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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
This thread goes so fast, I can hardly remember anything other than "I think we had this conversation before". :p
But with me it's never just two people arguing for a couple of posts. It's always a big full blown thing. I tried say that it's possible Sakurai doesn't see that Ridley is the bowser of metroid, and for several pages people were like OMG! YOU DON'T THINK RIDLEY IS THE BOWSER OF METROID?!?! Tbh I see how they got that from what I said, and I guess that's what I mean.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2013
Wandering the Gerudo wastes
He'll likely be wider though due to a hunched stance or the like.
This right here is what people don't think about enough. By being posed properly and taking up more horizontal space, Ridley can easily stand as tall as existing playable characters while still appearing much larger. People who think he would look strange scaled down are probably picturing him standing more upright, and unfortunately most who play around with the models are doing the same. Admittingly, Roidley in particular is a little harder to do that with.
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Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
But with me it's never just two people arguing for a couple of posts. It's always a big full blown thing. I tried say that it's possible Sakurai doesn't see that Ridley is the bowser of metroid, and for several pages people were like OMG! YOU DON'T THINK RIDLEY IS THE BOWSER OF METROID?!?! Tbh I see how they got that from what I said, and I guess that's what I mean.
I dunno, I think you just happened to have brought up a legitimately interesting topic that hadn't been discussed to death yet, by most of the current members at least. And it's highly opinion related to boot, I don't think there was a right answer.

I would say you more encouraged a good discussion than anything else.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I can't speak for everyone, but I found a loophole for myself that guarantees playable Ridley in Smash 4.

I've got a Charizard with the X mega stone (so he becomes part Dragon) named Ridley. Problem solved.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Final Smash: Ridley and the Big Bois

An Ancient Chozo statue falls in front of Ridley with a time portal in its hands near the crotch area. Whoever gets sucked into the portal near the crotch area get in on the action inside. Ridley gets sucked in too. Then all iterations of Ridley appear, one-by-one, starting with Ridley, Meta Ridley, Omega Ridley, Clone Ridley, and then Ridley-X, and then they all fire fire at whoever gets sucked inside.

I didn't take any inspiration from Mega Man's Final Smash, I swear.
Or just do it like mega man's final smash and have Original metroid Ridkey, super metroid ridley, meta ridley, omega ridley, Ridley X, and Roidley all fire a giant blast. Anything involving all the iterations of Ridley would be awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2014
people probably already notice but the platform in willy castle disappear when the yellow devil appear,it could be the same thing with pyrosphere even if I don't believe that ridley will be only a boss


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Oh yeah, I had a dream last night.

I dreamt the pic-of-the-day was Other M Ridley's head, only obscured by being bathed in fire.

Needless to say, the pic-of-the-day was disappointing, to say the least.
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
So, I finally did search into @MorbidAltruism 's posts. And... I think I forgot what I was thinking because he wasn't announced at E3.

Because what I noticed in what she called "decisive evidences" is that I went into a similar logic before. I just for some reason completely forgot about those simply because I tough they would rely on E3 which isn't true. I may have to redo my essay but now, I remember why I tough the direct was more alluding him to be playable.

The part that haven't changed is the ambiguity in the evidences in the direct. They are still telling one thing or the other but all of them are double meaning (and that even includes Sakurai's words). Those are still telling me though that they were made like that on purpose and no matter how it turns out of what purpose it would be, it's sure that it was to hint at said purpose which would accomplish what Sakurai truly wants: speculation. That is true for both side though as it's DOUBLE meaning purposively done to start at 50/50.

Here's where it gets "counter-intuitive" as morbid said on one side: The shadow. That's where I began to forget but I did think that it was the key evidence here. I just didn't elaborated as much as I should. Basically, that shadow, assuming he would be an hazard, shouldn't be on that direct. I bring that up to tell how it doesn't make sense as hazard to be in development but also in another thing that I found dumb to forget: That's not a consistent method to deconfirm him.

