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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2014
Well, it's hard to really know what's a problem and what isn't. People are giving a detractor his share of the opinion cake, but it might end up off-topic. Then we say "let's just ignore him" over and over and we get marked as spamming. It really feels like a lose-lose situation being here sometimes.
indeed, but i think its better repeatedly saying to stop than letting it go on and escalate into something worse. some supporters are too defensive sometimes

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
Can you stop being a taddle tale running to the mods at every single little whim?

I'm not trolling I'm just strongly against what evidence people cite for his inclusion.

I think it'd be great if he was in.
We'll find out who's right or wrong very soon. There's no point in debating about it, guys. As @ AuraShaman AuraShaman said, this is a support thread. For now, all we can do is speculate and hope. We should know everything in less than two weeks. (Seriously, it's so close.) Just wait until then. I'm very excited to see what the full roster looks like.

Get hyped!!!
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Smash Rookie
Jun 15, 2014
Something you might consider is that Sakurai being aware of the Ridley fan base is completely separate from his plausibility of being in the game.

I'm perfectly aware he probably knows people want Ridley in. He probably knows people want a whole litany of other characters, but not every character is in. The roster was finalized at the beginning of the games development. Some characters ended up as more than alternate costumes, getting their own slot.

Him knowing about the Ridley fan base doesn't automatically mean Ridley is in, those are two individually separate factors.
So you're stating that Sakurai is deliberately trying to **** with a
chunk of his fanbase? You don't think he knew that shadow and those Potd's would cause controversy? For ****s and giggles let's say he didn't. You further believe that he would continue to let the hopes of so many ridley fans chug on like this (And rightfully so because this supposed way of confirming him as a stage hazard would suck monkey ****). You must think Sakurai is either completely oblivious or a malevolent prick. Stop being ignorant and start showing up on formums to actually support characters, and not insult their fans.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Maybe the fight with ROB already happened?

Edit : accidental double post
I was under the assumption that he meant that the 1985-1986 group is divided in two, which would explain why the Kid Icarus crew is nowhere to be found, but then that'd mean that ROB had to be fought along Peach, Bowser, Link and Zelda while the next batch shows Samus, Ridley, Pit and Palutena (and maybe ZSS). Assuming you do have to fight all characters one by one in this scenario, and it being consistent about chronological order.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2014
Mario and Luigi debuted before Peach and Bowser. Mario debuted in Donkey Kong, Luigi debuted in Mario Bros. Peach and Bowser debuted in Super Mario Bros.

Brawl organised characters in All-Star mode by franchise chronology (i.e. you fought ALL Super Mario characters before ALL Zelda characters because the Super Mario franchise debuted before the Zelda franchise). However, this new All-Star mode seems to order them by each character's individual debut (One of the leaked photos also supports this, in that it shows the icon for All-Star mode). So naturally, I think Ridley would partake in the same battle as Samus, since they debuted at the exact same time. Peach and Bowser are getting this treatment as they are the exact same scenario, as are Zelda and Link.

we don't give a crap thath they appear or no... maybe is only 5 character at the same time or maybe this section is separate in two part or maybe ridley is grouped with someonelse or last option maybe the character are random...for exemple we got peach bowser etc for the 1986 but when you do the all star again it will be ridley pit palutena for the 1986.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
*sigh* @ IsmaR IsmaR , we need you to do your magic.

While everyone else here is afraid of this thread being perma-locked, I'm not; as long as it gets @Zipzo to stop pissing people off when we ask of him to LEAVE US ALONE, AND LET US SUPPORT RIDLEY IN PEACE! Have you devoted your life in making sure we're wrong? If we aren't willing to change our mind, then why do you bother coming back here?
IsmaR doesn't need to do anything; don't bother her.
If we could all just act respectful and not jump out at everything, then it wouldn't be a problem.
Zipzo has not done anything "wrong" as far as the rules of this thread/forum are concerned, so running to IsmaR is not only pointless, but also an unnecessary inconvenience when she's already dealing with the other things that keep this thread teetering on the edge of "needs to be locked" and "somewhat reasonable discussion."
Do I think Zipzo could be a bit more respectful? Sure, but so could many of us, to be honest. Not that I blame said people here. It's a little understandable given some of the nasties we've dealt with in the past, but everyone should still be able to be "the bigger person," if you will.

Yeah yeah, I'm sorry about the kinda "mini-modding," but this really needed to be said by someone.
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I have not paid attention to what has happened during the last dozen or so pages, and I do not give a damn about it.

