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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
According to the Biography of Ridley page on the Metroid Wiki:

And the Biography of Dark Samus page:

As for why the entire last paragraph is highlighted, didn't Ridley become a Leviathan guardian when he became Omega Ridley?

Granted, it is a Wiki, which is not always a reliable source, but is this not accurate?

That doesn't mean she didn't make them her *****es.
As said, a lot of that comes from a lust for power and brainwashing. Even then that just gives me another reason to dislike Prime 3 because that's pretty lame too.

It's more so that in this game Ridley is humiliated to the point where he becomes a dog in a leash, I can at some extent at least accept that Dark Samus was able to mind control the Space Pirates with a great plan, this is just Ridley getting beaten up and submitting, I just can't see it as justifiable. It also begs the question why he didn't cower and just joined the crew in SSE, instead he came back from the dead to try and take his revenge, at least they got that much right in Brawl. I don't mind him serving a higher power, because he does so with Mother Brain already because of a mutual interest of bending the galaxy to its knees, it's how they're doing it in this game that makes me resent it.
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I just re-watched the part about Ridley and yeah, he pretty much works as a character of his own with fighting alongside us and fighters getting points for KO'ing him like any other character (he has his own frickin' icon as well)... but still just isn't a character. It's a bit sad, have to say, but no can do I guess... That supposed "Meta-Ridley" is a bit of a cop-out as well haha!

Anyway, Pyrosphere became quite a circus now, which I'm not sure if I like or not. Ridley + Graham units + Joulions + Zeros is a bit much... unless only some appear at a time (that said, I could see only some of the latter appearing on stage if character-Ridley is used on Pyrosphere). But with that said, I can't say I strongly believe in Ridley-DLC, even if I truly want him in. They made the effort to make Ridley what he is now, and while a bit lame, he still looks pretty cool and detailed, and they probably intended him for that position only. That time could have been spent into playable character material too, but decided not to, so I'm not sure if they're going to go at it again for DLC. I've also noticed that Ridley-fans don't do much campaigning for DLC, like the K. Rool supporters do for example. But I guess Sakurai and company ought to know the popularity he has...


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
The hivemind concept existed in the Zero Mission manga awhile before Other M was made.

Anyway, yeah. I get that they shared a common goal, but fact is Ridley has no problem with others being on top/in charge. Not saying that it makes what they did with him on Pyrosphere right, but it is what it is.
I won't get too much into the debate about Ridley's portrayal here, but the thing with that is though, Ridley was never shown to really be a part of the hivemind. In the manga, he did work for Mother Brain, but unlike the grunts, he seemed more out of begrudged respect for what she could do for them then being a mindslave of hers. Even in Other M, he still acted on his own accord and didn't show any signs of being under her control (in fact, it was stated he escaped before her rampage), much less having any interaction with her at all.

So arguably, he may be the exception to that rule, though of course due to Metroid's more subtle story, we probably don't have the full details on that relationship anyway.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I... I'm not sure why are we even bothering keeping this thread open.

I mean no disrespect to the Ridley supporters, and I remember doing some possible disrespectful posts back then. I apologize for that. It just bothered me how your uproar reached websites such as Kotaku, it was crazy but in an annoying way to me.

But keeping this thread open for discussion? I don't think it's a good idea, it can bring troll posts, and cause pointless drama. Ridley has been confirmed as a boss, and that's that.

If this keeps open, soon enough something will explode, and it won't be pretty.

However, I am calling you guys out: hating on the developer because he didn't pick your character is not going to change anything. Specially saying the game "sucks" because of that single exclusion. Have you seen the loads of content it's in this game? Heck, I don't even care my favorite character isn't part of the roster anymore, the amounts of content in the game is insane!
For starters, you nor anyone HAS to post here. If you don't understand/don't like it/don't want to see it get bombarded, don't click "The Ridley for SSB4 thread." Plain and simple.

Secondly, you're lumping us all together because of the vocal minority? Really? I was on that Kotaku article, simply because I had the last post in this thread before it got locked and was passionate enough to say this wasn't an effort in vain/no regrets/thanking everyone that contributed here over the years. So because some people say they don't like this game and annoy you, "us guys" need to be called out?

