Molly was the last slime girl of the bunch to do. Lots of puzzles in the way, and beside 1 moment where I backtracked like a fool. I had alot of fun figuring out those puzzles on my own, not spoiled here.
Still, after this was done, I......fought Robotheart.
Yeah, you can fight her in the normal route, and while she didn't pose much of a challenge. When you translate what she's saying, it's kinda hard seeing the group being so uncaring toward her, buuuuuuuuuut hey, gotta get that achievement.
With THAT done, the time for the Slime Girls was at last here! And oh boy, were their fight crazy.
While I was still quite overlevel. Theses crazy girl almost managed to wipe you my entire party by taking all of our juice, increasing their stats and then unleasing a big attack that killed Aubrey and left everyone to survive.
Keep in mind I had put several debuff on them by that point and even unleashed TWO All-Out Attack on them before they went down. So those girls weren't messing around!
Overall, I had alot of fun, and on that note. can I say I REALLY like their design (
booba joke here)? Fanservice aside, I love their dynamic, color palettes and expression. Their themes slap all sort of asses too, but that's Omori soundtrack for ya. Really, the only dissapointing about them is that they're introduce so late into the plot, and once they're defeated, they're just gone (well, eated to be precise). While the Omori Route has more of them, like Mr.Jawsum, I wish we saw more of them in one way or the other, but that's how it is.
What come after tho, hoooooooooooooooly crap. Humprey, As the real final boss from a gameplay standpoint, while it wasn't tooooo hard. It made scared quite alot, and not because you just get vored over & over again. This motherwhaler hit like a truck & MULTIPLES TIMES in his first phase! When I saw he could deal 100 damages to me easily. I quickly realized I needed to debuff & make him angry him as fast as possible while I put everyone on Happy while healing alot. Otherwise I wouldn't make it.
Ironically tho, once he became a single being, the fight got much easier for me, but he still hitted hard, so no rest there.
The deeper we went into him, the more truly unsettling Humprey became too. He is like the perfect represention of Omori as a game: cute and funny on the surface, extremely scary & depressing the deeper you explore it. Idk if I say he is my favourite character, but I say all the dialogues with the mini-Humprey, the way his area was really fun to explore, the music and all those bosses. I say for all my problems I had with the previous area. They truly ended it on a bang.
After finally beating it by hitting it's uvula, the party is blasted from it's party and our quest is done!....mostly because no one remember Basil at all, especially once the final key is unlocked. Basil fall apart and the party now just want to explore the spooky abandonned house for fun....
Still, before I did that (I did look up the flowers and seeing them all dead is just urgh). I had a few thing to do:
1) Get into the all the floor of Dino Dig to get a item for a sidequest AND the Chicken Ball for Kel. (aka how to make Run-N-Gun broken) Which after being unaware the dino key don't despawn from your inventory if you got in a previous run. I managed to do easily after beating up some real chicken & bunnies.
2) I did the two sidequests remaining. That beign the Ghost Party (which tbh, I loooked online to find all the ghosts, sorry but not really

) and the previously mentionned one that require to get a item in Dino Dig third layer. Let me know if any sidequests unlock after Humprey, 'cuz otherwise, i'm done here.
3) Paid all of Rococo arts & got the achievement for it. Thanks to farming Squizzard with the Clam Coin & killing enemies while they're happies thanks to Hero dazzles. (happy enemies give more money) & solding Snowcones and the like since I know there isn't any big battle left at this point.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I don't think there's anything left that is note worthy for this run. Like the sidequest part, let me know if there's still things I should do in Headspace before I go to Black Space, and if not....well, you know what's next.
Thanks for reading and have a great night! (oh and, when do you think we're getting that 1.0.8 update? Think we're going to get something special with it?)