What I was doing, however, was thinking about the possibilities of Ridley in Multi-Man Smash. Would he be a character that most players would use in Cruel Smash, assuming that his hover ability is as good as it seems to be? If so, they could use him to lure enemy CPUs off the battlefield so that they can rack up points.

Well, it's either him, Jigglypuff, or Meta Knight.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Well, all and all, there's really nothing we could do to get the truth about Ridley's role until Sakurai fesses up. There's just not enough evidence to support the supporter's claims and the detractor's claims. We just can't come to a concise conclusion. So let's end the current discussion until more information is given to us.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2014
Mt. Cornet
IsmaR doesn't need to do anything; don't bother her.
If we could all just act respectful and not jump out at everything, then it wouldn't be a problem.
Zipzo has not done anything "wrong" as far as the rules of this thread/forum are concerned, so running to IsmaR is not only pointless, but also an unnecessary inconvenience when she's already dealing with the other things that keep this thread teetering on the edge of "needs to be locked" and "somewhat reasonable discussion."
Do I think Zipzo could be a bit more respectful? Sure, but so could many of us, to be honest. Not that I blame said people here. It's a little understandable given some of the nasties we've dealt with in the past, but everyone should still be able to be "the bigger person," if you will.

Yeah yeah, I'm sorry about the kinda "mini-modding," but this really needed to be said by someone.

Yeah, but......I can't be the bigger person. I always rely on others in order to keep my self-esteem high for Ridley's chances, meaning it can just as tragically plummit whenever someone marches in here starts spouting "Ridley won't be playable" stuff. As I said before, I want Sakurai to crush dreams, no one else. At least he can get away with it somewhat.

As for the detractors who come here, they're only making trouble and disturbing the peace. This is the last safe place to like Ridley and not be ridiculed for it, yet it's also slowly becoming unsafe...

Just alittle longer.......I'm too weak to take any more fighting. Just end it all Sakurai, please!


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
I have not paid attention to what has happened during the last dozen or so pages, and I do not give a damn about it.

What I was doing, however, was thinking about the possibilities of Ridley in Multi-Man Smash. Would he be a character that most players would use in Cruel Smash, assuming that his hover ability is as good as it seems to be? If so, they could use him to lure enemy CPUs off the battlefield so that they can rack up points.

Well, it's either him, Jigglypuff, or Meta Knight.
Well, if I could gimp my way pass the Wire Frames with Roy (my boi) with precision timing and lots of luck, as long as Ridley has a good way to punish the Miis and stay alive, then he might end up being my new Roy.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
You know what's really sad?

That despite all the "hype" for a Ridley stage hazard, he's apparently only going to be in one version of the game. The main antagonist of his series, a super-popular Smash candidate, and someone who's made appearances since the 64 game, isn't going to be in the 3DS version of the game if the leaks for the stage line-up are of any indication.

But of course, that would all be thrown out the window if he's playable.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I have not paid attention to what has happened during the last dozen or so pages, and I do not give a damn about it.

What I was doing, however, was thinking about the possibilities of Ridley in Multi-Man Smash. Would he be a character that most players would use in Cruel Smash, assuming that his hover ability is as good as it seems to be? If so, they could use him to lure enemy CPUs off the battlefield so that they can rack up points.

Well, it's either him, Jigglypuff, or Meta Knight.
I think the Mii Fighters have better recovery than the Alloys and Wire Frames, though. So that may be harder than it was in the past.


PPMD Kreygasm
Apr 6, 2014
"I'm gonna go to a page where people passionately want something. And give them faulty reasons as to why said thing won't happen. What could go wrong"


Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
here's my question when ridley gets annouced do you think he would be high tier or low tier.I think he would be in the middle.If this has been asked already my bad.

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
here's my question when ridley gets annouced do you think he would be high tier or low tier.I think he would be in the middle.If this has been asked already my bad.
This is nearly impossible to tell right now. Large characters are usually low on the tier list. Simply because they're big targets and easy to juggle, usually. But we have no idea what Ridley's capabilities could be.

If Ridley is slow, like Sakurai hinted at. It's very likely he'll be low tier.
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Deleted member

I have not paid attention to what has happened during the last dozen or so pages, and I do not give a damn about it.

What I was doing, however, was thinking about the possibilities of Ridley in Multi-Man Smash. Would he be a character that most players would use in Cruel Smash, assuming that his hover ability is as good as it seems to be? If so, they could use him to lure enemy CPUs off the battlefield so that they can rack up points.

