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The Rebooted Evolving SSB Roster Game


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes
Pupp135 Pupp135 7
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 11
ninjahmos ninjahmos 5
BowserKing BowserKing 2
nirvanafan nirvanafan 5
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 7
HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64 4
Louie G. Louie G. 7

As this is the final round, I’ll double the points earned. BritishGuy54 wins this round, and DragonRobotKing, Louie G., and I tied for second. BritishGuy54 will receive 10 points, and DragonRobotKing, Louie G., and I will receive 6 points.

1. BritishGuy54 92
2. Louie G. 74
3. DragonRobotKing26 61
4. Pupp135 52
5. Ninjahmos 24
6. Nirvanafan 20
7. BowserKing 5
8. HyperSomari64 2

I‘d like to congratulate BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 for winning this roster game, and Louie G. Louie G. and DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 for getting second and third respectively. I’ll include their rosters below. I hope everyone enjoyed this game. If I do make a game four, should I ever try using an elimination format where the user with the fewest points after every three rounds gets knocked out, but eliminated users can still participate in the roster building process (the original version of this game was an elimination format)? As a small bonus thing, feel free to prioritize your fighters for a hypothetical SSB6.

BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54
:ultmario::ultdk:[Funky Kong]:ultlink::ultsamus::ultdarksamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultluigi::ultmarth:
:ultlucina::ultfalcon::ultyounglink::ultpeach::ultbowser:[Dry Bowser]:ultness::ultzelda::ultcharizard::ultdaisy::ultpichu::ultfalco:
:ultwario:[Celica][Black Shadow]:ultmewtwo:[Ayumi Tachibana]:ultgnw::ultmetaknight::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultolimar::ultalph::ultganondorf:
:ulttoonlink:[Plusle & Minun]:ultvillager::ultmegaman:[Yuka]:ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultpalutena::ultwiifittrainer:[Demise]:ultpacman:
[Bandana Dee]:ultisabelle:[Decidueye][Shy Guy]:ultjoker::ulthero::ultkazuya:(:ultpyra::ultmythra:)[Mai]:ultminmin:ultsteve:[Dr. Eggman]
Louie G. Louie G.

:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultdaisy: (Toad) (Toadette):ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultyoshi::ultwario::ultdk:(DK Jr.) :ultdiddy:(Dixie Kong):ultkrool:
:ultlink::ultyounglink::ultzelda::ultsheik: (Tetra):ultganondorf:(Skull Kid) :ultsamus::ultridley::ultdarksamus::ultpit::ultpalutena::ultlittlemac:(Glass Joe)
:ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultfox::ultfalco:(Krystal):ultfalcon:(Black Shadow) :ultolimar::ultalph:(Excitebiker) :ultgnw:
:ultpikachu::ultcharizard::ultmewtwo::ultpichu:(Blaziken) (Garchomp) (Genesect) :ultgreninja: (Nihilego):ultness: (Poo):ultlucas:
:ultmarth:(Lyn):ultike::ultrobin:(Azura) :ultshulk: (Tom Nook) :ultisabelle::ultwiifittrainer:(Rhythm Girl) :ultinkling:(Octoling)
:ultcloud::ultsonic: (Shadow) :ultmegaman::ultpacman::ultryu::ultken::ultsimon::ultrichter: (Jill) (Leon) :ultmiifighters:
(Waddle Dee) :ulthero: (Arle):ultbanjokazooie::ult_terry::ultpyra:
:ultminmin (Doom Slayer) :ultsteve: (Edelgard) (Travis Touchdown):ultsora:
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultrosalina::ultdk:(Donkey Kong Jr.):ultdiddy::ultkrool::ultyoshi::ultwario:
:ultpikachu::026::212:(Gardevoir):ultlucario:(Braixen)(Decidueye):ultkirby::ultmetaknight:(Galacta Knight):ultkingdedede:(Bandana Waddle Dee):ultness:(Ninten)
:ultmarth:(Celica):ultike::ultlucina::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:(Krystal):ultfalcon:(Black Shadow):ultlittlemac:(Mach Rider):ulticeclimbers:
:ultvillager::ultisabelle:(Isaac)(Felix):ultolimar:(Yuka):ultinkling:(Octoling):ultgnw:(Takamaru)(Ayumi Tachibana):ultpacman::ultsnake::ultsimon:(Richter Belmont):ultryu::ultken:
:ultmegaman::ultsonic::ultcloud:(Shantae):ultbayonetta:(Shovel Knight)
DLC: Tetromino:ultjoker::ulthero::ultbanjokazooie::ult_terry::ultbyleth::ultminmin:ultsteve:(Rayman)(Rex+:ultpyra:/:ultmythra:):ultkazuya::ultsora:

