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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2013
Well i just posted one small personal opinion and then all of a sudden people want to gang up on me. I didn't do anything wrong.
Well no, but you can't really expect to dis Ridley on the Ridley support thread and NOT get people pissed at you. You are certainly entitles to your opinion, but it's also important to learn when to exercise it.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I already have something like that. True story, I had a pair with a little pink Metroid on the front commissioned. I'd post more than that, if it were appropriate, but the story ends with a double-entendre ending with a euphemism for Ridley being too big. Silk is really comfortable, though.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
I'm not really sure about what specific arguments you're talking about,so I'll just take a jab at a couple of different ones.

If it's the size argument then there's over a decade worth of counterargumenting for that, just from Bowser to Olimar to Nintendo never having any problems resizing their characters if they need to, and finally the one I feel that is most important, the fact that Ridley's size isn't an important part of neither his character or appeal. Ridley is to Samus just like what Bowser is to Mario, he's not about being big or scary, he symbolizes an iconic and everlasting rivalry, it's even acknowledged in Melee's intro (yes, I know it's a common example.) Samus could be shooting at any Metroid enemy, but of course it has to be Ridley, he's her enemy. The size argument is generally outdated and has been beaten to death, so I dearly hope that isn't what you're talking about, because it's the most worn out cliché argument, and there's a reason it's become a running joke in the Smash Community.

Proportions isn't a problem either, it wouldn't be the first time proportions are twisted in the characters' favor in Smash Bros.

Hitboxes aren't a problem either, they simply just need to do exactly what they did with Charizard, have the wings and tail face outwards towards the camera so they won't be part of a hitbox.

In general there's no problem with his model or design, while he isn't an easy character to make he's certainly not impossible, and would be far from the most challenging character to make that they've done (that award goes to PT.)

About the boss "issue". There's no Subspace-like Story Mode this time around, and Smash Bros is a Nintendo spin-off series for pete's sake, they can mold and shape any character just like Mario Kart can between the original Mario franchise. Just like Bowser changes size between the canon Mario games, Mario Kart and Mario Party, so can Ridley change size between Metroid, Brawl and SSB4. In Smash Bros there's no canon facts, and the fact that there won't be a over-arching storyline just even further proves that. A change in size shouldn't surprise anyone, and if anything, a little surprise certainly shouldn't hinder a character's inclusion, aye?

I certainly acknowledge that Ridley isn't a lock in any way, I'm a bit concerned about him myself, but he's certainly one of the big contestants this time around. Before he had competition from characters which were admittedly more important than him, like Wario, Diddy Kong, King Dedede, you get the picture. This time around he's one of the last widely recognized Nintendo All-Stars, albeit more popular over here than in Japan for sure, and there's certainly nothing that makes him impossible. However, the fact that he is a hard character to pull off is one of the things that might be pulling his chances just a bit, combined with Japan's not so big love (though I don't believe they have any dislike for him either). However, Sakurai does look outside of Japan, and as mentioned he has pulled off whackier and harder concepts than Ridley before.

Plus, Metroid is a huge franchise, it was already silly that it had only one rep in Brawl, this time around it'd be a slap in the face to us Metroid fans. There's no other Metroid contestant for a playable character spot, nobody else even has decent support anymore, no other contestant has left such a big impact and is as important to the franchise as Ridley. I'd say he'd certainly be well worth the effort, if not for his popularity, then for his importance, and I'm sure Sakurai is smart enough to acknowledge that.

Also, not because I want to be mean or cruel or anything, but don't really expect to be met with a nice and warm welcome when you're dumping into a support thread for Ridley and then stating how he's not within the realms of possibility. It's really self explanatory why you aren't met with happy faces and open arms. Do it with any other support thread and you're most likely gonna be bitten too (especially ones lead by Shortie and Golden.)

That's my take on some of the things, do feel free to bring anything else up, might answer them tommorow, it's getting late here in Denmark, so I'm not going to try and answer anything else in a sleepy state.
Lets have kids. That was georgous Real ****ing Talk hunny.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2005
Cinnaminson, NJ
Remember that time when they had to shrink Giga Bowser to make him playable? I don't either.

