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The S.W.A.T. Team + Killer Fleet Thread - Now 1 Crew!!!


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2007
Dreamland c(-^.^-)b
U guys say that you have 7 member going to be there right, well they only have 6, be smart about how you send out ur members, don't keep sending them out in sync, mix it up, play in ur favor think ahead and don't think about what you can accomplish right now, you have to be prepared for what comes next.... think out ur Crew Battle with DA carefully kid, ur the leader of the Crew so ur members rely on u to keep thinking about who should and who shouldn't go out/in and go up against so and so

Also Record this batch i wanna see it because if you beat them, i wanna see it to see where they f'ed up or if they didn't f up i want a good long laugh at it too lol

I thought VanZ was in IHNC, how is it that ppl that are already in other Crews joining up in this Crew? are there any real answers to this besides ur gay quote of Quit Life........ Im waiting for a real response not Quit Life ni**a
cus they quit their crew and about a week later they joined swat...and also ....quit life *****


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I'm mad u cut school.. lolz

and u already know how I feel about the term "leader"

and everyone here also knows that I am waaaaay to **** anti-authority and strong minded to be "led" by anyone. so I was just making sure

oh, and give tec9 or tec0 my controller plz. I left it at ur house and if one of them goes to the weekly, I can go pick it up, or I'll just go to bayonne or w/e


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
theres no leader ... just group votes between the starting 6 ... so ummm yup thats that ... and uhhh hax isn't the manager ... he is the one that holds the power to the crew thread tho ... cuz he asked for it really lol ... and uhh ... i would like to nominate myself for the title of manager ... in terms of setting up dates to go to some oos tournies and such ... also i have some connections for hotels ... such as any embassy hotels ... =) ... so thats a plus right ?? well none the less ... i can't wait till friday i been working like a dog ... >.> i hope everyone can make it ... umm just hit me up on aim so we can talk about wat time ur getting here and stuff ... who ever is coming ... k hope 2 see everyone that can make it there lol


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I just found out that I have to stay home on friday and wait for this fukking verizon prick to get here for w/e reason. he could be getting here anytime bet. 8am - 5pm (wtf?!?!)

soo.. I'm hoping he comes early so that I still have time to make brian's pre-weekly smashfest..

oh, and I second brian for crew manager because hispanic, and we don't see enough of you guys in politics :)


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
I got something to say, and some people might not like it but right now ya definitely need to hear. 4eyez NEED to be in this crew battle, he beats Pros and can be used for some broken reason. We playing a crew full of Pros and we need our best people. Sorry to say this but 2 Falcons ain't the way to go, these guys are professionals at High/Top tiers so we need to mix it up. If we don't put him in we have a higher chance of losing and i know we don't want that.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages
I got something to say, and some people might not like it but right now ya definitely need to hear. 4eyez NEED to be in this crew battle, he beats Pros and can be used for some broken reason. We playing a crew full of Pros and we need our best people. Sorry to say this but 2 Falcons ain't the way to go, these guys are professionals at High/Top tiers so we need to mix it up. If we don't put him in we have a higher chance of losing and i know we don't want that.
But top tiers are TOP tier for a reason. lol. And they know how to fight link just as well as they know how to fight a fox (kubu) and plus even if they couldnt fight links, which they can, who would you put him against?:lick:


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
4eyez could fight like anybody. His Link is WAAAAAAAAAAAY different from Kubuus and never to be compared at all trust me. It doesn't matter his Link is "T3h Brok3" so trust me and put him in or we are most likely going to lose. Come on guys, he beats Pros, how could you pass that up?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
You guys are like my next door crew. Know some of you for over a year. my boy Venom the most. DarkVenom dude. remember that team? We hacked up in teams all over when you was in I.E in 2006 of the spring and summer. wait venom is the only one here I have know for quite a long time. the rest of you are all new. Also I known Zro for quite a while too. Then I believe hax follows. So I thought I lend my hand out to you guys in this. (no not be in the crew battle, though if ya want me too.>____> Lawl.

When I go to fight a crew I think of all the members in the crew and who can handle each member the best. who ever is the Commander of the crew battles needs to know this and who to send out. Thats how I do it. and You will need a starter. The starter would be the one in the crew who has the least chance of beating people in the crew battle, or the number of stocks he can take off or how his character can handle everyone else in the crew battle. Different crew battles have different starters. and once the first fight is done, you guys have a better idea on who to send out. You have to think, not just send out someone cause ya think he is the best in the crew and he can ****, etc. it does not work that way. I have alot of experience on this. Though my crew only one 2 crew battles out of all that we had since jan of 07, I knew who to send out and if we lost we did not lose by alot. My crew will get there soon enough. I have to work hard as a leader and a Peach player. And in crew battles i'm the one that has to clean up in crew battles and do the most damage. I have my members backs. So at times they depending on me, so I have to do my best.