Well, it's either him, Jigglypuff, or Meta Knight.
I certainly would think that Ridley's presumed flight gimmick would help his survivability and score potential in Cruel Smash. However, an interesting thing to note this time around is the fact that the Multi-Man enemies are no longer Wireframes or Alloys that simply mimic other fighters on the roster. As we all know now, the Multi-Man enemies are now just copies of the Mii Fighters.

How does this make a difference? Well, for those of you that don't know, the Alloys and Wireframes, while they mimicked characters (Mario, Kirby, Zelda, and Captain Falcon), could not use the specials of the characters they mimicked, as such they didn't have an actual recovery move; additionally, they could not grab ledges.

Now though, since the Multi-Man characters are the Mii Fighters, which are their own characters, it is very likely (and quite an obvious presumption, to be honest, since it wouldn't make sense for them to remove the option now that an actual character is being used as opposed to model clones) that the Mii Fighters will be able to use their special moves, thus having access to their Recovery Moves; not only that, but I presume the Mii Fighters will also be able to grab the Stage Ledges.

It also depends on if the Cruel Smash AI is still programmed for 100% aggressiveness (the more likely scenario, imo) or programmed to be smarter this time, so instead of chasing the player off the stage, they just wait for the player to return and take advantage of the player's vulnerabilities since they [the player] then have to focus on safely recovering.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2014
here's my question when ridley gets annouced do you think he would be high tier or low tier.I think he would be in the middle.If this has been asked already my bad.
i dont really care too much about tiers, but i would say mid - high tier. somewhere inbetween


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Yeah, but......I can't be the bigger person. I always rely on others in order to keep my self-esteem high for Ridley's chances, meaning it can just as tragically plummit whenever someone marches in here starts spouting "Ridley won't be playable" stuff. As I said before, I want Sakurai to crush dreams, no one else. At least he can get away with it somewhat.

As for the detractors who come here, they're only making trouble and disturbing the peace. This is the last safe place to like Ridley and not be ridiculed for it, yet it's also slowly becoming unsafe...

Just alittle longer.......I'm too weak to take any more fighting. Just end it all Sakurai, please!
You should take the thread title and Chrom's words to heart.
"I will not falter again!"

While I do think it's strange for people who don't expect a character to be playable to come into a support thread, I'm not going to say it's not allowed. Because it isn't.
Zipzo is remaining, to certain degree, peaceful. (Disregarding his first post today, at least. No offense, Zipzo.)
This is firstly a thread discussing Ridley in the context of Smash4. That's all there is to it. People can come here doubting. That's how you convince people.
If you really have a sliver of doubt towards Ridley, then I suggest you look through all of the evidence on your own (again).
Ridley has unnatural Sakurai behavior, analysis of the shadow presented to us that provide substance to our own answer for Sakurai's behavior, and, more recently, somewhat substantial leaks pointing towards him.
But, yes, we'll know in two weeks. Perhaps you should just take a break form this thread for a little bit? :p


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Here's a thought, what if Ridley was unlocked in Cruel (Smash?) Play as Sammy or ZS Sammy and get 356 (a year's worth) KOs? Hey, at least that's a way to keep people from spoiling him too early. :troll:
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Here's a thought, what if Ridley was unlocked in Cruel (Smash?) Play as Sammy or ZS Sammy and get 356 (a year's worth) KOs? Hey, at least that's a way to keep people from spoiling him too early. :troll:
Nah, I think that's how we're going to unlock Mewtwo.

The true method of unlocking Ridley is to have the game measure your height, and if you're less than ten feet tall, you're not big enough to play as him. :troll:


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Nah, I think that's how we're going to unlock Mewtwo.

The true method of unlocking Ridley is to have the game measure your height, and if you're less than ten feet tall, you're not big enough to play as him. :troll:
Darn. Oh well, gg guys, let's go home. It's obvious that we're canonically too small to play as Ridley.

Smash Players deconfirmed. :troll:

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
Nah, I think that's how we're going to unlock Mewtwo.

The true method of unlocking Ridley is to have the game measure your height, and if you're less than ten feet tall, you're not big enough to play as him. :troll:
Ridley Stilts confirmed: $59.99

Copyright: Nintendo Co., Ltd
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Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
Watching an LP of Xenoblade.

What would you think of Metal Face as being the next Ridley?

He easily represents the antagonistic, ugly side of the series, he is considered an archenemy of sorts due to attacking the protagonist's hometown and killing someone very close to him, and he's big as sh*t.