Ridley's shorter and doesn't need to be scaled to work on the same stages that GB can already navigate. Sakurai is very likely to first experiment with Ridley in his Super Metroid size and standing pose, probably with a modified Brawl or MOM model and several other influences from MOM, such as movement animations. And my hunch is that he will pan out to work.

Opinions aren't worth much, however. It all comes down to Sakurai's character tests.


Smash Cadet
Jun 27, 2013
You leave the thread alone for a few days and look what happens. I couldn't be happier. A strange final smash idea occurred, Ridley flies offscreen and the stage self-destructs AKA Super Metroid style. Just a thought.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Aside from giving a kiss to every single one of you in here (well mostly the WoR trio/original movement supporters, and maybe Dark Phazon), I actually would rather extend my arm in friendship, and prepare for the future including the influx of "They ruined Ridley!" threads that would abound than show such disgraceful lack humility for even a second.

If it happens, it happens. I'm fairly sure the majority of us would be too happy to bear grudges forever.
Awww YEAHHH BOYYY!! she likes me!


Shr said it! She said it! Am i G RealTalk. (-_-)


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
That post about the original movement supporters made me wonder when my very first post promoting Ridley was.

qdMbp said:
He is pretty much the only other actual character from the Metroid series, in the sense that he actually has some background and has been the most prevalent enemy. He is actually intelligent, while the other enemies haven't shown much sign of that.
Oh, and he's badass.
Vocally supportin' Ridley since July 16, 2007!


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
DarkKry. Before you start this, read the last 6 pages. I've argued just about every point there is to be made about Ridley here with other members. Try not to repeat everything that just happened.

I believe this is what is called irony xD

dw Lange <3

I'm sorry Ismar. Come to think of it we could all probably use a pair of those panties. A Secret bond we all Share.
This was an interesting post to open the thread to.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
I'd have Ridley a bit more hunched over in that pic. Just a tad more so that he doesn't look like he's almost standing upright. Then, of course, I'd still maintain his neutral position to be as tall as Bowser. Still like the idea of Ridley being the new "biggest" character.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Okay, I really feel like displaying the following now...

Good job, but once again that doesn't feel like Ridley unless this is relative and Bowser is huge right now.
Gonna make a point again that as a fan of Ridley I would expect appreciation of him as a large, overpowered boss, not as a greatly nerfed and midgetized playable character. It makes me really question your actual fandom of Ridley.

For those complaining that this is a support thread, allow me to quote this mod from the Ridley thread I started weeks ago when he locked it:
Mario_and_Sonic_Guy said:
End of story, and please use the Ridley thread inside the character discussion forum.
The mod himself told me this is where we discuss Ridley matters.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Good job, but once again that doesn't feel like Ridley unless this is relative and Bowser is huge right now.
Gonna make a point again that as a fan of Ridley I would expect appreciation of him as a large, overpowered boss, not as a greatly nerfed and midgetized playable character. It makes me really question your actual fandom of Ridley.

For those complaining that this is a support thread, allow me to quote this mod from the Ridley thread I started weeks ago when he locked it:

The mod himself told me this is where we discuss Ridley matters.
Talk to Mewtwo the most powerful (tail whip) pokemon in the world.....


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2013
Inside Your Head
Okay, I really feel like displaying the following now...

While I love that, I think he'd be better if he was hunched over a lot more, almost touching the ground with his claws, and his knees more bent, since that way he can be a little larger and still a bit under Bowser height. Also, it'd make him the longest character in the game, without being ridiculous. Add in wings bent out a little more, and you have absolute perfection.
It makes me really question your actual fandom of Ridley.
It's one thing to have an opinion, and another to be an insulting jerk. If he likes Ridley enough to actually put effort into making him work in the game while still keeping him as intact as possible for the people like you who are attached to his size, then the one who's fandom should be in question is the one who's been practically doing nothing in this thread but starting arguments saying that Ridley should be unplayable, and so delaying the constructive discussion that is only beginning again now.

Deleted member

Actually that size comparison between Bowser and Ridley M&SGuy posted is completely off.