Now who do we have in DA:

Wes (Samus) Dire (G&W/Yoshi) Raffy (Ganon) Comp (Peach) Kubbu (Link) HellFox if he is in the crew (Falcon) D1 (Fox)

And from the members that you said will fight

Hax (Falcon) Jman (Fox) Alu (Marth) Venom (Falcon) Vanz (Peach, IC's)*sorry vanz if you play with more that your really good with. this is all i know* Jash (Y.Link)

Now look at the team of characters. Next look at the match ups within them all. now you will have to think who can handle thier matchups (wether they get countered of not) who can be cheap on who. Then you will have to think about the players in general with thier skills with their characters.

Its a lot of thinking But against a crew like DA, you will be force to think if ya wanna win bad. So whoever runs crew battles here, best to get to work on all of this. and good luck to you all.


The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)
no,we are all equal in power (kinda)

bino-these guys joined because everyone decided to quit their crews friday idk what happened but swat was opened and we accepted them.
Ok i didn't know that, thought they were still in the other crew

4Sho - Better fix that in ur thread so when Crew Battles come up and ppl look at who you have in ur Crew from ur thread some ppl may not be in ur Crew but they say it in ur thread and things can get screwed up like that


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
jash - I'm definitely w/ you on that one, you have know idea. I was thinking the exact same thing.

but again, this is something that I think we should discuss NOT ON SMASH WORLD FORUMS!!!! I've got a few match ups in mind that I think dwight would be great for.

fosho - thankz for the input. but tiers don't necessarily mean everything. the NYC power rankings is proof of that. and one thing I know for a fact is that DA members excel against upper tiers.

if anyone can't wait til friday to discuss startegies and all that jazz, please just round everyone up on AIM and we could talk about it in a group chat


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2007
4eyez should definitely be in this crew battle, Jash and 4eyez in one crew battle is a lot taken off no doubt about that. We need to all remember that 4eyez is the best Link of the east *better yet NYC* and can be used well. I think it would be a good idea putting him in, hes unlike any Link i have ever seen before.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
4eyez should definitely be in this crew battle, Jash and 4eyez in one crew battle is a lot taken off no doubt about that. We need to all remember that 4eyez is the best Link of the east *better yet NYC* and can be used well. I think it would be a good idea putting him in, hes unlike any Link i have ever seen before.
chills i wanna watch 4 eyez and kubuu play, not 2 see whos better, just seems entertaining... LMFAO idk


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
**** yo i wanna do a 7v7 so 4eyez can be in this ****. i know me, jash, vanz, alu and jesus are playing but then its between dionis and 4eyez. DA knows how to play against links though cause they have kubuu.

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
**** yo i wanna do a 7v7 so 4eyez can be in this ****. i know me, jash, vanz, alu and jesus are playing but then its between dionis and 4eyez. DA knows how to play against links though cause they have kubuu.
thats kinda true idk maybe ya should just stick with him im not great in singles.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
omfg, u guys do not listen. I strongly recommend that you guys do not talk about this on smash boards..

w/e.. it's gonna bite ya on *** later, I promise


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
Bronx, New York City
Best Link in NYC?? lol Keyo your exaggerating....don't talk of me like that. But hopefully it can be a 7 on 7. If not i'll leave it up to ya or dionis w/e ya wanna do.

Quick question....if i got to w2z do i have to join singles or doubles? Cuz if im in the crew battle i dont think i will have enough to join singles or doubles? The hell im gonna do?? lol

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
Best Link in NYC?? lol Keyo your exaggerating....don't talk of me like that. But hopefully it can be a 7 on 7. If not i'll leave it up to ya or dionis w/e ya wanna do.

Quick question....if i got to w2z do i have to join singles or doubles? Cuz if im in the crew battle i dont think i will have enough to join singles or doubles? The hell im gonna do?? lol
i dont think u have 2 theres alot of ppl who dont,but yeah how about those indians huh?****** boston (sadly) no more talk about this stew battle ok????