Ooh, and like Ridley, he has a very good chance of being playable without running into any pesky "size" issue.
Nope not possible
Metal Face is actually being controlled by a human, so it's pretty much a giant mechsuit. Shrinking that down would mean that whoever is inside it suddenly becomes pint-sized.

I think this is the best reply of all time about Ridley.

This is from Bill Trinen, the Nintendo guy.

He pulled a similar joke with Ness, saying the only confirmation that happened was the Ness cosplay on PAX. Oh TrinTroll.

Here's a thought, what if Ridley was unlocked in Cruel (Smash?) Play as Sammy or ZS Sammy and get 356 (a year's worth) KOs? Hey, at least that's a way to keep people from spoiling him too early. :troll:
Oh me oh my, I can't wait to see Ridley get the Mewtwo treatment and have him be unlocked by playing for a whole day or something. For some reason I can totally see it happening.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
*sigh* @ IsmaR IsmaR , we need you to do your magic.

While everyone else here is afraid of this thread being perma-locked, I'm not; as long as it gets @Zipzo to stop pissing people off when we ask of him to LEAVE US ALONE, AND LET US SUPPORT RIDLEY IN PEACE! Have you devoted your life in making sure we're wrong? If we aren't willing to change our mind, then why do you bother coming back here?
Huh? Zipzo is doing fine. I don't agree with him, but he's doing fine. His argument with mostly @False Sense seems to be going swell.

Personally, I'd rather have someone come here and shaken things up and having actual discussions then just everyone patting on each other's back. Remember, this is a thread to discuss everything pertaining to Ridley.

I think this is the best reply of all time about Ridley.

This is from Bill Trinen, the Nintendo guy.


Oh Lord. I ain't even mad.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I know I may have said something along these lines before, but someone on Miiverse (don't ask me who they are, you know what the Miiverse Smash community is like. *Shivers*) had actually noticed a pattern in which the newcomers are being revealed. They said something along the lines that
Since the Rosalina reveal, the characters are being in a pattern, with a newcomer from a veteran series first, then a newcomer representing their own franchise.
I can't help but think that's actually incredibly likely, and so I'll explain what they mean.

First: Rosalina & Luma from the Mario series.:rosalina:
Second: Little Mac from the Punch-Out!! series, which had an Assist Trophy in Brawl who's now a fighter; Little Mac.:4littlemac:
Thirdly: Greninja from the Pokémon series was announced during the Smash Direct. :4greninja:

Fourth: Mii Fighters if we are to assume that they are representing the Smash Bros series by themselves, but Miis are ambiguous in general.:4mii:

Fifth: Lady Palutena from the Kid Icarus series, brought back to life by Sakurai himself. It was what we expected, as she was teased twice, once as a statue and then the Pseudo-Palutena trophy. :4palutena: (I can't stop calling her 'Lady Palutena' for some reason...)

Sixth: Pac-Man, as a gift from Namco, Pac-Man represents not only the retro era of gaming, he also represents other Namco All-Stars. (Still waiting for some sort of Tekken reference...):4pacman:

Seventh: Robin and Lucina. Just. Awesomeness. :4robinm::4robinf::4lucina: As a fan of Fire Emblem (thanks a bunch, Roy and Marth!:roymelee::marthmelee:), I'm glad that Robin represents the series in a way that Chrom could never achieve. Lucina was lucky, but I guess you could stop saying that Fire Emblem is all about blue-haired swordsmen, and she's also one of the best female characters in FE. She ranked HIGHER than Chrom, 15.8 %, if I recall correctly.

And now, Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles, one of Nintendo's newest and successful games of the 2010 decade. :4shulk: (Now with Shulk emoticon)

There is indeed a pattern, and following this, it has to be a Veteran series that will get the next newcomer, and what series in Super Smash Bros is the one needing the most playable representatives? The Metroid series:samus: All it has at the moment is Samus Aran, in both her Power/Varia Suit and Zero Suit:4samus::4zss: They're still the same person unless the Samus in the armour turns out to be the SA-X, then that's a different story. Otherwise, we've only got one playable Metroid representing character, and of course, the next character after Samus Aran that's just as important to the series is Ridley. Ridley's influence on Samus is what shaped her into the bounty hunter that she is today, after murdering Samus' parents in front of her eyes. And despite Samus numerous attempts to kill him, Ridley keeps coming back.