Bowser should be much bigger. :troll:

(Though in all seriousness, that comparison is frigging perfect.)

EDIT: I'm actually being serious about Bowser should be bigger, but not in the model comparison.
Mr. Lange ******* about how Ridley being "too small" would completely destroy him, yet Bowser is too frigging small in Smash Bros. and no one seems to care.
And before the inevitable "durr spin-offs" argument, I'm pretty frigging sure Bowser has always been bigger than Donkey Kong, even in the spin-offs. Donkey Kong is the tallest character in Brawl; you just don't know it because of his stance.
Even when Bowser is at his smallest to play a round of golf, tennis, go karting, etc., he's still taller than DK when both are upright. This is not true in Smash. Ergo, Bowser is too small and is completely destroyed as a character.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Mr. Lange *****es about how Ridley being "too small" would completely destroy him, yet Bowser is too frigging small in Smash Bros. and no one seems to care.
And before the inevitable "durr spin-offs" argument, I'm pretty frigging sure Bowser has always been bigger than Donkey Kong, even in the spin-offs. Donkey Kong is the tallest character in Brawl; you just don't know it because of his stance.
Even when Bowser is at his smallest to play a round of golf, tennis, go karting, etc., he's still taller than DK when both are upright. This is not true in Smash. Ergo, Bowser is too small and is completely destroyed as a character.
Once again, you make it into a black and white situation.
Bowser's size in Smash is believable, like Dedede. Bowser has been seen very close to that size many times in the series, and unlike Ridley, his size is extremely variable. He's stretched a little for Smash, but not nearly as much stretching as it would take to get Ridley to work.
It's one thing to have an opinion, and another to be an insulting jerk. If he likes Ridley enough to actually put effort into making him work in the game while still keeping him as intact as possible for the people like you who are attached to his size, then the one who's fandom should be in question is the one who's been practically doing nothing in this thread but starting arguments saying that Ridley should be unplayable, and so delaying the constructive discussion that is only beginning again now.
The insulting jerk ratio has been against me a hell of a lot more so far.
My arguments about Ridley being unplayable leads to his placement as a boss, not being cut from the series. The essence of his character is a large overpowered boss. I consider that closer to fact than opinion. His presence in Metroid and Brawl attest greatly to this. As such this seems like it is some kind of Ridley spinoff fandom, a mutation.
I have a hard time seeing constructive discussion in a bunch of people perpetually agreeing with each other.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
The insulting jerk ratio has been against me a hell of a lot more so far.
My arguments about Ridley being unplayable leads to his placement as a boss, not being cut from the series. The essence of his character is a large overpowered boss. I consider that closer to fact than opinion. His presence in Metroid and Brawl attest greatly to this. As such this seems like it is some kind of Ridley spinoff fandom, a mutation.
I have a hard time seeing constructive discussion a bunch of people perpetually agreeing with each other.
Dude we get your point we understand it and it is reasonable point but what are you further tryna prove? Whats your agenda? To make everyone here agree with you? To get this thread busted?

Sakurai adds whoever he wants and makes them how ever he wants...

We all know that by now...soo many examples within the series itself...

Your not gonna sway anyone or Sakurai...beliefs/descisions....and not to be mean but judging how it is going for you..i dunno why your still here..you made your point we all heard it some threw it back in yo face...some understood it and acknowledged that it is a very real possibilty.

End off....just staying here is doing you no justice just more flaming from Golden etc...RealTalk...but whatever man PeePz can say whatever they want everyone has their opnion and judgment so doew Sakurai so whatever happens, Happens..Simple..


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Once again, you make it into a black and white situation.
Bowser's size in Smash is believable, like Dedede. Bowser has been seen very close to that size many times in the series, and unlike Ridley, his size is extremely variable. He's stretched a little for Smash, but not nearly as much stretching as it would take to get Ridley to work.
1. This is Smash... it depends on the suspension of disbelief.
2. Ridley's size also varies throughout the Metroid series.
3. Ridley may need more work, I suppose. Now don't tell me you believe Sakurai can't make him work... (-_-)


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2013
Dude we get your point we understand it and it is reasonable point but what are you further tryna prove? Whats your agenda? To make everyone here agree with you? To get this thread busted?

