This is my idea of Ridley's trailer, it uses the same style of the cutscenes of other m
-We start with zero suit samus fightning pit, megaman and mario, the place is very dark and you can't see a thing, then the camera stops focusing on the fight and looks at the background, two green eyes appear out of nowhere and moves, we are back in the fight and megaman shots a mega blaster to samus, samus dodges the attack but the attack hits a wall, lava starts flowing and it is revealed that they are fightning in the pyrosphere, samus is knocked by pit and hits the floor, she then sees a figure moving in the shadows and her face changes from being annoyed to being worried, she looks where mario, pit and megaman are fightning and they are suddenly knocked by a fire ball, samus seems surprised and then a big shadow appears on from behind, she turns and see Ridley apearing with an evil grin, similar to the scene on other m, Ridley lands on the pyrosphere and the newcomer image "Ridley terrorizes from the sky", we see gameplay of him, the other m theme on the background, we see him flying, throwing fire balls, after the gameplay footage we see ridley walking towards mario and the others, who are knocked down, then he is hit from behind, he turns and see samus looking at him with a defiant looks, Ridlet smirks and we see a flashback, we see him in front of a young girl and then in front of samus on her power suit, Ridley and Samus runs towards each other and the trailer ends.