Here are the (biased) priority lists.
Top Priority
Most of these seem pretty obvious as they promote major series or are essential side characters. The caveats that I’ll note here are Ness, Ice Climbers, Pit, Pokemon Trainer, and Sheik. I like Ness enough to put him as a very high priority, and Mother has ample content. Icies are my main in real life. I think Pit would still be very intertwined with SSB in this scenario. I like what Pokemon Trainer represents in Pokemon, and her/his gimmick is cool. Sheik is a situation where if I was allowed to do whatever I want, Sheik would be my choice if only one Zelda is allowed. In a realistic scenario, both would probably move down.
High Priority
:ultwario::ultzelda::ultkingdedede::ultdiddy::ultike::ultlucario::ultfalcon:(Tom Nook):ultganondorf::ultmetaknight:
This is mostly adding supplemental fighters to franchises, with the exceptions of Captain Falcon, Isaac, Little Mac, and Mr. Game & Watch. Daisy is in this tier as she’s a recurring spinoff character, and she’s presumably an easy semi-clone. Captain Falcon isn’t top priority because I don’t think he’d have the iconic Falcon Punch, but he’d still probably be a popular fighter. Little Mac is popular in the SSB community, so he’s in this tier. I just like like Isaac’s SSF2 moveset, but he could honestly go down a tier.
Moderate Priority
:ulttoonlink::ultfalco::ultbyleth:(Barista Dog):ultrosalina::ultpalutena::ultgreninja::ultbowserjr::ultkrool:(Waluigi):ultminmin
This is probably where Ice Climbers, Sheik and Isaac would be in a more realistic scenario (I guess Icies after Toon Link, Sheik after Barista Dog, and Isacc after Greninja). These are mostly additional supplemental fighters who would get dropped if cuts aren’t as lenient as Brawl’s or For’s. Most of these characters are popular or contribute a less popular, but notable franchise.
Low Priority
:ultrob::ultwiifittrainer:(Mach Rider):ultroy::ultlucas::ultpiranha::ultincineroar::ultpichu:(Blood Falcon):ultdarksamus::ultyounglink:
These are the post Game & Watch surprise fighters, low priority supplemental fighters, and low priority clones.
High Priority
I think the base For Third Parties and Ryu just fit in really well, and Tidus and Sora are just a case of favoritism.
Moderate Priority
These are the supplemental fighters from the companies above and Microsoft. In a more realistic scenario, Tidus is bundled with Cloud, and Sora is after Steve.
Low Priority
This is a case where I’d want to focus on the third party companies above before going to Konami and SNK.
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
I am quite happy to have won this roster game, and I’ve enjoyed building the Smash Bros. roster all over again from the beginning.

I think everyone’s rosters brought something unique to the table, but it was important to be both unique in choices, while being consistent enough to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

So, thank you to Pupp135 Pupp135 for setting up this roster game, and the previous ones too.

Bonus Round:
Now this one is difficult. But in short, I’ll submit characters I’d keep, cut, and add in a potential SSB6 that is the next step in my roster.
:ultmario::ultdk:[Funky Kong]:ultlink::ultsamus::ultdarksamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultluigi:
:ultmarth::ultfalcon::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultzelda::ultcharizard::ultdaisy::ultwario::ultmewtwo:[Ayumi Tachibana]
:ultrobin::ultshulk:[Alvis]:ultryu:[Rayman]:ultinkling:[Chun-Li][Bandana Dee]:ultisabelle::ultkazuya:
[Paper Mario][Impa][Ring Fit Trainee][Noah][Mio][DJ Octavio][Monster Hunter][Shadow][Alear][Tom Nook]
:ultlucina::ultyounglink:[Dry Bowser]:ultness::ultpichu::ultfalco:[Celica][Black Shadow]:ultdarkpit::ultalph:[Isaac]
:ultwolf::ultzss::ulttoonlink:[Plusle & Minun][Yuka]:ultrosalina::ultpalutena::ultwiifittrainer::ultkrool::ultrob:
:ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultbayonetta:[Decidueye][Shy Guy]:ultjoker::ulthero::ultsteve:[Dr. Eggman]:ultsora:

