you know whats really annoying and not funny at all?
when a certain dk player says "i'm not that good, i use dk"
i'm pretty sure nobody finds that funny or true or even half interesting, INCLUDING the person who says it on every single post they've ever done, so why is it still in the posts?
Haha, ok, i'll stop just cuz you're gimpyfish. Anyone else i'd just ignore it. (sorry neighborhoodp)
yo, whats up!
MMs, who wants em?
MEXICAN wants em. In case you don't know, i'm the DK guy. $3? not sure if i ready to commit finicial sucide lol, and i kno your good im not stupid lol
you'll own me but hmm..........idk yet you probally own me like vince and jr do lol but umm.....sure lol
wow what a waste of time to say yes
lol, to be honest, i don't even really know who you are, but my brother and Jr usually beat me too, so it might not be too bad for you. I'm not using marth or fox, i'm using DK. So....$2?
I'm feeling like I want to throw away some money so I'm going to accept all kinds of money matches for the NUB. In fact I challenge everyone.
NorCal: I haven't seen enough of you so let's get some money matches in.
Non-ranked people: I'm sure you've gotten better. Let's play.
Low-tier mains: I challenge you to a low-tier battle. No Juans.
People who don't know who I am: You'll know me after you get 3 dollars from me, right?
These all apply to me. I'll mm you. $3? or more or less? I'll go up to $10 and as low as 1.