In fact, I was wondering why he wouldn't show him but the thing is, I could've asked a better question: Why he didn't show him BEFORE the direct?

It completely slipped from my mind but there's a huge difference here. The 50/50 started on August 20 2013 but the shadow was shown on April 8 2014. That's a really big gap but why we saw a lot of pictures of pyrosphere WITHOUT ridley knowing that if he was an hazard, he would've been shown from head to feet? Because, if it makes sense to found counter-intuitive to not show him DURING the direct, it's also the same BEFORE the direct which seems so obvious but morbid got further than me so...

THIS, changes everything. It means that the shadow should NOT be there as hazard and so, the quote about boss characters (which btw, is double meaning) should NOT appear as it wouldn't make sense for him to even be alluded as hazard in that way.

So, remove the shadow and that quote with Sakurai's voice + text, what's left? The stage. Not a random one but the same stage that bring speculation since August 20 2013. Don't you find this, "convenient"? Not for hazard purpose but for playable purpose!!!

Okay, now, this might sounds that I'm searching too much but just think about it: Why this stage was even made in the first place? Yeah, to rep metroid but that's not where I'm getting. Why THAT stage? Sakurai pointed out IN THE FIRST PICTURES AND MENTION that "ridley could appear at any seconds". Again, don't you find this even more convenient as things just fit together? That's because Sakurai alluded this stage to be ridley's home stage!!!

Like I'm starting to think that it's too obvious: To make a stage that is the SAME LOCATION where you fight a character as a boss CANON and hinting towards that character being a enemy/trauma AS SOON AS IT'S REVEALED, repeatedly showing that stage WITHOUT showing that character to finally show THE SAME stage with the character's SHADOW and pointing that there's other boss characters. How honestly can THAT be coincidence? It just HAD to be planned. The stage just HAD to be chosen because of that.

Sakurai needed that stage to fuel speculation on what ridley is doing in the game. He needed that to keep that ambiguous and finally, he needed the same stage to tease him. The stage needed precise criteria to make this work but if it wasn't because he's an hazard... then it's ridley's home stage as hinted as soon as it was revealed.

And here comes the last piece: since ridley has a home stage and he's not an hazard in said stage, this means that he's playable!!!

It even makes more sense if you view that with what I told: not showed on his home stage but he tells in a purposively ambiguous way that not only he's samus's trauma/enemy from his series but also appears in some way fuelling speculation -> months without showing him on his home stage multiple time bringing even more doubt and speculation -> show his shadow on his home stage while saying a double meaning quote that is purposively vague like the August 20 one to tease him as playable but because of the speculation before and the ambiguity, it created lots of doubts, controversy and talk about that direct thus, hyping the character like palutena or ZSS was on the same direct.

So, if he did teased him as playable, you bet that he would certainly NOT talk about it at E3 and NOT let people discover that the stage doesn't have hazards. In fact, it would even make sense to at least wait a pretty long time, possibly at release to finally tell that he's playable. He could even tease him more and I'll tell you: if he does that again on the same stage, I would be 99% playable. If he doesn't, wait for release, he would be unlockable.

It's already counter-intuitive as hazard before and during the direct so it's still counter-intuitive to be an hazard after because he would be at the latest showed in the direct.

And that's it. I didn't expect to go that far with the most obvious element in the direct but thanks to @MorbidAltruism for telling me that I should look even more deeper. Since I did got a lot deeper, tell me if my logic is flawed because it sounds silly but seems to make sense.

If it's not, then I would modify my essay to what I think would be even more accurate. It would also remove my doubts GREATLY as it's more based on logic which seems to be more reliable than the evidences in the direct.

I think I finally got why you were so confident morbid.
Not quite following...


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Oh yeah, I had a dream last night.

I dreamt the pic-of-the-day was Other M Ridley's head, only obscured by being bathed in fire.