Lastly, the gist of your post(s) is/are literally "Stop discussing the topic in a thread for said topic because I said so." You come off as if your opinions which are apparently so much better than the rest of ours that we should be ashamed of ourselves.

I know this isn't the case nor that it wasn't your intention, but that's all I'm getting of this and every other "give up guys/why is this thread not locked?/it's over" and other general white knight-esque post. I will repeat, you don't HAVE to post here.

Why not just say " Non fans of Ridely" Insted of "detractors". all the word is going to do is give the non fans fuel.
"Non fans of Ridley" don't go into the Ridley thread to post specifically that they don't like/aren't fans of Ridley.

Detractors make themselves known, derail from the thread, post "stop liking what I don't like" stuff, and continue to return to the thread despite how many times they make it known they do not like and are not fans of the character.

Which is exactly what you've been doing this entire time.

So harrass him.... not a good idea.. please. Leave the man alone
Just leave the guy alone, for the ****ing love of god

This is the sort of thing that makes me go blind with anger... Its just... ugh
So telling a game developer something/someone you'd like to see show up in something they make (as in, do their profession/be a provider while taking no criticism/feedback for their product, like they have been since the began said profession?) is harassment? And it's only bad when Ridley fans do it (or I'm sorry, when they post it once it's 'harassing him' over and over again)?

Yeah. Ok. I guess I'll go report to Nintendo to shut down Miiverse, every Smash fansite, and make all fanmail illegal.


I said I'd give the warning exactly one time:

I'm going to say this exactly once.

Anyone posting here just to fans flames, goad/troll/bait people that are obviously upset on, or otherwise just spam this place ("I don't really care about Ridley but good riddance/he's better as a boss/insert collecting tears post/image/meme/gif" gets an automatic infraction.
If your intent for coming to this thread is to (as a non-fan/person that doesn't care beyond 'he's not playable/I don't care about him personally') either:
A) post specifically to goad/troll/flame/bother other fans, hopeful/pessimistic about the future or happy/upset with the outcome all the same, or

B} otherwise tell people to not post about the topic (Ridley thread. If you really think this of all places shouldn't be discussing things pertaining to Ridley, then with all due respect, please use common sense and/or get out)
-while either playing pity party ("you guys are pathetic/lol Ridley***s"), schadenfreude ("delicious tears/all this rage") or just posting for the sake of posting (because clearly people are obligated to care for the every single righteous/noble Sakurai defender's every word), then I assure you, you are wasting your time, you are wasting my/our time, and it will not end well for anybody.

That said, feel free to have whatever opinion you like, and post it here if you can do so in a civil manner. I've pointed out numerous times this thread is not fans-only/"no negativity or different opinions allowed." Several detractors/people that didn't want or care for RIdley to be playable have posted here before without incident, and even being downright pleasant to discuss with.

He seemed ok with Dark Samus making him and the Space Pirates her *****es.
Getting revived/injected with Phazon/having your forces brainwashed and mobilized =/= getting punched a few times and deciding to willingly go on a suicide mission because that makes for fun gameplay.

I'm seriously not following how or why you'd try to justify this with canon. They made Ridley a Flying Man clone. No logic went into it aside from what the announcer literally said (paraphrasing): "it sure is great being able to fight alongside a huge boss character."

No way in hell Sakurai or any developer come to the conclusion that "making Ridley team up with Samus after she beat him up sure would make him much more like he is in the Metroid games, and is totally in character for him."


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
As said, a lot of that comes from a lust for power and brainwashing. Even then that just gives me another reason to dislike Prime 3 because that's pretty lame too.

