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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Apprentice
Aug 2, 2011
under a rock
THAT LINE ART WITH COLOR LOOKS NICE. I wish I hadn't lost my tablet...

Any way if we're throwing around Ridley drawings, I found one I made a little while ago when I tried to make a composite design of him from different games in a fashion that I like.

Other M body and neck/jaw features, with Zero Mission face and skull structure, with some Brawl/Super Metroid details. I love his Zero Mission eyes, I think they are the most capable of showing emotion. This is probably what I'd like Ridley to look like, not that they totally won't just use the Other M model...


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I think i will show one Ridley drawing that i made long time ago, that even one friend of mine said that it give him nightmares xD


I think the Chicken legged furby from hell drawing i did, gives more nightmares than this one
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2013
How would you guys feel if Ridley was in the game, but he was the absolute worst fighter?

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
I share that same feeling. I know it's probably wrong to think like this, but my gut's telling me that Ridley will be playable. For all the reasons you mentioned, I feel like there's no reason NOT to have him appear. I just can't see Sakurai being so cruel as to tease us with his possible presence for so long, only to deny him a playable appearance.

On another note, you all do realize that the day we find out Ridley's fate, whether for better or for worse, the internet is going to explode. Worst case scenario, Ridley is a hazard and we get salt rubbed in our wounds by all those haters. At the very least, that will probably pass with time. On the other hand, if Ridley IS playable, the reaction will probably be even more dramatic. Both sides of the debate will be making quite a bit of noise; those who support Ridley will no doubt be celebrating and become incredibly hyped, while the poor, foolish Too Big crowd will enter into a living nightmare. Really, by advocating so strongly against Ridley, by acting as if he is utterly impossible and going so far out of their way to mock those who support him, they've kind of dug their own graves at this point. The sheer amount of backlash they'll receive is going to haunt some of the particularly vocal ones for quite some time. There's just so much love and hate poured into this one character that, either way, the result is sure to be quite explosive.
Pfft.....we answer to Sakurai...we need his approval not the haters...we dont ow them anything not even a explanation or even a debate...

Let em come we will see

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Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
I don't really like it when Ridley's eyes have pupils. They make him look kinda mindless (lol). Like I previously stated, the ZM eyes have the most intellectual vibe.

Seems like everyone has become artists as of late. I find it weird that I have never attempted to draw Ridley when drawing dragons is one of my favorite hobbies. Then again, my support for the big guy is 7-8 months-old at most (ever since I first came to the SSB4 boards this summer, it was the first character support thread I read, and bam, I became a supporter myself). Unfortunately I still have a city to draw so poor Ridles will have to wait. Doesn't help that college is barely leaving me some time to draw.

I have never been into drawing humanoids. I suck at representing emotions and organic movement. I do however make good work of machines, vehicles, cities/buildings/fortresses, dragons and mecha-dragons.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
How would you guys feel if Ridley was in the game, but he was the absolute worst fighter?
Well, it would still be Ridley playable in Smash. Mewtwo was pretty bad in Melee, yet he was still a loved character and one of, if not the, most wanted character for Smash 4. I think just being able to play as Ridley would be enough for most supporters.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
How would you guys feel if Ridley was in the game, but he was the absolute worst fighter?
I would still play him. It would actually be fun to try to advance a new low-tier character's meta. Brawl Ganon was one of my fave characters in Brawl, and yet he was absolute ****.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
Guarantee ridley will be the hardest to unlock, like don't die once on intense classic mode hard


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
Man, I haven't vomited in years!

Guarantee ridley will be the hardest to unlock, like don't die once on intense classic mode hard
I really wouldn't like it that way. Personally I'd rather everything just be available from the start. Got to spoiled from PM, I guess. Then again, unlocking stuff does have its fair share of fun and suspense, so I understand why people like it so much.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 2, 2011
under a rock
This is slowly becoming more of a Ridley art thread, but my good lord I forgot I made these. Anyone familiar with Soul Calibur's character customization?

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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Beautiful. Perfect size.

Well, no offense to the classic Ridley, but that model just looks... weird... I think it's that giant head... It looks like he could eat Mega Man whole in that one picture.

Probably best to stick with the Other M model for a playable Ridley. Much more workable head size.
Classic Ridley looks great (official artwork, anyway), but the brawl model is really bad. Especially those eyes. If they were going to for some reason forego Other M Ridley and go for a more Classic Ridley, then they would need to start over.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014

"I'm Still WATCHING YOU...."

more practice putting movement on Ridley's eyes...and draw him a bit better....I was bored....i wish the DSi XL screen wasn't so small.......i can barely draw something in it.....
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Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but... Little Mac's confirmation and play style has got me pretty hyped for Ridley. Little Mac is a character who's unique in that he is incredibly powerful on the ground, but very weak in the air.

Ridley could possibly be Little Mac's counterpart, where he is amazing in the air but weak on the ground. On the ground, he receives lightweight knockback, but in the air, he has super armour and is hard to K.O. His aerial moves are strong compared to his tilts.

Just my thoughts. If Sakurai spent time making a ground based fighter, Ridley seems the logical choice for an aerial fighter.

A new rivalry is born?

Little Mac vs. Ridley.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2013
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but... Little Mac's confirmation and play style has got me pretty hyped for Ridley. Little Mac is a character who's unique in that he is incredibly powerful on the ground, but very weak in the air.

Ridley could possibly be Little Mac's counterpart, where he is amazing in the air but weak on the ground. On the ground, he receives lightweight knockback, but in the air, he has super armour and is hard to K.O. His aerial moves are strong compared to his tilts.

Just my thoughts. If Sakurai spent time making a ground based fighter, Ridley seems the logical choice for an aerial fighter.