Sakurai adds whoever he wants and makes them how ever he wants...

We all know that by now...soo many examples within the series itself...

Your not gonna sway anyone or Sakurai...beliefs/descisions....and not to be mean but judging how it is going for you..i dunno why your still here..you made your point we all heard it some threw it back in yo face...some understood it and acknowledged that it is a very real possibilty.

End off....just staying here is doing you no justice just more flaming from Golden etc...RealTalk...but whatever man PeePz can say whatever they want everyone has their opnion and judgment so doew Sakurai so whatever happens, Happens..Simple..
Why the hell are you arguing back? You're not going to change anyone's opinions, you all aren't doing anything by countering his points, and yet you continue to argue anyway. You keep saying "no, Ridley is perfect for Smash." Why do you bother? You're not going to change Sakurai's mind, you're not going to make him think Ridley will fit in the game. You're not going to sway anyone. So why are you arguing? You all keep asking him why he argues, why he bothers expressing his opinion when everybody here disagrees with him, why he doesn't just piss off somewhere else, and yet you're all doing the exact same thing. Are you just opposed to dissenting opinions?

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Why the hell are you arguing back? You're not going to change anyone's opinions, you all aren't doing anything by countering his points, and yet you continue to argue anyway. You keep saying "no, Ridley is perfect for Smash." Why do you bother? You're not going to change Sakurai's mind, you're not going to make him think Ridley will fit in the game. You're not going to sway anyone. So why are you arguing? You all keep asking him why he argues, why he bothers expressing his opinion when everybody here disagrees with him, why he doesn't just piss off somewhere else, and yet you're all doing the exact same thing. Are you just opposed to dissenting opinions?
Took the words right out of my mouth.
1. This is Smash... it depends on the suspension of disbelief.
2. Ridley's size also varies throughout the Metroid series.
3. Ridley may need more work, I suppose. Now don't tell me you believe Sakurai can't make him work... (-_-)
1. It also depends on representing the characters and concepts as we are familiar with them.
2. I repeat, since you read nothing, Ridley's size barely changes. The only two notable examples are NES (not accurate) and the split second Melee intro (poor source, especially when it has been updated in the same series). Bowser's size varies wildly, and it has a partial explanation in-game, and Ridley's size has only slightly changed ever with no explanation other than inconsistent designs.
3. No. If you read anything I wrote before, you would know I still hold the belief that Sakurai will make it work if they really planned to make him playable. However it would be a damn shame for Ridley as far as I'm concerned if they did.

Deleted member

Once again, you make it into a black and white situation.
Bowser's size in Smash is believable, like Dedede. Bowser has been seen very close to that size many times in the series, and unlike Ridley, his size is extremely variable. He's stretched a little for Smash, but not nearly as much stretching as it would take to get Ridley to work.
Bowser's never been that close.
He's always at least larger than Donkey Kong.

So no, by your (constantly changing) definition of what is "believable", Smash ****ed up Bowser big time, and made him too small. (And that's just Brawl; Melee is a worse offender given that the Mario to Bowser ratio is the smallest it's been there since the original Super Mario Bros. (which doesn't count if the original Metroid doesn't count for Ridley))

Except that there will be some harebrained excuse as to why there is an exception for this as usual.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Why the hell are you arguing back? You're not going to change anyone's opinions, you all aren't doing anything by countering his points, and yet you continue to argue anyway. You keep saying "no, Ridley is perfect for Smash." Why do you bother? You're not going to change Sakurai's mind, you're not going to make him think Ridley will fit in the game. You're not going to sway anyone. So why are you arguing? You all keep asking him why he argues, why he bothers expressing his opinion when everybody here disagrees with him, why he doesn't just piss off somewhere else, and yet you're all doing the exact same thing. Are you just opposed to dissenting opinions?
I was talking on behalf of what went down i been back and read it all - im all for PeePz opnions i aint git nothing against that...im just saying why is he still here (not in a rude way he can do as he pleases) i was asking him......(-_-) Wow...nevermind...