It's more so that in this game Ridley is humiliated to the point where he becomes a dog in a leash, I can at some extent at least accept that Dark Samus was able to mind control the Space Pirates with a great plan, this is just Ridley getting beaten up and submitting, I just can't see it as justifiable. It also begs the question why he didn't cower and just joined the crew in SSE, instead he came back from the dead to try and take his revenge, at least they got that much right in Brawl. I don't mind him serving a higher power, because he does so with Mother Brain already because of a mutual interest of bending the galaxy to its knees, it's how they're doing it in this game that makes me resent it.
Fair enough. Psh, uncharacteristic as it would be though, I would've taken him joining the crew in SSE over coming back for revenge in a heartbeat (nevermind how SSE already treated Ridley and Meta-Ridley as complete separate entities) since it'd mean he prolly would've been playable (essentially joining the cast like everyone else against Tabuu)... and you'd be lying to yourself if you said being playable wasn't a good tradeoff for him acting out of character for one moment or two.

I won't get too much into the debate about Ridley's portrayal here, but the thing with that is though, Ridley was never shown to really be a part of the hivemind. Even in Other M, he still acted on his own accord and didn't show any signs of being under her control (in fact, it was stated he escaped before her rampage), much less any interaction at all. So really, the hivemind may not be in effect for him, rather he just goes begrudgedly goes along with Mother Brain's (and maybe Dark Samus, I haven't looked into that) plans because it still serves him.
I wasn't saying the hivemind affected Ridley himself, just that he has no problem with others taking charge of an operation he's in and of those whom he normally commands (the space pirates). I like to think too though that he just reluctantly goes along with it since it suits his purposes too.

Dark Samus on the other hand, pretty sure the Phazon corruption made Ridley her puppet, just like the other Phazon infected bosses and bounty hunters, but at least it was only temporary.

Damn maintenance delaying my post.

Deleted member

As said, a lot of that comes from a lust for power and brainwashing. Even then that just gives me another reason to dislike Prime 3 because that's pretty lame too.

It's more so that in this game Ridley is humiliated to the point where he becomes a dog in a leash, I can at some extent at least accept that Dark Samus was able to mind control the Space Pirates with a great plan, this is just Ridley getting beaten up and submitting, I just can't see it as justifiable. It also begs the question why he didn't cower and just joined the crew in SSE, instead he came back from the dead to try and take his revenge, at least they got that much right in Brawl. I don't mind him serving a higher power, because he does so with Mother Brain already because of a mutual interest of bending the galaxy to its knees, it's how they're doing it in this game that makes me resent it.
For the underlined, it's more implied that he was trying to prevent the escape considering the Falcon Flyer is not Samus or Pikachu, and he's clearly focused more on destroying the Falcon Flyer than seeking out two fighters he encountered before out of a party of seven. (If Meta Ridley is even revived Ridley this time, considering Tabuu revived BOTH to guard the Great Maze).
Aside from that, think of your choice of words. He can't exactly "cower and join the crew" while being dead instead of "coming back from the dead", now can he? :p

In my response to BKuppa I've explained how it's less being a lapdog and more being smart enough to pick your battles, though doing a little more research on Ridley's character, I noticed something that the "partnership" ties to. Part of Ridley's character in the manga is essentially Might Makes Right. "Nature sides with the strong" are words he said. This is essentially how he became loyal to Mother Brain, Dark Samus (from what I understand, he wasn't brainwashed until he became a Leviathan Guardian), and became accepting of Gray Voice being a Commander. They proved themselves to be strong enough to follow.
There's only one case where someone who has proven their strength to him that he does not side with, and that's Samus. And that is because of their venomous history.

In Smash, you're proving yourself worthy enough for him to side with. The only out of character factor here is that you can do this with Samus and Zero Suit Samus.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2014
Mt. Cornet
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Deleted member

Getting revived/injected with Phazon/having your forces brainwashed and mobilized =/= getting punched a few times and deciding to willingly go on a suicide mission because that makes for fun gameplay.
It's implied Ridley wasn't brainwashed; he loyally followed Dark Samus after she took control.
Why the Pirates were easily brainwashed is because they had simple minds. Ridley doesn't have such excuse. He could have easily attacked Dark Samus himself but went "Lead the way." instead.

I'm seriously not following how or why you'd try to justify this with canon. They made Ridley a Flying Man clone. No logic went into it aside from what the announcer literally said (paraphrasing): "it sure is great being able to fight alongside a huge boss character."
You're not following it because that's a strawman.
I'm not saying canon is why he's doing this. I'm saying that what he's doing is not out of character because he HAS been shown to just side with whoever shows feats of power out of respect.