Needless to say, the pic-of-the-day was disappointing, to say the least.
Good that I haven't got any Ridley nightmares...instead I got wierd ideas for his reveal trailer, I don't know, like Roidley fighting with Samus and later the Original Ridley appears and seconds later some kind of portal thingies show and his Meta and Omega forms appear beside him (I think I got the idea from MY IDEA about my future possible wall painting....and YAY FOR TIME PARADOXES?) and then they kick Roidley's butt...and Samus, well, I don't even know....really wierd....
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Pirate Homeworld is always a good spot. I love the Prime series. If I could include another Metroid stage in the game, it would have to be an homage to Prime 1. See my winning post in the stage contest thread here. I feel that could do a good job for both Samus and Ridley, honestly. Maybe add a transition for the Space Pirate construction place, a more industrial setting. I only gave a few transitions, there could honestly be a few more, Tallon IV was incredibly varied. The only reason I didn't include the space station was because Brawl had the inside of it a stage, but there could be a transition on the outside of it. Maybe a transition spot at the impact crater specifically for Ridley, haha.
Or metroid Prime as the metroid stage boss in the impact crater part.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
So, the Joker.
I wanna see a Batman/Metroid crossover now...
No. Ridley has to be the Riddler.

"Ridley me this Batman"

And now I'm picturing Ridley with the Riddlers hat and cane saying that in Riddlers voice from the cartoon. This has to be a thing.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Now in picture form!
Reminds me of this:

Disregarding the rest of the scene this was actually a pretty ****ing cool entrance, and probably the best part of the game. It looks a bit funky in a still shot though.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
I can't speak for everyone, but I found a loophole for myself that guarantees playable Ridley in Smash 4.

I've got a Charizard with the X mega stone (so he becomes part Dragon) named Ridley. Problem solved.
And I thought I was the only one who did this. Kudos.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Reminds me of this:

Disregarding the rest of the scene this was actually a pretty ****ing cool entrance, and probably the best part of the game. It looks a bit funky in a still shot though.
I'm still wondering if Sakurai could top that scene in Ridley's reveal trailer, in spite of what happened after that.

I mean, if I saw Ridley for the first time ever right there, I wouldn't think "Damn, that would make a great pinata in my fighting game!"


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Reminds me of this:

Disregarding the rest of the scene this was actually a pretty ****ing cool entrance, and probably the best part of the game. It looks a bit funky in a still shot though.
Reminds me of this...


Deleted member

No. Ridley has to be the Riddler.

"Ridley me this Batman"

And now I'm picturing Ridley with the Riddlers hat and cane saying that in Riddlers voice from the cartoon. This has to be a thing.
It's funny you say that because that exact thing (Ridley in The Riddler's costume, albeit saying "Riddle me this Samus" iirc) was posted a little ways back, by @Sagittarius maybe...? I can't remember, I just know that it does exist and has been posted here.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Not quite following...
I wasn't that much clear because I assumed that it would've been enough but let me restate.

The following is assuming he would be an hazard.

First, that's a deconfirmation and Sakurai did all deconfirmation by telling a direct statement and mostly with picture/video. It already happened for too many instances so it's really obvious that he doesn't want to create speculation on them. But that makes the August 20 quote suspicious however, it's not clear what he's trying to tell. Not showing him until April 8 is again suspicious for how many time we saw the stage but again, it's not clear. In the direct, JUST AFTER describing an hazard in details and fully show him (this was even done before), we see a shadow of ridley on the same stage with Sakurai telling again double meaning quote so it's still again not clear.

Don't you see a patern? The only thing I saw from ridley is his tail which only tells me that it's other m ridley but not what he's doing here. Why it's not clear? I said earlier that it should be but what raise the red flag is the time gap. For MONTHS, we saw tons of pyrosphere pic and none of them has ridley in it so it doesn't make sense to see his shadow but not him. If he really wanted to deconfirm him, he would need to do so during the direct DIRECTLY (uhh... no pun intended) at the latest to stop speculation. Where it gets highly suspicious is that he did the absolute opposite: more speculation and you know why? by not being clear.