EDIT: I support Ridley but i never said or go on like he is a shoe-in by the way...i love a char i support him/her you dont have to be a elitist to support a char.....


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2013
I was talking on behalf of what went down i been back and read it all - im all for PeePz opnions i aint git nothing against that...im just saying why is he still here (not in a rude way he can do as he pleases) i was asking him......(-_-) Wow...nevermind...

EDIT: I support Ridley but i never said or go on like he is a shoe-in by the way...i love a char i support him/her you dont have to be a elitist to support a char.....
I'm just pointing out that there's some inherent fallacy in asking a person why he's arguing about something when by doing so you're doing the exact same thing

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
I'm just pointing out that there's some inherent fallacy in asking a person why he's arguing about something when by doing so you're doing the exact same thing
Yh i hear that but i barely argue with anyone! Theres no point...i dont get why PeePz go to the end of the universe arguing!! When

#1 it dont change ****

#2 PeePz be arguing for soooo long it gets to the point that do you want the other person to understand your point or agree with it? Or make sure your penis is bigger at the end...

Whatever happens, happens bro RealTalk.

Gameplay & Balance > Everything Else (that includes chars)

Its the only thing thats gonna matter in the long run to keep the game sexy and long...RealTalk.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
1. It also depends on representing the characters and concepts as we are familiar with them.
2. I repeat, since you read nothing, Ridley's size barely changes. The only two notable examples are NES (not accurate) and the split second Melee intro (poor source, especially when it has been updated in the same series). Bowser's size varies wildly, and it has a partial explanation in-game, and Ridley's size has only slightly changed ever with no explanation other than inconsistent designs.
3. No. If you read anything I wrote before, you would know I still hold the belief that Sakurai will make it work if they really planned to make him playable. However it would be a damn shame for Ridley as far as I'm concerned if they did.
1. I'm dropping that part of the argument. Dunno how to reply to that.
2.You say Ridley's size barely changes... and yet Ridley was up-sized from his size in Melee intro to his size as a boss in Brawl.
3. You speak as if Ridley is all about being big.... and yet question M&SG's fandom of Ridley, based on your opinion. Hypocrite much?


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
From what I've seen he's supposed to be much bigger than Bowser, no?

I'm curious so I did some googling.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I have pretty much 0 knowledge about the Metroid series, in Melee's opening where it shows Samus vs Ridley is the first time I actually saw him, and I guess they shrunk him down for that, but I didn't know that, it just seemed like he should be bigger, do you guys want him in so much that you'd settle for a shrunk version of him when he's supposed to be really big? (I think)

My opinion is if they make him as big as he's supposed to be, he'd be the biggest character and I don't think thats a bad thing really, I think he may be cool to play as but I wouldn't want a shrunk down to Bowser-size version if thats not even close to the real size.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Bowser's never been that close.
He's always at least larger than Donkey Kong.

So no, by your (constantly changing) definition of what is "believable", Smash ****ed up Bowser big time, and made him too small. (And that's just Brawl; Melee is a worse offender given that the Mario to Bowser ratio is the smallest it's been there since the original Super Mario Bros. (which doesn't count if the original Metroid doesn't count for Ridley))

Except that there will be some harebrained excuse as to why there is an exception for this as usual.


I think this last one drives the point home.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2013
Knoxville, Tennessee
Well originally Olimar is 2 centimeters tall. And before someone in here does the whole "it's more believable" thing let's do some math. We'll say that Olimar is about 4 ft tall in game (I'm assuming Mario is 5 ft tall). There are 30.48 centimeters in a foot. Take 30.48 * 4ft and Olimar is 121.92 cm tall. 121.92 / 2 = 60.96. Olimar is 60 times the size of his original form. Try telling me what is believable now.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC


I think this last one drives the point home.
I gather that both Bowser and Ridley have generally consistent sizes. The difference isn't that much in any of their appearances.

Also, I'd like to draw attention to this one.
Ridley seems too big at first glance, but if you disregard his tail and wings, he's not that big at all.

Mr Lange

Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
I gather that both Bowser and Ridley have generally consistent sizes. The difference isn't that much in any of their appearances.