And here are the 30 cuts. Kind of brutal to do, but it was a mix of cutting down on over-repped series, dicey third parties, and excess echo fighters. Even characters I’d normally keep just don’t make the cut this time.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
I would keep all of mine
Newcomers would include Dragapult, Tinkaton, Vivian, Marx, Revali, Bio-Rex, E.M.M.I, as well as a few already in the canon smash (Like Ness, Shulk, Ryu and Cloud). I would also like Preytor as a major underdog pick and Arch Illager as another surprise one.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Congrats BritishGuy! I'm happy to have nabbed second place, it's been a fun game as usual. Thanks to everyone for playing along.

I'll give this priority exercise a shot, that idea has always fascinated me and honestly, having made all the decisions myself this is probably going to be pretty tough to narrow down. Definitely will be harder to cut down than otherwise, because I agree with well... nearly all my choices lol.

Echo Fighters excluded. Although out of the ones I've added, I suspect Daisy and Octoling would be especially safe. Maybe would even get semicloned a bit?

Currently Active Series Representatives, Core IP
:ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultkirby::ultpikachu::ultmarth:(Tom Nook) :ultolimar::ultshulk::ultinkling:

These are the characters I'd expect to be effectively mandated to be in the game. They are the original representatives of each of these active and/or essential Nintendo brands so there isn't much conversation to be had here.

Essential Supporting Cast from Core IP

Important Nintendo icons pertaining to their most valuable IP, they're practically just as crucial as the former category but just a single step down because they aren't representing their series on their own. I think all of them kinda speak for themselves.

Major Series Representatives
:ultfox::ultlittlemac::ultfalcon::ultness::ultpit:(Rhythm Girl) :ultminmin

Less active or prominent series that have made a strong name for themselves within Smash itself. Many of these series are legacy adds with substantial content, so their presence is strongly felt. It would feel odd to remove them and all of their content, and each series feels like it has sufficient new content to offer via new stages, music and what have you.
Major Supporting Characters
:ultyoshi: :ultwario: :ultdiddy::ultridley::ultkingdedede::ultcharizard::ultmewtwo::ultgreninja: (Edelgard) :ultpyra::ultmythra:

Characters that play significant roles in essential Nintendo series. Yoshi and Wario are essentially being treated as Mario characters here. Edelgard and Pyra / Mythra get a bit of a bump being more contemporary favorites, Switch-era characters who continue to have prominence in their respective fandom.

"Minor" Series Representatives
:ultgnw: (Excitebiker) :ultwiifittrainer:

Not to disqualify the importance of these characters individually, just a bit more contentious than those who bring more content with them directly. Similar to the retro / surprise characters in our own universe, I don't expect that these characters will have much in the way of supplemental content outside of their presence and a stage. And they have a bit less room to grow, given their more unorthodox identities. But still, being strongly unique characters and each representing important parts of Nintendo history, they are likely to return.
Secondary Cast / Fan Favorites
(Toad) :ultbowserjr::ultkrool: (Tetra) (Skull Kid) :ultmetaknight::ultfalco:(Krystal) (Blaziken) (Garchomp):ultike::ultrobin::ultpalutena:

Most of these characters are likely to be safe in a less drastic roster cut scenario, but are contentious if the next game is more conservative. This is the limbo area where some of these characters may fall through the cracks, but I'd say most of them would be able to return.

Easy to Implement
:ultdarksamus: (Waddle Dee) (Black Shadow) (Lyn) (Poo)

An array of potentially less prioritized characters who would be simple late stage additions. Kind of a strange pool of characters here, but I suspect all of them would have developed passionate followings by now and would not be difficult to add to beef up the roster later, akin to Jigglypuff / Toon Link / Wolf. I think Lyn would be the most egregious loss of the bunch, but Fire Emblem space is competitive and she is still a Marth semiclone.