No way in hell Sakurai or any developer come to the conclusion that "making Ridley team up with Samus after she beat him up sure would make him much more like he is in the Metroid games, and is totally in character for him."
You mean like how someone like Ghirahim can be summoned and willingly assist whoever summoned him (even if it was Link) like if he was some genie at the beck and call of his master? :rolleyes:
Quit with the strawman.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
*Sigh.* I know the real reason Ridley just gives up and sides with his attacker.

"It's a livin'."
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at that.

Well I'm going to sleep now. Hope we can talk about something else other than the canonically of Ridley being an underling or partner to others and/or inconsistencies with his character later on. No matter how we argue on that, an assisting Ridley is the hand we've been dealt... He may as well have been a freakin' assist trophy now that I think about it, with how he was handled. Wouldn't of been much different, other than that he could appear on other stages besides Pyrosphere and you wouldn't have to pummel him first to get him to help.
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The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at that.

Well I'm going to sleep now. Hope we can talk about something else other than the canonically of Ridley being an underling or partner to others and/or inconsistencies with his character later on. No matter how we argue on that, an assisting Ridley is the hand we've been dealt... He may as well have been a freakin' assist trophy now that I think about it, with how he was handled. Wouldn't of been much different, other than that he could appear on other stages besides Pyrosphere and you wouldn't have to pummel him first to get him to help.
Agrees. Though ironic since he was gonna be that in Brawl in the first place. Though that might be a bad thing, meh. Anyways, see you tomorrow. :)


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
It wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing; as assist trophy wouldn't be a permanent role for Ridley in the series if Little Mac (another popular in the west character) could move past it and advance, way I see it.

Anyway, g'night.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 17, 2014
The Lonely Mountain
I don't really understand the outrage for the portrayal of Ridley at this point. He deserved to be playable so anything short of that is going to be a disappointment. Smash isn't canon so Ridley need not adhere to whatever you deem his canon characterization. Midna can serve Ganondorf and Ghirahim can serve Link through assist trophies.

Considering the work that went into making Ridley as a non-playable element, I fear that Ridley will forever be Boss-zoned in Smash, with certaintly if Sakurai stays at the helm and likely even under future directors. A damn shame. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for some modders to make my dreams of a playable Ridley come true.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I wasn't saying the hivemind affected Ridley himself, just that he has no problem with others taking charge of an operation he's in and of those whom he normally commands (the space pirates). I like to think too though that he just reluctantly goes along with it since it suits his purposes too.

Dark Samus on the other hand, pretty sure the Phazon corruption made Ridley her puppet, just like the other Phazon infected bosses and bounty hunters, but at least it was only temporary.

Damn maintenance delaying my post.
Ah, sorry about that, I misunderstood what you meant.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Solitude, Skyrim
What we got with Ridley is possibly the best thing when it comes to NPCs. You can tell a lot of hard work was put into that, and I can respect that.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I don't really understand the outrage for the portrayal of Ridley at this point. He deserved to be playable so anything short of that is going to be a disappointment. Smash isn't canon so Ridley need not adhere to whatever you deem his canon characterization. Midna can serve Ganondorf and Ghirahim can serve Link through assist trophies.

Considering the work that went into making Ridley as a non-playable element, I fear that Ridley will forever be Boss-zoned in Smash, with certaintly if Sakurai stays at the helm and likely even under future directors. A damn shame. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for some modders to make my dreams of a playable Ridley come true.
Considering the work that went into making Ridley, it looks like he was planned to be playable but cut. I can think of two reasons. 1.) He was too much for the 3DS to handle, or 2.) they couldn't get the right balance out to make Ridley work correctly canonically without being OP. Not sure which.

