As said last time, i'm now in Humprey BEEG BELLY, I have completed 2/3 of the routes you get at the beginning and I will now show any noteworthy events that happened durign said routes
So first of the three "routes" was the Marina one. Because middle is always the best first choice!
While the enemies can deal some damages, I think it's safe to say that being level 39-40~ as kinda made enemies a no threat. Especially when I still find items that make my team stronger in one way or the later. Which I will come back to later.
More importantly tho, ****. THAT. MUTANT. CAT.
Like geeeeeez, I saw that thing before, and it still scared me on the moment. Especially when you try to get all the items in the room before it kill you. Which is especially evil since the items in this room are gone if you don't take them and get out of the room.
Those items include the Heart String (increase your HP by 30 & make you Happy at the start of a battle. I equiped it on Kel, will explain later why) & the Blender (a weapon for Hero that come with a skill! Refresh!....which I sadly don't think I will use much due to how much juices I already have, but hey, 30+ juice point on Hero is always nice)
On a more story note, seeing Kel kicking Basil's Flower Crown honestly hit me a bit in the feels. Seeing Hero & Aubrey being angry at Kel even though they don't even know who that crown belonged to just make you more or less feel bad for Headspace!Basil, even if he isn't the real deal. As well as showing that the quirky adventure is coming soon to a end.
Overall, lots of spooks & some good items. Glad I went there first.
Second (and last for now) route was Medusa. Who as more exploring & puzzles to mess around with. As well as alot of funny dialogues from the various Humprey, and you know, while i'm still a bit sad for the Last Resort being this small. I gotta give credit where it's due to the team for making a late game dungeon still filled with lots of charms, quirky dialogues & superb ambience. 'cuz last dungeon are either the best part of the game, or the place you can tell the dev team was running out of breath and had to make it more "linear" & standard. Here tho, I say it landed on head.
Speaking of landed, we found Snaley again!...who land in the water & in spaghetti, brave soldier.
I'm also very sad to report that I didn't get the "I ****ING LOVE AIR CONDITIONING" dialogue on this run, RIP me. ;_;
Very sad events aside, thanks to doing a minigame, I got the "Globe" weapon for Kel (which increase damages a bit but more importantly, give 9
00 precision points!) And this is where I got to explain something veryyyy interesting & smirk worthy:
So, you know Happiness raise your speed & luck, but make you less precise, right?
Well, the Globe basically nullify this problem. Meaning unless you fight a Sad opponent. Kel can fully take advantage of the later stage of Happiness without much cons, and that's without Flex throw in the mix, which also raise your precision AND increase your next attack damages (not fully sure here, so correct me if i'm wrong) by 2.5x more.
Now, remember how I got a item that make Kel start happy at the start of a battle? Well, Aubrey can make anyone happy with Pep Talk. Meaning in 1 turn, Kel can have Flex going on & be Ecstatic for his next attack. What next attack? Run-n-Gun, which increase in damage the more speed Kel has (for reference, my Kel base speed is 100)
What's more, Ectastic increase your luck by 300% and your speed by 150%.
Soooooo, if you can setup all of this in 1 turn without Kel dying (which at this point of the game, is quite easy imo), and you land a critical hit with him (which is not 100% guaranted but it's still pretty high). The enemy that will take the hit is basically going to be like:
And keep in mind, i'm not accounting skills/item that lower the enemy defense, and/or the enemy being Angry for even more damages.
And all of this
only cost 20 juices for Kel & 5 juices for Aubrey at most!
All of this mumbo-jumbo is to say is:
Don't **** around with this boy, he will **** your **** up AND flex on you while he is at it with a big goofy smile on his face.
(note that since flex still increase hit rate, you could just boost Kel speed instead of having the globe, but for me, I prefer keeping some semblance of challenge, ya know?)
Me fanboying over Kel aside. The rest of the area was pretty fun. Perfectheart is so perfect Sweetheart can't handle it, like the [REDACTED] she is, and so far, i'm digging the Slime Girls alot. Shame they apparear so late into the game, but eh, what can you do. Atleast their design is pretty neat....<:3
But yeah, that all said, hope you enjoy this rundown! See ya next time.