Looking at all the evidence, they are all double meaning so much that it's clear it was on purpose. But showing the shadow is counter-intuitive for an hazard since he wasn't showed before. What this means is that the shadow logically, shouldn't be there. The same goes for his quote since it couldn't have alluded him as hazard because it's double meaning and still not clear. They have no reasons to be there if he was an hazard but there's one thing left that do make sense to be there: Pyrosphere. So, it seems kinda odd that the stage is the last thing left that could tell hazard. It's the fact that we saw ridley's shadow on that specific stage that make a lot of people believed he was an hazard along with the quote. But because the shadow shouldn't be there, there's another reason on why this stage was on the direct. It turns out that it's the same stage showed and revealed on August 20. Not just that, but it's also on that date that Sakurai began to be ambiguous.

This is where the fun begins. How could that be coincidence? To reiterate, The pyrosphere stage was made to represent THE SAME LOCATION as you fight ridley AS A BOSS. AS SOON AS ITS REVEAL, Sakurai began heavy speculation for an unknown reason but it does mention that ridley could be there in some way naming him an enemy of samus's past which indicates that she fought ridley here before. Then, we show THE SAME stage multiple time WITHOUT any statement or image from head to feet for MONTHS thus, bringing even more speculation. Finally, we see THAT STAGE with ridley's SHADOW that doesn't belong here with a double meaning quote that TALKS ABOUT BOSS without talking specifically on ridley but again, that quote shouldn't be there. This situation, is WAY too convenient for this stage to be used with coincidences. The stage just HAD to be made and used for a reason. If the reason that stage wasn't because he was an hazard, as the other evidences shouldn't be there, then why it was there?

There's only one possible explanation that even explains the August 20 quote: it's ridley's home stage but since he isn't an hazard on said stage, he has to be playable.

This would means that the August 20 quote, the day the stage is revealed, was indicating that it was ridley's home stage because he mention how samus fought ridley on that exact location. Since he didn't even mentioned him, it created a mystery that hid the fact he was playable by being ambiguous and not referencing the hazard role directly thus, bring speculation. Then, to create even more speculation, he used the time in his advantage by making us wait for months while showing a good amount of ridley's home stage pictures but still not telling or showing anything clear so the mystery deepens. Finally, as speculation seemed to have increased because of the direct, he shows his shadow which suggest secret on his home stage for the ambiguity and a quote that isn't targeted to ridley but tells that there's other boss characters thus, dividing even more speculation which makes more discussion to increase the overall hype. Now, by not telling anything at E3 and not showing his home stage, he's using time again for even more hype but the shadow secretly revealed that he was playable since a shadow is usually symbolic of secret.

So, the fact that he's playable would explain everything Sakurai did. The hazard doesn't because the only evidence believed to allude to that logically shouldn't be there and it was the shadow.

As for when it will be revealed, either in a direct to blow minds or post release. Both are possible but I wouldn't find surprising for Sakurai to continue teasing him. Though, if it's post release, he's unlockable.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Reminds me of this:

Disregarding the rest of the scene this was actually a pretty ****ing cool entrance, and probably the best part of the game. It looks a bit funky in a still shot though.
That whole scene is full of Ridley badass-ery.
"Hey, who the **** turned on the lights?!"
"***** I know ya ain't gonna do nothin' to me 'cause you're a *****, so I'm-a just gonna scream at ya for thirty seconds."
"Wha'ch'you just say to me, guy? I 'got no style?' Hey, that guy your friend Samus? Well, I'm-a kill it either way."

Ridley absorbed Samus' badass-ness for the entire game for the sake of this one scene.

Deleted member

That whole scene is full of Ridley badass-ery.
"Hey, who the **** turned on the lights?!"
"***** I know ya ain't gonna do nothin' to me 'cause you're a *****, so I'm-a just gonna scream at ya for thirty seconds."
"Wha'ch'you just say to me, guy? I 'got no style?' Hey, that guy your friend Samus? Well, I'm-a kill it either way."