Also, I'd like to draw attention to this one.

Ridley seems too big at first glance, but if you disregard his tail and wings, he's not that big at all.
Bowser's default size is fairly consistent, but throughout the series his size varies a lot. In many boss battles he's seen as much larger, and in some cases he's Godzilla sized. But there is a reason for this implied heavily throughout the series, which involves what magic/power Bowser is abusing at the time. He's also frequently seen growing in size when involved with Kamek or Kammy. Ridley has no excuse other than inconsistent designs, but he has only minor variations. On the whole, it is shown he is meant to be very large; this is Ridley's natural state, unlike Bowser.

Olimar looks and functions exactly the same. The math is unbelievable, but seeing him interact with the other characters at their level is believable. They can keep everything in proportion for Olimar when he changes size. The same cannot be said for Ridley. Additionally, Olimar has had no interaction with any other characters, ever. His size is only informed, never shown. If the plot were that he was human sized on a macro planet, it would be every bit as believable. Ridley on the other hand has frequent interaction with Samus, giving the viewer a sense of his size compared to human characters.
Anime =/= canon. The devs completely ignore the anime (with the only exception being Pokemon voices) Charizard's size was established all throughout Smash until his inclusion.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Well originally Olimar is 2 centimeters tall. And before someone in here does the whole "it's more believable" thing let's do some math. We'll say that Olimar is about 4 ft tall in game (I'm assuming Mario is 5 ft tall). There are 30.48 centimeters in a foot. Take 30.48 * 4ft and Olimar is 121.92 cm tall. 121.92 / 2 = 60.96. Olimar is 60 times the size of his original form. Try telling me what is believable now.

This is very true. But I think there's a difference when it comes to making Olimar bigger so he can look like he can match up with the other fighters vs making a huge character small so they can fit, unless my bias is showing! I'm not saying it's a good reason but Olimar is the main rep of his series (or was), they wanted a Pikmin rep in so they had to make him bigger ofc, the entire Pikmin world is tiny so any rep would have had to be blown up, while we already have Samus for Metroid...and shrinking Ridley seems kinda silly, I'm suprised Ridley fans are this desperate to have him playable ><

I guess it isnt too weird because Olimar has never been side by side with Mario or anyone else until Brawl, while people know Ridley should be much bigger than Samus.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Bowser's default size is fairly consistent, but throughout the series his size varies a lot. In many boss battles he's seen as much larger, and in some cases he's Godzilla sized. But there is a reason for this implied heavily throughout the series, which involves what magic/power Bowser is abusing at the time. He's also frequently seen growing in size when involved with Kamek or Kammy. Ridley has no excuse other than inconsistent designs, but he has only minor variations. On the whole, it is shown he is meant to be very large; this is Ridley's natural state, unlike Bowser.
Too big Ridley for smash! :b:

Who doesn't want a playable boss? :awesome:

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Bowser's default size is fairly consistent, but throughout the series his size varies a lot. In many boss battles he's seen as much larger, and in some cases he's Godzilla sized. But there is a reason for this implied heavily throughout the series, which involves what magic/power Bowser is abusing at the time. He's also frequently seen growing in size when involved with Kamek or Kammy. Ridley has no excuse other than inconsistent designs, but he has only minor variations. On the whole, it is shown he is meant to be very large; this is Ridley's natural state, unlike Bowser.

Olimar looks and functions exactly the same. The math is unbelievable, but seeing him interact with the other characters at their level is believable. They can keep everything in proportion for Olimar when he changes size. The same cannot be said for Ridley. Additionally, Olimar has had no interaction with any other characters, ever. His size is only informed, never shown. If the plot were that he was human sized on a macro planet, it would be every bit as believable. Ridley on the other hand has frequent interaction with Samus, giving the viewer a sense of his size compared to human characters.

Anime =/= canon. Charizard's size was established all throughout Smash until his inclusion.
Maybe its just unbeliveable to you...that ''You'' cant picture or want to Picture Ridley being scaled down...will they be riots for him being shrunk like the other chars.......(-_-)
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