The cream of the crop, representatives of Nintendo's most prominent partners and series with strong legacies with the company. This is about as trimmed down as I could feasibly see the third party lineup getting.

(Jill Valentine) (Arle) :ult_terry: (Travis Touchdown)

These characters could just as easily return, belonging to some of these active partners or simply being easy grabs from willing participants, but under a more conservative framework could be dismissed and/or regulated to DLC. I think Resident Evil or Puyo Puyo are significant enough to warrant being in the top category, but would be handily outprioritized by their siblings.

:ultcloud::ultbanjokazooie::ultsteve: (Doom Slayer):ultsora:

Characters who may present more difficulty or expense. FF7 is notoriously a bit tangled with additional rights and tends to be DLC when it does cross over with other properties. Banjo, Steve and Doom Slayer are characters who I could feasibly see returning, but are slightly more questionable because of their semantic difficulty - they are western characters. From an eager participant it seems, but we don't really know what Microsoft's deal is moving forward just yet. Sora belongs to Disney, so he's definitely DLC if he comes back. Although I don't think any single character here is an obvious cut.

Any of these additions would be pretty difficult losses, but guests are probably going to have to be trimmed down one way or another and I think there is a strong possibility that any of them would come back as additional post-release content. I prioritize guest characters maybe a bit less than others in the community, but I think at least those six I put aside are safe bets.
Low Priority, Unique
:ultsheik: (Genesect) (Nihilego) (Azura)

This bunch has unfortunately just kind of been left behind within their large, sufficiently represented series. They haven't quite "stuck" the same way some of their fellow series representatives have, their series has moved forward to introduce more popular characters. I would personally prioritize Tetra over Sheik, and Genesect / Nihilego just feel like the kind of Pokemon weirdos that would unfortunately get left behind over more consistently popular picks. Azura is the clear lowest priority of the Fire Emblem bunch, to my knowledge not even being all that overwhelmingly popular within Fates' cast itself. I really like all of these additions but I just don't think the odds are in their favor.

I almost put Krystal down here, maybe the strongest example of a series actually just deciding they don't want anything to do with a character anymore. But I know Krystal has a strong base of fans, and I believe her role in Smash would be especially valued for this reason. Outside of Cloud, she probably would have been the most prominently requested cut character to return to Ultimate.

Low Priority, Derivative
:ultyounglink: (DK Jr.) (Glass Joe):ultpichu::ultlucas:
Pretty obvious cuts, unfortunately. It pains me to see Lucas down here, but between him and Poo I feel the latter's martial arts focus might make him stand out just a bit more - if he can make it back in the first place. The others are pretty redundant at this point, or are just not strong candidates on their own. I like Glass Joe being around but being a joke character, he should only be added if he's not taking resources away from anybody else.
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Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
My reboot roster will be the same number of slots as base Ultimate + Piranha Plant: 77 fighters.

:ultmario: :ultpeach: :ultbowser: (Waluigi) :ultyoshi: (Poochy) :ultwario: (Ashley) :ultdk: (:ultdiddy:/Dixie) :ultkrool: :ultlink: :ultzelda: :ultganondorf: :ultsamus: :ultridley: :ultisabelle: (Callie and Marie)
:ultfox: (Krystal) :ultolimar: (Otachi) :ultshulk: (Rex + :ultpyra:/:ultmythra:/Nia) (Noah/Mio) (Elma) (Alear) (Anna) (Tsubasa Oribe) :ultkirby: :ultkingdedede: (Bandana Dee)
:ultpikachu: :ultmewtwo: :052: :212: (Blaziken) (Garchomp) (Golurk) (Braixen) (Tsareena) (Grimmsnarl) (Gholdengo)
(Ayumi) (Officer Howard) (Dragaux) (Euden) :ultminmin (MC Horace) (Doshin) (Sukapon)