Ridley absorbed Samus' badass-ness for the entire game for the sake of this one scene.
S***! That explains everything about Other M


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
That whole scene is full of Ridley badass-ery.
"Hey, who the **** turned on the lights?!"
"***** I know ya ain't gonna do nothin' to me 'cause you're a *****, so I'm-a just gonna scream at ya for thirty seconds."
"Wha'ch'you just say to me, guy? I 'got no style?' Hey, that guy your friend Samus? Well, I'm-a kill it either way."

Ridley absorbed Samus' badass-ness for the entire game for the sake of this one scene.
However, he absorbed so much badassery his DNA mutated horribly, turning into a steroid abusive alien duck.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC

This is one of my favorite panels from the manga and how I like to see Samus and Ridley's rivalry. I actually prefer Ridley when he's smaller than usual, being able to look Samus right into the eyes, it gives off a better sense that they're on even ground, at least his hunched pose helps that a lot. That's also the primary reason why I love the little Samus vs Ridley snippet in the Melee intro, and on top of that why I think the Omega Ridley fight works better than the Meta Ridley Tunnel fight. I also love all of the wrinkles on Ridley's face and how disgusted he looks as he recognizes her.
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air

This is one of my favorite panels from the manga and how I like to see Samus and Ridley's rivalry. I actually prefer Ridley when he's smaller than usual, being able to look Samus right into the eyes, it gives off a better sense that they're on even ground, at least his hunched pose helps that a lot. That's also the primary reason why I love the little Samus vs Ridley snippet in the Melee intro, and on top of that why I think the Omega Ridley fight works better than the Meta Ridley Tunnel fight. I also love all of the wrinkles on Ridley's face and how disgusted he looks as he recognizes her.
Agreed. Actually, despite popular opinion outside this board, I think Ridley's character is better when he's smaller. When he's all big and threatening Ridley looks just like every other Metroid monster with no special qualities.

But scale him down closer to Samus' size, and his cold-hearted yet cunning/calculating nature becomes more apparent since he has to rely on those factors more then just brute strength and thus show he's more intelligent then the average Space Pirate.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
I always find it weird how Brawl Ridley, supposedly based on Dyna Blade, never spat a single fireball (Meta Ridley aside), even though Dynablade actually did that during her fight.

I mean, I'd not mind the homage if they actually did it right, since that fight partially reflects at least somewhat what Ridley is able to do.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Sorry I haven't been keeping tabs on the thread. Been busy drowning in Junji Ito comics for some reason.

Anyway I agree honestly. Ridley's main trait is that unlike just about EVERY Metroid boss, he's large but is relatively one of the smallest bosses in the entire franchise. But at the same time, he is one of a very small number (four specifically) who display intelligence to run massive military-scale assaults, die multiple times and get over it, and in general be one of the largest threads despite his comparatively small size.
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
This is just rich...

I have seen TONS of Ridley fans here saying that they would rather Ridley not be in smash in any capacity at all than be in it as a boss, stage hazard, AT, etc. Their reason is that it's "insulting" to show him off as anything other than playable and it's a constant reminder.

Seriously? You Ridley fans got him in Brawl as a boss, TWICE. Rayquaza487 only had his favorite character as a boss once, and I bet he was damn appreciative.

When I saw Little Mac as an AT, I was thrilled just to have him in the game at all. It led to a new Punch Out. And everytime the Mac AT came out, I wasn't reminded that he wasn't playable and pissed. I was grateful and loved seeing him. And Mac is waaaaay more deserving than Ridley, but I still appreciated the shoutout he got in brawl.

Now you're getting ridley was a permanent ongoing stage boss hazard thing and Sakurai is building hype to him, but you would rather have nothing at all? What a complete joke. Unbelievably selfish and spoiled.
"Why are Ridley fans so insanely selfish?" - http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69594436

Pretty sure some people would avoid pyrosphere if Ridley was a boss hazard as people have stated he would just get in the way, might be fun now and again but for the most part he would just be a obstruction to the match, no way I'm posting this reply there though.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2014
I don't find ridley brawl that much of a dyanblade clone excpete he fly trought the background...I don't see dynablade doing the wind thing etc...