With this out of the way, I think that out of all possible characters, the next character reveal should be Ridley. That is all from me, and let me know what you think of this theory. And that's Strider Bond signing off.
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Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
I know I may have said something along these lines before, someone on Miiverse (don't ask me who they are, you know what the Miiverse Smash community is like. *Shivers*) had actually noticed a pattern in which the newcomers are being revealed. They said something along the lines that I can't help but think that's actually incredibly likely, and so I'll explain what they mean.

First: Rosalina & Luma from the Mario series.:rosalina:
Second: Little Mac from the Punch-Out series, which had an Assist Trophy in Brawl who's now a fighter; Little Mac.:4littlemac:
Thirdly: Greninja from the Pokémon series was announced during the Smash Direct. :4greninja:

Fourth: Mii Fighters if we are to assume that they are representing the Smash Bros series by themselves, but Miis are ambiguous in general.:4mii:

Fifth: Lady Palutena from the Kid Icarus series, brought back to life by Sakurai himself. It was what we expected, as she was teased twice, once as a statue and then the Pseudo-Palutena trophy. :4palutena: (I can't stop calling her 'Lady Palutena' for some reason...)

Sixth: Pac-Man, as a gift from Namco, Pac-Man represents not only the retro era of gaming, he also represents other Namco All-Stars. (Still waiting for some sort of Tekken reference...):4pacman:

Seventh: Robin and Lucina. Just. Awesomeness. :4robinm::4robinf::4lucina: As a fan of Fire Emblem (thanks a bunch, Roy and Marth!:roymelee::marthmelee:), I'm glad that Robin represents the series in a way that Chrom could never achieve. Lucina was lucky, but I guess you could stop saying that Fire Emblem is all about blue-haired swordsmen, and she's also one of the best female characters in FE. She ranked HIGHER than Chrom, 15.8 %, if I recall correctly.

And now, Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles, one of Nintendo's newest and successful games of the 2010 decade. :substitute:

There is indeed a pattern, and following this, it has to be a Veteran series that will get the next newcomer, and what series in Super Smash Bros is the one needing the most playable representatives? The Metroid series:samus: All it has at the moment is Samus Aran, in both her Power/Varia Suit and Zero Suit:4samus::4zss: They're still the same person unless the Samus in the armour turns out to be the SA-X, then that's a different story. Otherwise, we've only got one playable Metroid representing character, and of course, the next character after Samus Aran that's just as important to the series is Ridley. Ridley's influence on Samus is what shaped her into the bounty hunter that she is today, after murdering Samus' parents in front of her eyes. And despite Samus numerous attempts to kill him, Ridley keeps coming back.

With this out of the way, I think that out of all possible characters, the next character reveal should be Ridley. That is all from me, and let me know what you think of this theory. And that's Strider Bond signing off.
I honestly don't know whether to call this straw grasping or not. I mean, it could very well just be a coincidence. It's certainly interesting, nonetheless.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I honestly don't know whether to call this straw grasping or not. I mean, it could very well just be a coincidence. It's certainly interesting, nonetheless.
We may never know. And I'm signing off for a while. I need to keep focused on my studies...


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
As far as the whole time period thing goes... I think Ridley would appear under Super Metroid, if anything. Yes, technically his first appearance was Metroid, but so was ZSS. Ridley's canon final design didn't come until Super Metroid, just like ZSS' canon final design didn't come until Metroid Fusion. Even though Roidley is a new version of Ridley, that design resembles his Super Metroid design FAR MORE than it does his Metroid design. So, I think Ridley will probably be marked under Super Metroid, not Metroid, hence there's not a problem at all.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
I know I may have said something along these lines before, someone on Miiverse (don't ask me who they are, you know what the Miiverse Smash community is like. *Shivers*) had actually noticed a pattern in which the newcomers are being revealed. They said something along the lines that I can't help but think that's actually incredibly likely, and so I'll explain what they mean.

First: Rosalina & Luma from the Mario series.:rosalina:
Second: Little Mac from the Punch-Out series, which had an Assist Trophy in Brawl who's now a fighter; Little Mac.:4littlemac:
Thirdly: Greninja from the Pokémon series was announced during the Smash Direct. :4greninja:

Fourth: Mii Fighters if we are to assume that they are representing the Smash Bros series by themselves, but Miis are ambiguous in general.:4mii:

Fifth: Lady Palutena from the Kid Icarus series, brought back to life by Sakurai himself. It was what we expected, as she was teased twice, once as a statue and then the Pseudo-Palutena trophy. :4palutena: (I can't stop calling her 'Lady Palutena' for some reason...)