What we got with Ridley is possibly the best thing when it comes to NPCs. You can tell a lot of hard work was put into that, and I can respect that.
Which begs the question why he wasn't playable. He basically looks exactly like a CPU player character except maybe lacking a couple of moves and having 1-2 moves reliant on the stage (which could've easily been replaced). Its a bit of a nuisance but doesn't bother me too much. I really just want the explanation.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 13, 2014
Like I've said before, let's wait until someone asks Sakurai about Ridley in an interview before we make a full judgement on him. As long as Sakurai can give us a clear cut answer as to why Ridley isn't/can't be playable, then all the anger people have bulit up inside will disappear and will not longer request him for future installments of the series since it will just be a lost cause at this point.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
It's implied Ridley wasn't brainwashed; he loyally followed Dark Samus after she took control.
It's implied in Prime period that Ridley became more of an enforcer than his usual role as a commander/leader.

Why the Pirates were easily brainwashed is because they had simple minds. Ridley doesn't have such excuse. He could have easily attacked Dark Samus himself but went "Lead the way." instead.
Again, implied that he was serving the "give me things to kill" role more than the "only I run this ship" one. Retro Studios felt it was better/cooler showing Ridley in the trenches with his men rather than having a desk job/only showing up once prior to the ending like Dark Samus (not counting her shades/absorbing scenes).

You're not following it because that's a strawman.
I'm not saying canon is why he's doing this. I'm saying that what he's doing is not out of character because he HAS been shown to just side with whoever shows feats of power out of respect.
He's neither been shown to do that in gameplay nor in Smash. That's what I was getting at. Unless you also think it's a strawman that Ridley was revived by Tabuu, therefore "respected/worked" for him.

You mean like how someone like Ghirahim can be summoned and willingly assist whoever summoned him (even if it was Link) like if he was some genie at the beck and call of his master? :rolleyes:
Quit with the strawman.
Because clearly items/summons are the exact same thing as bosses/hazards/stage elements.

And clearly both Links don't cause Alfonzo to show up on Spirit Tracks.


Smash Cadet
Apr 17, 2014
The Lonely Mountain
Considering the work that went into making Ridley, it looks like he was planned to be playable but cut. I can think of two reasons. 1.) He was too much for the 3DS to handle, or 2.) they couldn't get the right balance out to make Ridley work correctly canonically without being OP. Not sure which.

Which begs the question why he wasn't playable. He basically looks exactly like a CPU player character except maybe lacking a couple of moves and having 1-2 moves reliant on the stage (which could've easily been replaced). Its a bit of a nuisance but doesn't bother me too much. I really just want the explanation.
I don't that's a very likely theory unless you'd also like to put forward that Metal Face, Yellow Devil and Flying Man were also scrapped characters. Each of them has a unique role and behavior but they nonetheless had more work put into them than your average stage element.

Why they didn't make him playable really is questionable. I don't think calling Sakurai a TooBigot is a knee-jerk reaction at this point. He really does seem to view size as being essential to Ridley's character. We can see that Ridley has practically everything it takes to be playable and yet... he's TOO BIG (according to Sakurai).

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Other M Ridley may be out, Brawl Ridley may be a stock icon, but we can still show our support for Gargoyle Ridley!

Gargoyle Ridley for DLC!

Anyways, I am glad to see Ridley included in the game in a weird psuedo-playable character role but it feels very strange. I am not sure if I should feel happy to see him included, offended that a puffball like Jiggz can enslave the mighty space dragon, or a mixture of both. Still, I have supported Ridley since after Melee upon seeing him in the opening sequence and I won't stop supporting him. Maybe, sometime in the future, my children will be able to pick a playable Ridley and I can tell them "I was supporting this here feller waaaay back in the day when all we had was that HD and 3D and 8 player Smash...." By this point, it would obviously have 32 player smash with a 102 character roster that includes the likes of Professor E.Gadd and Kiddy Kong.

...... Some day....

Deleted member

For me, I see the things like this: with all the bad reception Other M has received, Nintendo and Sakurai may have decided to not include any Metroid newcomer as to dodge an even worse promotion for Metroid.

And when we'll have the Metroid game which will clean up the franchise's reputation after the Other M discord, then Ridley is almost guaranted for 5mash.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 13, 2014
For me, I see the things like this: with all the bad reception Other M has received, Nintendo and Sakurai may have decided to not include any Metroid newcomer as to dodge an even worse promotion for Metroid.