:ultpacman: (Jin) (Goemon) (Alucard) (Black Mage) (Slime) :ultsora: (Arle) (Aigis) (Red) :ultryu: (Chun Li) (Kyo) (Ryu Hayabusa) (Pete) (Sol Badguy)
(Rayman) (Lara) (Master Chief) (Crash) (Kratos) (Chell) (Adventurer) (Miner Willy) (Shovel Knight) (Shantae)​

  • Rex & Pyra (:ultpyra:)/Mythra(:ultmythra:)/Nia (Blade Form) (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
  • Noah & Mio (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
  • Elma (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
  • Alear (Fire Emblem Engage) (uses different lords for their moveset)
  • Anna (Fire Emblem Heroes version)
  • Grimmsnarl (Pokémon Sword and Shield)
  • Gholdengo (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)
  • Otachi (Pikmin 4)
  • Min Min (:ultminmin) (ARMS)
  • Doshin the Giant (It will be a large-scale fighter like The Iron Giant in MultiVersus or the two from Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom)
  • Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight)
  • Euden (Dragalia Lost)
  • MC Horace (Everybody 1-2-Switch)

Third Party
  • Chell (Portal)
  • Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
  • Pete (Story of Seasons)
  • Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear))
  • Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
  • Red (Angry Birds)
  • Jin Kazama (TEKKEN)
  • Alucard (Castlevania)
  • Chun Li (Street Fighter)
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
this game was so fun to play,i'm on 3rd place,but i'm glad that people likes on my roster
now i'll make my own Smash 6 Roster

Super Mario
1. Mario
2. Luigi
3. Peach
4. Toad (New)
5. Bowser
6. Bowser Jr.
7. Rosalina & Luma
8. Daisy
9. King Boo (New)
10. Paper Mario (New)

11. Yoshi
12. Poochy (New)

13. Wario
14. Waluigi (New)
15. Ashley (New)

Donkey Kong
16. Donkey Kong
17. Diddy Kong
18. Dixie Kong (New)
19. King K. Rool

The Legend Of Zelda
20. Link
21. Zelda
22. Ganondorf
23. Impa (New)
24. Midna
25. Toon Link

26. Samus
27. Zero Suit Samus
28. Ridley
29. Dark Samus
30. Raven's Beak

31. Kirby
32. Meta Knight
33. King Dedede
34. Bandana Waddle Dee
35. Adeline & Ribbon (New)
36. Gooey (New)

Star Fox
37. Fox
38. Falco
39. Wolf
40. Krystal

41. Pikachu
42. Mewtwo (New)
43. Scizor
44. Gardevoir
45. Lucario
46. Keldeo (New)
47. Braxien
48. Decidueye
49. Hatterene (New)
50. Gholdengo (New)
51. Grovyle & Celebi (New)

Fire Emblem
52. Marth
53. Celica
54. Ike
55. Lucina
56. Byleth
57. Corrin (New)
58. Alear (New)

Kid Icarus
59. Pit
60. Dark Pit
61. Palutena
62. Viridi
63. Hades (New)

64. Ness
65. Lucas (New)
66. Porky (New)

67. Captain Falcon
68. Black Shadow

69. Inkling
70. Octoling
71. DJ Octavio (New)

Animal Crossing
72. Villager
73. Isabelle

74. Shulk
75. Rex & Pyra/Mythra
76. Noah & Mio (New)

75. Isaac (Golden Sun)
76. Olimar (Pikmin)
77. Chibi-Robo (New)
78. Yuka (Rhythm Haven)
79. Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit) (New)
80. Min Min (ARMS) (New)

81. Ice Climbers
82. Mach Rider
83. Little Mac (Punch-Out)
84. Ayumi Tachibana (Famicom Detective Club)
85. Mr. Game & Watch (Game & Watch)
86. Takamaru (Mysterious Murasame Castle)
87. Mike Jones (StarTroppics) (New)
88. Starman (Pro Wrestling)

89. Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)
90. Tails (Sonic The Hedgehog) (New)
91. Knuckles (Sonic The Hedgehog) (New)
92. Dr. Eggman (Sonic The Hedgehog) (New)
93. Arle Nadja (Puyo Puyo (New)
94. Bayonetta (New)
95. Joker (Persona 5) (New)

it's still not finished,i'll finish later
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