback to the first movie. Filming Stark's death was difficult for RDJ so he was reluctant to go back to reshoot it at first.