And when we'll have the Metroid game which will clean up the franchise's reputation after the Other M discord, then Ridley is almost guaranted for 5mash.
If that was the case, then there wouldn't be any Other M representation whatsoever. He would avoid all of that as much as possible.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 17, 2014
The Lonely Mountain
For me, I see the things like this: with all the bad reception Other M has received, Nintendo and Sakurai may have decided to not include any Metroid newcomer as to dodge an even worse promotion for Metroid.
Samus, Ridley and Pyrospehere are all Other M inspired. I don't think they were trying to sweep that woopsie under the rug.

Deleted member

If that was the case, then there wouldn't be any Other M representation whatsoever. He would avoid all of that as much as possible.
Samus, Ridley and Pyrospehere are all Other M inspired. I don't think they were trying to sweep that woopsie under the rug.
What I am meaning is that, with all the bad reception Ridley's new design has received, would you have liked this one for Ridley's very first appearance as a playable character ?

Also, the Other M design is like the new standard for representing the Metroid franchise outside the games themselves, like for the N3DS japanese commercial, the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Metroid content, etc.


Smash Cadet
Apr 17, 2014
The Lonely Mountain
What I am meaning is that, with all the bad reception Ridley's new design has received, would you have liked this one for Ridley's very first appearance as a playable character ?

Also, the Other M design is like the new standard for representing the Metroid franchise outside the games themselves, like for the N3DS japanese commercial, the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Metroid content, etc.
I'd like Prime Ridley or Brawl Ridley first and foremost but a playable Ridley would be welcome no matter what (inb4 original Ridley artwork). Anyway, you can't pretend Other M doesn't exist by not including a new playable character but still make everything else in the game Other M inspired.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
What I am meaning is that, with all the bad reception Ridley's new design has received, would you have liked this one for Ridley's very first appearance as a playable character ?

Also, the Other M design is like the new standard for representing the Metroid franchise outside the games themselves, like for the N3DS japanese commercial, the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Metroid content, etc.
I know a lot of people at first was not pleased with the idea with "Roidley", but after some time has past and taking the concept art of Other M Ridley in consideration, people became dormant with that one becoming playable (though they still would prefer Super Metroid Ridley), just to have Ridley playable. I'm sure not every Ridley design is acceptable by merit, as @ Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom has clearly pointed out, but Ridley is Ridley, and the fans want him playable, whether it be Other M (which I personally don't mind) or Super Metroid Ridley, which is preferred but was most likely not gonna be this Smash's "Playable" Ridley.

And I personally think more people find Sammy's personality in Other M more controversial than Ridley's design.

Edit: Kinda :4greninja:'d
Agrees with @ Neko-Knight Neko-Knight
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 13, 2014
What I am meaning is that, with all the bad reception Ridley's new design has received, would you have liked this one for Ridley's very first appearance as a playable character ?

Also, the Other M design is like the new standard for representing the Metroid franchise outside the games themselves, like for the N3DS japanese commercial, the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Metroid content, etc.
Personally, I don't like Ridley's design in Other M but at this point I would take any design of his as long as he was playable (although I really did want to see that concept art design). His Other M design might be his most recent but that doesn't mean Sakurai had to use it. Pac Man isnt using his recent design and either is Link. Point is, you can't just pretend as if Other M doesn't exist.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2013
Looks like Ridley is not playable after all which is shame... DLC for Brawley/Super Metroidley is possible but I can't see it happen... at least in some time.

I said it in the time of your analysis and I say it again: shadow analysis was complete garbage.
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The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Looks like Ridley is not playable after all which is shame... DLC for Brawley/Super Metroidley is possible but I can't see it happen... at least in some time.

I said it in the time of your analysis and I say it again: shadow analysis was complete garbage.
I can pretty much confirmed that Ridley in the April direct was indeed smaller then what he is now, so I don't think so. However as we know, that had changed when the final verdict for RIdley was set for him after that moment.


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2013

"Non fans of Ridley" don't go into the Ridley thread to post specifically that they don't like/aren't fans of Ridley.