A new rivalry is born?

Little Mac vs. Ridley.
This seems like somthing Sakurai would do seeing how all the newcomers have some type of gimmick like mabe instead of extra jumps like Pit he can remain in the air like Firebrand in UMvC3. Ridley vs Mac is unnavoidable due to size jokes.
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The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
This seems like somthing sakurai would do seeing how all the newcomers have some type of gimmick like mabe instead of extra jumps like Pit he can remain in the air like Firebrand in UMvC3. Ridley vs Mac is unnavoidable due to size jokes.
It's gonna be absurd seeing wee Little Mac face the ginormous Ridley.

...And see him absolutely destroy the purple space dragon. XD

Deleted member

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but... Little Mac's confirmation and play style has got me pretty hyped for Ridley. Little Mac is a character who's unique in that he is incredibly powerful on the ground, but very weak in the air.

Ridley could possibly be Little Mac's counterpart, where he is amazing in the air but weak on the ground. On the ground, he receives lightweight knockback, but in the air, he has super armour and is hard to K.O. His aerial moves are strong compared to his tilts.

Just my thoughts. If Sakurai spent time making a ground based fighter, Ridley seems the logical choice for an aerial fighter.

A new rivalry is born?

Little Mac vs. Ridley.
You forgot the BIGGEST rival point.

Little Mac is little.
Ridley is big.

David vs. Goliath


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2014
hi guys,

i've just joined here, but been lurking around on these forums for a while now. i'm a huge ridley supporter and he's my number one requested character for this installment of smash ( followed by the likes of takamaru on #2 and spear waddle dee on #3 ) i think ridley should have been in smash since melee, and when i was younger i used to believe he was unlockable even though the roster was complete, just because he was so detailed in the intro movie.

ridley really is one of my most favorite fictional villains. what i love about him is how much he stands out from the rest of the nintendo baddies. i mean bowser is pretty much a comical villain at this point as the mario series don't have much debt usually ( story wise ). ganon on the other hand is a righteous villain, thinking what he does is right for him and his people, claiming what he thinks belongs to him. i also really love the direction of the never ending cycle the went with skyward sword, meaning as long there's evil, the goddess and the hero will be reborn. ( you can say there's a similarly connection in metroid ) now king dedede isn't much of a villain at all anymore, and more of a jealous rival who eventually helps kirby fight some ****ed up critter that looks like an afterbirth with one eye.

that brings me to my favorite three villains from nintendo; haydes, giygas and ridley.
haydes is easy, he's just awesome. i'm glad he's been created only two years ago because of the characteristics they've giving him. i'm sure nintendo weren't able to pull that kind of personality back in the nes days. nintendo seem to have a thing for creating flamboyant villains nowadays ( ghirahim, yuga and even king croacus )

giygas is the most controversial villain - if not most controversial creation from nintendo. while the first mother plays like a novel, mother 2/earthbound plays like a psychedelic trip. and giygas is the part where your trip turns bad. oustanding for a nintendo game.

anyways that brings me to ridley, one of the last of the nintendo allstar casts that has yet to be playable
why do i love ridley so much? because he's none of the above. he's crazy, ****ing insane. and he's even intelligent with it. metroid has been known for one of the more darker nintendo franchises for the beginning, infact it was partly created with that purpose, and ridley fulfills his role in it. he's never your real enemy, just a reminder of what you are, what you've become and what you are doing.

i for one - loved the little birdie evolution of ridley. it payed homage to the alien series once again - and not only that, it was also nod to nintendo's other franchise pokémon.
and even it reminded me of gremlins ( especially little birdie to derpy woolly lizard adolescent ridley )
the rest from other m was still pretty terrible yeah. but while the game was mostly a train wreck, it gave ridley a lot more personality in-game ( he has enough personality in the manga i believe so ). and that infamous scenario everyone hates from other m - might just improved if not created the path for ridley to smash bros.

beside all this story nonsense - who wouldn't want to play as a skinny purple space dragon that breathes plasma? seriously i don't get people like shokio; infact i don't get shokio at all. i saw only one video of him and in that he was making fun of other people's miiverse drawings. who does that? that's sad man. everyone knows miiverse is filled with 6 year old kids. and so what if want a character you don't like or want is smash bros? seriously i think it's more important to look at who deserves to be in smash bros rather than '' hey i don't like waddle dee so waddle won't be in the game and anyone who tells me the different is ****ing nothing in my eyes'' it's just a ****ing game btw

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Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but... Little Mac's confirmation and play style has got me pretty hyped for Ridley. Little Mac is a character who's unique in that he is incredibly powerful on the ground, but very weak in the air.

Ridley could possibly be Little Mac's counterpart, where he is amazing in the air but weak on the ground. On the ground, he receives lightweight knockback, but in the air, he has super armour and is hard to K.O. His aerial moves are strong compared to his tilts.

Just my thoughts. If Sakurai spent time making a ground based fighter, Ridley seems the logical choice for an aerial fighter.

A new rivalry is born?

Little Mac vs. Ridley.
While I agree with the sentiment, I am opposed to Ridley having super-armor in the air. There are other ways a character can have an amazing airgame (see Jigglypuff or Peach). IMO, as long as he can extend combos in the air, he will feel pretty legit.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
Agreed, having a strong arial game in smash bros is a major buff given the concept of short hopping and edge guarding. Plus it wouldn't make sense for Ridley to have a weak ground game, he's a very adaptable fighter. Honestly I see them balancing Ridley in same way they balanced Ike with slow, slightly predictable, powerful long range moves. Being a big target is a big enough con to start off with anyway; even if they give Ridley better recovery options (than Ike), it still wouldn't break him.
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