Sixth: Pac-Man, as a gift from Namco, Pac-Man represents not only the retro era of gaming, he also represents other Namco All-Stars. (Still waiting for some sort of Tekken reference...):4pacman:

Seventh: Robin and Lucina. Just. Awesomeness. :4robinm::4robinf::4lucina: As a fan of Fire Emblem (thanks a bunch, Roy and Marth!:roymelee::marthmelee:), I'm glad that Robin represents the series in a way that Chrom could never achieve. Lucina was lucky, but I guess you could stop saying that Fire Emblem is all about blue-haired swordsmen, and she's also one of the best female characters in FE. She ranked HIGHER than Chrom, 15.8 %, if I recall correctly.

And now, Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles, one of Nintendo's newest and successful games of the 2010 decade. :substitute:

There is indeed a pattern, and following this, it has to be a Veteran series that will get the next newcomer, and what series in Super Smash Bros is the one needing the most playable representatives? The Metroid series:samus: All it has at the moment is Samus Aran, in both her Power/Varia Suit and Zero Suit:4samus::4zss: They're still the same person unless the Samus in the armour turns out to be the SA-X, then that's a different story. Otherwise, we've only got one playable Metroid representing character, and of course, the next character after Samus Aran that's just as important to the series is Ridley. Ridley's influence on Samus is what shaped her into the bounty hunter that she is today, after murdering Samus' parents in front of her eyes. And despite Samus numerous attempts to kill him, Ridley keeps coming back.

With this out of the way, I think that out of all possible characters, the next character reveal should be Ridley. That is all from me, and let me know what you think of this theory. And that's Strider Bond signing off.
Inb4 next reveal is Mewtwo.

As far as the whole time period thing goes... I think Ridley would appear under Super Metroid, if anything. Yes, technically his first appearance was Metroid, but so was ZSS. Ridley's canon final design didn't come until Super Metroid, just like ZSS' canon final design didn't come until Metroid Fusion. Even though Roidley is a new version of Ridley, that design resembles his Super Metroid design FAR MORE than it does his Metroid design. So, I think Ridley will probably be marked under Super Metroid, not Metroid, hence there's not a problem at all.
I don't think that's gonna be the case. Ridley, as a whole, was first introduced along with Samus in OG Metroid, regardless of how his design there differs from his current design.

Although one could technically say the same for ZSS (or should I say, Justin Bailey 2.0).

EDIT: Oops, double posted.
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Aeon Lupin

Survival of the fittest
Aug 24, 2014
Inb4 next reveal is Mewtwo.
Or Bowser Jr. :troll: But seriously, I should expect trailer of a highly requested character like Ridley or Mewtwo to come out before launch. I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't want Ridley being revealed so anti-climatically. They'll want the hype to come back, especially now that the leaks sucked a bit out of it. I mean Shulk's reveal came and went, unlike other reveals which had a lasting impression on everyone.
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Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
I think this is rather fitting for Ridley
I think Ridley's theme fits Ridley better than Mephiles' theme.

Or Bowser Jr. :troll: But seriously, I should expect trailer of a highly requested character like Ridley or Mewtwo to come out before launch. I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't want Ridley being revealed so anti-climatically. They'll want the hype to come back, especially now that the leaks sucked a bit out of it. I mean Shulk's reveal came and went, unlike other reveals which had a lasting impression on everyone.
Funnily enough, the Big 3 are the only ones left from the popularity polls to be added (from a different thread):
You're not alone, bro. Let's check the popularity polls, shall we?

- Mewtwo
- Mega Man
- King K. Rool
- Palutena
- Shulk

- Mewtwo
- Mega Man
- King K. Rool
- Little Mac
- Ridley

But... What is this? Are you telling me that Mega Man, Palutena, Little Mac and even Shulk are in? Wow! That means only the Big Three are left to fulfill everybody's wishes!

The three of them have been teased somehow, so thinks are looking good!
Thanks Sgt. Bum Horse.
Now let's all wait for a better future with three more villains in the roster (and specifically hope for the purple one).


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2014
Dorf is still the main playable character in his case, so him appearing later makes total sense. Like how ZSS appears later due to technically debuting in Zero Mission, despite still being Samus.

And this would easily be averted by showing a different preview of the rest area. Maybe a more modern era of characters who don't really bring up any questions or abnormalities for potentially unrevealed characters.
So if ZSS is allowed to appear later when she first showed up in a game, why wouldn't Roidley the clone which is most likely the Ridley base for Smash 4 proved by the tail tip, show up in 2010?
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