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
i wish i can add som input n give u guys some advice but sadly i've never been in or watched a crew battle.

also, vanz is correct, ya need to talk bout this else where, if ya cant be on aim all at once, then talk to whos on now, n if u need to pass the word onto other ppl then u can do that once they get on. better to discuss things lil by lil than not doin it at all or even having it publicly opened.

anyways if any1 would want to talk to me on AIM for w/e reason then IM me at bxponch7

wait isnt bum gona be in it?

if there is any advice i can give is for those who will be in it to be ontop of ur game, think smart, take ur time, dont do anythin uneccessary.

they do kno how to beat on high tiers, they do it all the time, they also beat real high tier pros. so the best bet i would say is....grr idk lol maybe if u guys can mix it up, 3 high tiers n 3 mid/low tiers n kinda keep them on their toes

but thats all im really gona say, i think i've said to much already but im hopin that vanz n myself influenced u guys to speak privately SOON


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
listen ... imean ... they pretty much kno we are going to use our best ... also they also go to the weeklies and saw zenith ... and kno all of our previous records ... i mean ... they pretty much kno who we using ... but the THING NO ONE UNDERSTANDS... is that u don't have to name the whole crew b4 the battle .... !!!!!! ... just have the whole crew there and counter accordingly ... thats all so now ... no one speak about line up ... cuz if theres a freaking fox and its me or ylink ... marf is better right so i would go in ... its easier that way to thnk about line ups ... how about we take dionis and 4 eyes ... to the crew battle ... and then use them accordingly to the battle alright dudes??? i mean thats wat avalanche did altho Dmon wasn't avalanche ... but w.e it was a friendly crew battle NO JOHNZ right? ^_- ...

ANYWAY .... i have a lot of plans and strategies alright ... doing dishes at subways for 5-6 hours straight .... kkiiiiinda gives me enough time to think about things soooo plllllzzzzz lets talk about this at my house this friday alrighty ^_^ ... and 4 eyes if they make u pay the 2$ to stay at web2 i got ur back ok ^_^ ... so yea ... i miss smash =\ ... and my bed >_<


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
to tell u the truth, even if they recruited dmon 3 mins before the crew battle, he was technically still avalanche. if I'm not mistaken, you guys went into the crew battle knowing what the other team's line up is, just as they knew yours. that's how crew battles are normally done. if that was the case, than no johns.. just take it as it came, and rematch them for cash.

however, if they entered the crew battle saying

example: "our line up is Sol, Ky, Reject, Phish-it, and Coin chaser" and than subbed coin chaser for DMON, than that's illegal and completely unacceptable.

Coin Chaser

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2006
Long Island, NY
to tell u the truth, even if they recruited dmon 3 mins before the crew battle, he was technically still avalanche. if I'm not mistaken, you guys went into the crew battle knowing what the other team's line up is, just as they knew yours. that's how crew battles are normally done. if that was the case, than no johns.. just take it as it came, and rematch them for cash.

however, if they entered the crew battle saying

example: "our line up is Sol, Ky, Reject, Phish-it, and Coin chaser" and than subbed coin chaser for DMON, than that's illegal and completely unacceptable.
if i was put it....i would have taken everyone out......jk SWAT is nasty.....i prob should have went in instead of ky bc ky undid everything reject started......haha its ok ky those days happen.....

we could prob crew battle at smashclysm if a lot of u are going......we can try and do a7v7...idk if that many are goin to come....i think we have going ky, sol, phish....me, bino, rp, double nn dann!!! haha i almost forgot him so theres 7.....**** theres too many people in our crew.....

mario rules...all u should use him instead of falcon/marth/fox


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
yayyy two more days till my smashfest ... only for swat members ... and KF ^_- ... but thats still like swat lmfao ... seriously tho ... i'm mega bored ... i can't sleep .. need me some smash >.< tmr better hurry and come .... arghghgh

o yea ... and btw .. dmon definately got recruited on the DL ... no one knew about him jaden ... **** was like yessss no more fox's for mista aziz ... and then boom >.> ... ah well i like the idea where they won the friendly crew battle tho ... cuz now ... we can say mm+bragging rights and all that other hoop lah lmfao ...


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
yayyy two more days till my smashfest ... only for swat members ... and KF ^_- ... but thats still like swat lmfao ... seriously tho ... i'm mega bored ... i can't sleep .. need me some smash >.< tmr better hurry and come .... arghghgh
can i come?? :(


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
yeah, I think a rematch w/ avalanche would be fine. but right before the crew battle, all entries must announced so that both sides know who's entering, and who's not
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