Oh yeah, I saw that sculpted Omega Ridley you were talking about on deviantart which I never saw the rest of. Maybe the person ran out of resources/funds/budget as far as finishing it? I dunno, but it's weird how that kinda turned out.
Omega Ridley in general is not my favorite design.. which is surprising given my namesake. I imagined a Phazon-ized Ridley awhile before Prime 3 was even out (pretty much how I first came up with my username on another site, lol), and Omega Ridley I felt wasn't blue enough like your typical Phazon bosses (think Omega Pirate for instance, which I think
Omega Ridley should've been more like in design), and he didn't use enough Phazon-based attacks, to my disappointment (if he had had more of that at least I would've been more forgiving of his sluggishness in that battle and everything else). Regardless though I see where you're coming from on the complexity of its design, compared to the other Ridley forms anyway. Yeah, liking to make your life complicated is definitely you

, not that that's always a bad thing.
As for suggestions/ideas on a comic, well aside from explaining what happened with him between Prime 3 and Super Metroid which you already brought up, maybe try to explain or come up with a scenario where the real Ridley is still alive after Super. With his ability to heal himself from consuming corpses, whose to say he didn't consume some of his space pirate brethren that Samus killed on her way to him and narrowly got off Zebes before it exploded? (before someone brings up the fact we saw his in-game sprite explode to pieces in Super, the same thing happened to him with like every other defeat) Granted, it's farfetched, but Samus's statement in Other M's prologue about him being dead for good or whatever felt like just an assumption more than anything else.
And yeah, I saw that "side story" from a Prime trilogy pirate's perspective on MDB quite awhile back. Don't remember nearly as much about it now but it was... interesting. I remember seeing the pirate side story image under a "coming soon" banner on like the official Metroid site way back when, which got me thinking at the time that it'd might be a new spinoff game Retro would make sometime after Prime 3, with the way it looked like it was being advertised at first anyway. Boy, was I wrong and disappointed...