Hi! I am new to smash bros. and smashboards and I had a question about DI and vectoring. I know this is an old topic but I have seen conflicting information about whether or not traditional DI was completely reintroduced into Smash 4,or if vectoring still applies when you are launched horizontally. Also,it would be nice if someone could give me a short explanation of how DI works so I could better understand how to use the technique and the timing of it. As you can see, I'm a little confused. Thanks! (:
DI is basically changing your trajectory by moving the control stick. DI applies only to vertical trajectory, vectoring for horizontal.
If you're launched horizontally, you vector by holding the analog stick towards the stage. Getting launched to the right means holding left, launched left hold right.
If you're launched upwards, move yourself perpendicular from where you're launched. For example, if you're getting launched up and a little to the right, you should DI right, so that you'll be further from the blast zone.
This is pretty hard to explain, here's a picture I made in ~5 minutes:
So as you can see, DI is making your launch trajectory longer by curving it.
Please tell me if my explanation wasn't good enough, I'll try to look for that video I saw earlier. You can check the wiki for more info, I guess:
Welcome to Smash Boards, btw