Detractors make themselves known, derail from the thread, post "stop liking what I don't like" stuff, and continue to return to the thread despite how many times they make it known they do not like and are not fans of the character.
Just gonna point this out, you guys had a habit of telling us to take all character discussion to the character boards. so whenever people disagreed over Ridley in another board, they were sent here. So calling them detractors is wrong. Nowhere was it said that you HAVE to be a fan of a character to post in this thread. Would you have allowed a separate thread just for the people who didn't want Ridley? Probably not, so why isn't it okay for them to post here without being questioned as to why they were posting? obviously flaming and trolling posts should be reprimanded, but other than that, what's the problem with it?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
Just gonna point this out, you guys had a habit of telling us to take all character discussion to the character boards. so whenever people disagreed over Ridley in another board, they were sent here. So calling them detractors is wrong. Nowhere was it said that you HAVE to be a fan of a character to post in this thread. Would you have allowed a separate thread just for the people who didn't want Ridley? Probably not, so why isn't it okay for them to post here without being questioned as to why they were posting? obviously flaming and trolling posts should be reprimanded, but other than that, what's the problem with it?
Probably just for the sake of the thread going into mediated lock mode. I mean Ridley fans already saw the outcome no need to tell them again so to rub it in will only cause problems. I'm not in this thread often but even I don't want it to happen.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Warning Received
As a designer-to be, It is a RULE to protect my work, SPECIALLY since I made it. And I'm OVER protective about it, but it is for a reason. And if this ever happens again, I will find a way to take my work down from the very beginning (that means since I joined the boards), and if someone uses it after that, I'm going to take drastic measures.
Geez, sure am glad you aren't some famous bestseller author or created a popular TV show... your own fandom would hate you for telling them to stop making fanfiction and fanart with your creations.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Geez, sure am glad you aren't some famous bestseller author or created a popular TV show... your own fandom would hate you for telling them to stop making fanfiction and fanart with your creations.
This is not the thread to criticise Andrea's work methodology. This thread has only got a finite number of pages left before it goes kaput, remember?

I'm still optimistic about the future. It seems bizarre that Sakurai and the dev team would go to so much effort (he's even got a Final Smash, for goodness's sake!) and not have a better plan beyond that. I'm going to watch this space and see how things turn out, for better or for worse - either way, these next few weeks are going to be very, very interesting indeed.

If nothing else, what we got is a decent compromise and it shows that some modicum of time and effort was put into this. If we're going to get Bossley, at least it's a relatively cool and well-designed Bossley. I'm taking this as laying the foundations for a future Playabley. Sakurai's taking baby steps in the right direction towards a genuine style of Playabley, but they are going that way nonetheless.

Incidentally, "optimism" doesn't mean maintaining the best will always happen. It's looking at the optimal result within any given paradigm, which is exactly what I intend to do.
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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2013
Probably just for the sake of the thread going into mediated lock mode. I mean Ridley fans already saw the outcome no need to tell them again so to rub it in will only cause problems. I'm not in this thread often but even I don't want it to happen.
I said flaming and trolling posts should be reprimanded. Anything else should be allowed and could only be conducive to discussion. These "other" people shouldn't be left out from the discussion just because they weren't fans of Ridley.


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2010
I can pretty much confirmed that Ridley in the April direct was indeed smaller then what he is now, so I don't think so. However as we know, that had changed when the final verdict for RIdley was set for him after that moment.
Except that analysis WAS garbage - when I came in here like a month or two ago to shoot down every single thing argued (as well as tell everyone here that they should just accept that he's a stage boss then and there so the blow wouldn't be as sever when he was finally confirmed as a stage boss), I pointed out that his shadow was clearly at LEAST a third of the stage, to which some guy told me that "no the lighting makes the shadow bigger he's not that big." So, by the logic, the entirety of the shadow analysis is moot because it means that, after concluding from the SHADOW that Ridley was supposedly slightly bigger than Samus, you'd have to factor that bit of info back in, at which point it turns out that oh whoops Ridley is now actually SMALLER than Samus, somehow.
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