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
This is just rich...

"Why are Ridley fans so insanely selfish?" - http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69594436

Pretty sure some people would avoid pyrosphere if Ridley was a boss hazard as people have stated he would just get in the way, might be fun now and again but for the most part he would just be a obstruction to the match, no way I'm posting this reply there though.
Reading this thread is making me lose brain cells. This all-or-nothing mentality on BOTH sides of Ridley's case just makes me angry to no end. It's a whole bunch of stubborn fools and we won't know until Sakurai shows Ridley and he's Ridley a boss or a playable character. Everyone's grasping at the few seconds of video we were shown.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Alright, time for new, dumb arguments, courtesy of me:

Ridley can't be in the game! He can't emote! Bowser has eyebrows and can adjust his eyes, Charizard looks like he can smile now, but Ridley? All he can do is varying degrees of opening his mouth!

I run a little comic (which I barely update, admittedly) in which a Dalek is a main character. I know how to give emotions to pretty much any design, no matter how little room is allowed.

Opening a mouth to varying degrees shows alot more then you think (As does fire at the side of Ridleys mouth)


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
However, he absorbed so much badassery his DNA mutated horribly, turning into a steroid abusive alien duck.
...Actually, he is nearly 100% same as original Ridley, just with different colors. There was a trailer with original Ridley being used in it and he was exactly same, but with colors close to Brawl`s Ridley and Meta Ridley. So, its not just his clone. Ridley himself was redesigned in Other M.
Ridley absorbed Samus' badass-ness for the entire game for the sake of this one scene.
And for his boss battle...it just looks better than when he is just flying, using tail and shooting fireballs at Samus.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
This is just rich...

"Why are Ridley fans so insanely selfish?" - http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69594436

Pretty sure some people would avoid pyrosphere if Ridley was a boss hazard as people have stated he would just get in the way, might be fun now and again but for the most part he would just be a obstruction to the match, no way I'm posting this reply there though.
I think I heard my neurons scream in agony as I read through that. Jesus Christ are these guys dense.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
It can't even be pinned on trolling anymore. I honestly am convinced Gamefaqs is the place where people go to beat their empty meat-slabs they call heads against one another and call it a conversation.

The most depressing part is it's not a Smash bros. board thing. I remember having to explain to SEVERAL people why selling two games for half of normal price is a worse business decision than selling two games for full price. And they still didn't understand.
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Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
"Metroid is one of those game series that can really only have one rep."

Uh-huh. Kid Icarus definitely deserves 2 reps with less games. Mother got 2 with less games in Brawl (and some NA players haven't touched a Mother game, myself included). I'm not debating the validity of the characters given for those franchises as they have as much to do with Ridley's inclusion as Mega Man, Little Mac, and Rosalina, but come on. Metroid's been one of the few franchises that has yet to have a playable character aside from its main protagonist (and don't give me the ZSS is a different style, it's still Samus for crying out loud). And when we want the most obvious choice for a second rep from our series after DS got confirmed as an assist trophy, toobigots and everyone lashes out like it's heresy to ask for a second character. I don't get it at all. People still want the likes of Dark Pit and Hades even after Icarus just got Palutena. Yet, here we are being the ones called selfish and greedy. Ugh.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
This is just rich...

"Why are Ridley fans so insanely selfish?" - http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69594436

Pretty sure some people would avoid pyrosphere if Ridley was a boss hazard as people have stated he would just get in the way, might be fun now and again but for the most part he would just be a obstruction to the match, no way I'm posting this reply there though.
Spoiler alert, it's a troll. 9 times out of 10, anyone who brings up Ridley on GameFAQs just craves attention by way of having any many people respond to their threads as possible.

I could come up with thought-out responses to them, but why bother when all they want is attention anyway? Just post the word 'Attention' in there and leave; far less time-consuming.
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